Block 879457
7 - high priority
6 - medium priority
5 - low priority
2 - no priority
1 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool
Block 879457
7 - high priority
5 - medium priority
4 - low priority
2 - no priority
1 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool
Block 879457
4 - high priority
3 - medium priority
3 - low priority
2 - no priority
1 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool
Block 879457
4 - high priority
3 - medium priority
3 - low priority
2 - no priority
1 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool
What is this sport? And why does it look so boring?
Block 879457
2 - high priority
2 - medium priority
2 - low priority
2 - no priority
1 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool
Block 879456
3 - high priority
3 - medium priority
3 - low priority
2 - no priority
1 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool
Block 879453
4 - high priority
4 - medium priority
3 - low priority
2 - no priority
1 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool
It’s good wording for the target audience: investors. The play on words “timing the market” (something investors already know is a difficult to impossible goal) versus the new concept of “time in the market.”
Block 879452
5 - high priority
4 - medium priority
3 - low priority
2 - no priority
1 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool
Block 879452
5 - high priority
5 - medium priority
5 - low priority
4 - no priority
2 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool
Block 879451
5 - high priority
4 - medium priority
3 - low priority
2 - no priority
1 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool
Relato de um pai que se lamenta e uma mãe que chora.
#Brasil #Feminismo
Block 879449
4 - high priority
3 - medium priority
3 - low priority
2 - no priority
1 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool
Block 879447
6 - high priority
5 - medium priority
4 - low priority
2 - no priority
1 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool
I heard he had a back door
Block 879444
5 - high priority
5 - medium priority
5 - low priority
4 - no priority
2 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool
It checks out.
Block 879442
5 - high priority
5 - medium priority
5 - low priority
4 - no priority
2 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool
Block 879442
3 - high priority
3 - medium priority
3 - low priority
2 - no priority
1 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool
I will remember you,,,,
Jason Bourne or John Wick? 🤔
It is funny but it’s also quite feasible with wider adoption of Nostr. We are so early here it isn’t funny. I don’t think any protocol will replace Nostr, and eventually all social media services will be built on Nostr. You will most likely be living off of zaps within 5 years lol (or at least able to)
I will remember this meme 😢
Block 879439
5 - high priority
5 - medium priority
5 - low priority
4 - no priority
2 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool
Lego-Lani! LEsssGO!🤘
LOL *When your hubby’s a #legofan and a @Satosphere21 fan…of course he’ll create a little Satosphere mini fig of you!🫶
Lego-Lani is one Badass Boss Babe! She sassy and building things…Bitcoin things! Total #Bitcoin #BossBitch energy!💋Lol
Block 879429
6 - high priority
5 - medium priority
4 - low priority
2 - no priority
1 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool
Block 879429
5 - high priority
5 - medium priority
5 - low priority
4 - no priority
2 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool
Living the dream 😂
Block 879421
6 - high priority
6 - medium priority
5 - low priority
2 - no priority
1 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool
Block 879420
7 - high priority
6 - medium priority
5 - low priority
2 - no priority
1 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool
Block 879419
5 - high priority
5 - medium priority
5 - low priority
4 - no priority
2 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool
Ahahaha I was right to mention it then. Excellent 😅🫡
Block 879416
8 - high priority
7 - medium priority
6 - low priority
2 - no priority
1 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool
This custom feed tip from nostr:npub12vkcxr0luzwp8e673v29eqjhrr7p9vqq8asav85swaepclllj09sylpugg is incredible. Chronological feeds of images and videos from the people I follow. It’s all I ever really even wanted from Instagram. I think these should be 2 of the default feed options in the Primal app for new users.
Is this how we do it?
Block 879413
11 - high priority
9 - medium priority
7 - low priority
2 - no priority
1 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool
If you have the ability to jump onto either Amethyst or Olas, you should be able to see it.
Block 879413
5 - high priority
5 - medium priority
5 - low priority
4 - no priority
2 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool
Block 879412
7 - high priority
6 - medium priority
6 - low priority
2 - no priority
1 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool
curious to know if you’ve tried flower CBD at all for pain relief too, which doesn’t get you stoned
Block 879410
9 - high priority
8 - medium priority
7 - low priority
2 - no priority
1 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool
Block 879407
12 - high priority
11 - medium priority
9 - low priority
2 - no priority
1 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool
Beyond grateful and elated when I see a Satosphere globe in its forever home.
