
@ Mandana
2025-03-06 08:51:24
ah! so we have blocks and neighborhoods.
your block is capped at 21 accounts. when you're done scrolling/strolling your block and catching up with their content, you can walk into your neighborhood that may show you more.
everyone has their own block and neighborhood, but also can jump into other people's neighborhoods. your block may be the only place you want to hang out. get in, have some fun, get out of the app and on with your life!
I'll note your customization request! we do want to replicate the real world experience and step out of what legacy social media has normalized.
specifically with ending "following" people and changing that to just adding them to your contacts (like our old school physical address books!). then it won't matter how many people have you in their contacts, your reach is how many blocks or neighborhoods you've been added to.