Posts like this means everything. Thank you again, nostr:npub1c9j346tpd7rnwwaqptcdjlwydyp9vnslc8jmd3qgxwpaj85r2p4sera4vf 🧡
Block 879407
11 - high priority
10 - medium priority
8 - low priority
2 - no priority
1 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool
hmmm... i don't remember choosing that. but thanks, I will look at it now!
I don’t think my #olas365 are posting outside olas 🤷♀️
Block 879406
5 - high priority
5 - medium priority
4 - low priority
2 - no priority
1 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool
Block 879404
8 - high priority
7 - medium priority
6 - low priority
2 - no priority
1 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool
Block 879398
6 - high priority
5 - medium priority
4 - low priority
2 - no priority
1 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool
Block 879398
6 - high priority
5 - medium priority
4 - low priority
2 - no priority
1 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool
Is the owner of the grocery store there? I've got a suggestion...
I need to buy groceries before the shop closes. but nostr: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 is giving me a 504 😱
Block 879396
2 - high priority
2 - medium priority
2 - low priority
2 - no priority
1 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool
This is why I primarily use 22lr.
Still not crazy expensive tho.
#memes #memestr https://image.nostr.build/7034eaa55329fac7f39f0e412fa6e2e09b90c45061e5ce647a05e9ed01b62f99.jpg
Alchemike: About fucking time...
⚡𝖊𝖙𝖙Ⓐ 𓁣: true candy is made of children, so it is the most very sexiest
Very curious, how do they get paid? How does being an influencer work under the hood? Do they get a check in the mail?
I’m sure DOZENS have read it 🫂
Block 879382
5 - high priority
5 - medium priority
5 - low priority
2 - no priority
1 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool
😒 Damn. Lol
Block 879378
8 - high priority
7 - medium priority
6 - low priority
2 - no priority
1 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool
people that have met me IRL can vouch
am i a frog or not ?
nostr:npub18ams6ewn5aj2n3wt2qawzglx9mr4nzksxhvrdc4gzrecw7n5tvjqctp424 nostr:npub1t3ggcd843pnwcu6p4tcsesd02t5jx2aelpvusypu5hk0925nhauqjjl5g4 nostr:npub1jzuma368395gu523y4vk4d34p0lxgctk436hggn4qcuj93075qgqtn3vm0 nostr:npub17x7htjej3hgcqwqj86u9yvpcunhw6nz4zclzph2zfnlwe4v0yp8qrxvgap nostr:npub1hte85nxymfyez0nlmmxf287nh9cujfuetxhk9vptwcdqg0pn8pxqxasw3d nostr:npub148ut8u4vr8xqd4gefhg6eyc5636p5zthw3zfse2njfkezegczers59ty0w nostr:npub15u3cqhx6vuj3rywg0ph5mfv009lxja6cyvqn2jagaydukq6zmjwqex05rq nostr:npub16secklpnqey3el04fy2drfftsz5k26zlwdsnz84wtul2luwj8fdsugjdxk
Made me laugh 😆
This looks like one to steal and post on Xitter. I will not go there but maybe someone else will.
Join my telescam & buy me gifts
🎯 Dopamine hijacks the brain. They aren't making rational decisions.
Block 879374
11 - high priority
10 - medium priority
8 - low priority
2 - no priority
1 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool
Just arrived yesterday. Installing Primal is turning into a challenge.
Block 879374
9 - high priority
8 - medium priority
6 - low priority
2 - no priority
1 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool
Block 879374
9 - high priority
8 - medium priority
6 - low priority
2 - no priority
1 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool
reminds me of this meme I saved last night 💀 https://i.nostr.build/HIAVk0awWX6riBio.jpg
This was a good listen. Still not entirely sure if feasible 🤔
💪 https://i.nostr.build/YJrHzGZTQYMuDfzr.jpg
Block 879374
5 - high priority
5 - medium priority
4 - low priority
2 - no priority
1 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool
All true, and yet, most people around the world need the utility of stablecoins and shun the volatility of Bitcoin. A combination of education and technology. Slowly, but surely. 💪
Block 879374
5 - high priority
5 - medium priority
4 - low priority
2 - no priority
1 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool
Block 879374
4 - high priority
4 - medium priority
4 - low priority
2 - no priority
1 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool