@ ee9d979e:3fadff64
2025-01-28 22:42:16
By the way nostr:nprofile1qqszv6q4uryjzr06xfxxew34wwc5hmjfmfpqn229d72gfegsdn2q3fgpr3mhxue69uhhxct5v4kxc6t5v5hxs7njvscngwfwvdhk6tcpzfmhxue69uhkummnw3e82efwvdhk6tcpz4mhxue69uhhyetvv9ujuerpd46hxtnfduhsk7wj75. This also fixes upload to Haven's Blossom server on noStrudel.
nostr:nprofile1qqsq4hm8gawvch9y2m7nqghydaw4ym4s4a3gf0u9f9xqm4uy0ul9qvcpremhxue69uhkstnrdajxjmn8v9ex2mnp9e6x7up0da6hgcn00qq3vamnwvaz7tmwdaehgu3dwfjkccte9eshqup0qyghwumn8ghj7mn0wd68ytnhd9hx2tcht4zgq, if possible please await to release until utxo retag if possible so that relay metadata matches the git tag / go package version. I'll also delay the release of my containerised version.
Finally, users both on BadgerDB and LMDB may want to nuke and reimport their notes to get rid of outdated events (on my relay this update deleted ~2m outdated events and made things much, much faster, thanks nostr:nprofile1qqsrhuxx8l9ex335q7he0f09aej04zpazpl0ne2cgukyawd24mayt8gprfmhxue69uhhq7tjv9kkjepwve5kzar2v9nzucm0d5hszxmhwden5te0wfjkccte9emk2um5v4exucn5vvhxxmmd9uq3xamnwvaz7tmhda6zuat50phjummwv5hsx7c9z9 for the fix)
@ 3bf0c63f:aefa459d
2025-01-26 02:06:52
Oh, now I see what you mean. I don't think that compact stuff is relevant here. The thing is that both on Badger and LMDB whenever we got a replaceable event stored twice (apparently because of race conditions) that would break the indexes in some way I forgot, such that it became impossible to delete the older version forever because it would be unreachable. The only way to fix this is to do a full rescan of the database and rebuild all the indexes, which is what LMDB does in its latest migration (well, all the other migrations I deleted because this big rescan makes them unnecessary).
Badger needs that same thing, but I forgot to do it. In any case you can do it manually by copying then nuking the database and then reimporting the events from the old database to the new empty one. I should still write the reindexing migration though.
@ 3bf0c63f:aefa459d
2025-01-26 01:50:26
What compress logic is that? You mean the migration step on LMDB that reindexes all the events? I forgot to do that on Badger because I wanted to see if it would work first.
@ ee9d979e:3fadff64
2025-01-26 01:15:09
nostr:npub1utx00neqgqln72j22kej3ux7803c2k986henvvha4thuwfkper4s7r50e8. You can find the PR for this here: https://github.com/bitvora/haven/pull/61. Tested on Windows, macOS, and Fedora (both x86 and ARM).
I decided against implementing the compress flag because outdated events were also being retained in BadgerDB. As saintly as nostr:npub180cvv07tjdrrgpa0j7j7tmnyl2yr6yr7l8j4s3evf6u64th6gkwsyjh6w6 is, he has only implemented compression logic for LMDB. I'm too lazy to add compress logic for BadgerDB in event store, and it doesn't make sense to implement the compress flag otherwise.
In practice, some old replaceable and addressable events will naturally be deleted as users write new versions. If users find themselves with millions of outdated events stored in the database, as I did, they can always nuke the database and reimport. The different in performance is impressive.
Please let me know once you’ve merged this (or if you need any additional effort on the PR) so I can cut a new Podman/Docker version.
@ 3bf0c63f:aefa459d
2025-01-21 13:59:41
Did I fix that bug? I don't even know.
All I know is that you should all be using the ReplaceEvent hook.
@ ee9d979e:3fadff64
2025-01-21 11:56:30
Hey Ben, thanks for the continuous support! :) My repo is long overdue for an update by the way. I’ve been working on it but couldn’t get the work finished up over the weekend. Hopefully, it’ll be ready today. I’m planning to release an update with the latest upstream version of Haven, along with some extras, including Nginx and LMDB optimisations, keepalive enabled by default and enhanced support for macOS, Windows, and Linux on Arm.
1. nostr:nprofile1qqsrhuxx8l9ex335q7he0f09aej04zpazpl0ne2cgukyawd24mayt8gprfmhxue69uhhq7tjv9kkjepwve5kzar2v9nzucm0d5hszxmhwden5te0wfjkccte9emk2um5v4exucn5vvhxxmmd9uq3xamnwvaz7tmhda6zuat50phjummwv5hsx7c9z9's changes to EventStore and Khatru fixing a bug that caused outdated replaceable and addressable events to linger indefinitely (plus introducing optimised COUNT support)
2. nostr:nprofile1qqsw9n8heusyq0el9f99tveg7r0rhcu9tznatuekxt764m78ymqu36cpz4mhxue69uhkvun9deejuat50phjummwv5hsz8rhwden5te0wfjkccte9e3xjarrda5kuurpwf4jucm0d5hsz9thwden5te0wfjkccte9e6hg7r09ehkuef0avzrjf's upstream updates (by the way utxo, I’ll have a small PR upstream soon to enable NIP-40 / Expiration Timestamp support as well)
3. A few of my own additions already mentioned above
IO and CPU usage for my local Haven container has dropped by over 40%.
Stay tuned!
@ 0adf6747:7f3e5033
2025-01-21 10:19:23
lol, I zapped myself.
@ 7f4b1432:aaf63740
2025-01-21 10:17:54
So true
@ 6e75f797:a8eee74e
2025-01-21 10:08:43
That's up to you my friend. Nobody ever bothers me.
@ 6e75f797:a8eee74e
2025-01-21 10:00:18
But c'mon. How can you not enjoy the clown show from the US? The leaving president pardoned more people than any other president before him including his own family. The entering president starts his turn with a scam. Our representatives still have much to learn from them. Compared to them ours are not even trying to be crucks.
@ acbcec47:dd305bec
2025-01-20 19:19:52
Running haven as a personal relay is the #Nostr equivalent of running your own #Bitcoin node. nostr:nprofile1qqsq4hm8gawvch9y2m7nqghydaw4ym4s4a3gf0u9f9xqm4uy0ul9qvcpremhxue69uhkstnrdajxjmn8v9ex2mnp9e6x7up0da6hgcn00qq3vamnwvaz7tmwdaehgu3dwfjkccte9eshqup0qyghwumn8ghj7mn0wd68ytnhd9hx2tcht4zgq maintains a Docker wrapper, thanks for that!
@ c4f5e7a7:8856cac7
2025-01-20 17:30:27
Awesome! See you soon.
@ 31da8e96:2737a9e0
2025-01-20 13:29:17
@ d60397e8:2fe3fde0
2025-01-20 11:34:32
Das hatte ich schon so verstanden 🙂 ich wollte es nur teilen 😅
@ 658dcf17:1a121bd5
2025-01-20 10:20:04
Check ich mal
Grade in goa
Das ginge auch
Aber zum Leben ??
Weiß nicht so genau
Brauche Community https://image.nostr.build/ffce732665d2e460b847635541727176fdabcecb22627497c9dfd0f021788837.jpg
@ d60397e8:2fe3fde0
2025-01-20 08:11:51
Interessanter Link bin aber direkt über diese Aussage gestolpert "Spekulativ spiele ich dann lieber mit Krypto-Währungen, in die ich seit 2012 bereits investiert sind. Leider hat es als armer Student damals für keine großen Summen an Bitcoin gereicht. Aber die vergangenen Jahre konnte ich mich wie auch gerade aktuell mit Kursgewinnen über 10.000% bei einigen Coins sehr wohl freuen. Ich bin aber kein HODLer, sondern schichte die Gewinne regelmäßig in Unternehmensbeteiligungen um. Den aktuellen Krypto-Boom halte ich für wenig nachhaltig und sehe auch hier eine starke Korrektur in naher Zukunft, die durch stärkere Regulierung und Vertrauensverlust (etwa Tether-Deckung) eingeleitet wird."
@ e2ccf421:4eb9291d
2025-01-19 22:14:10
@ e2ccf421:4eb9291d
2025-01-19 22:13:52
@ e2ccf421:4eb9291d
2025-01-19 21:13:27
@ 0adf6747:7f3e5033
2025-01-19 21:13:27
@ e2ccf421:4eb9291d
2025-01-19 21:13:11
@ e2ccf421:4eb9291d
2025-01-19 21:12:23
@ 3fa0de90:11ef4306
2025-01-19 21:12:09
@ e2ccf421:4eb9291d
2025-01-19 21:11:58
@ 0adf6747:7f3e5033
2025-01-19 21:11:58
gm! working nice!
@ e2ccf421:4eb9291d
2025-01-19 21:11:23
@ e2ccf421:4eb9291d
2025-01-19 21:10:57
@ 0adf6747:7f3e5033
2025-01-19 21:08:35
@ e2ccf421:4eb9291d
2025-01-19 21:08:02
@ 0adf6747:7f3e5033
2025-01-19 21:08:02
@ e2ccf421:4eb9291d
2025-01-19 21:07:53
@ 58eb5586:4a520f12
2025-01-19 20:54:23
Welche alternativen Plattformen empfiehlst Du?
@ f5c22b18:344c21fc
2025-01-18 20:10:21
Buchführung und Buchführungspflicht ist wiederum etwas anders.
Auch in einem Bitcoin-Standard ohne Steuern, wird ein Unternehmen, Interesse an einer Buchhaltung haben müssen. Insbesonderer wenn jeder Satoshi zählt, ist es doch wichtig zu wissen, für was man die ausgibt.
@ f5c22b18:344c21fc
2025-01-18 17:00:26
Buchhaltung und Steuern sind aber zwei unterschiedliche Dinge.
@ bfccad6f:7478a76f
2025-01-18 11:09:41
Ich hoffe das die USA in Sachen Aufarbeitung ein Zeichen setzt.
Das der Corona Kritiker Ballweg zur Trumps Amtseinführung eingeladen wurde, ist für die alte politische Kaste ein Schlag ins Gesicht und ein gutes Zeichen.
Meine Hoffnung liegt bei
Robert F. Kennedy jr.
Wir schauen mal was in den nächsten vier Jahren in den USA passiert.
Hier in Deutschland wird bis 2029 leider gar nichts passieren.
@ d8451780:896e579b
2025-01-17 22:49:54
Let's make p2p no-KYC sats the standard ! We do it already on nostr ⚡️
@ 5468bcee:4605c9ed
2025-01-17 03:19:54
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqpt0kw36ue3w2g4haxq3wgm6a2fhtptmzsjlc2j2vphtcgle72qes5qr8ud nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpq0r8xl2njyepcw2zwv3a6dyufj4e4ajx86hz6v4ehu4gnpupxxp7shn6f9s We unfortunately can't use it as a replacement for AOSP Keyboard because it has GPLv3 rather than solely Apache 2 licensing. The license field there is wrong. We don't want to have the GPLv3 restrictions for GrapheneOS as a whole based on including it but rather we want to not add restrictions beyond what AOSP does.
@ 97c70a44:ad98e322
2025-01-16 23:36:13
In flotilla, it requires hosting a relay. My recommendation is currently github.com/coracle-social/triflector, but that will hopefully change as support matures.
@ 0adf6747:7f3e5033
2025-01-16 22:32:55
How to create a group or space properly?
@ 266815e0:6cd408a5
2025-01-16 22:31:02
nostr:npub1de6l09erjl9r990q7n9ql0rwh8x8n059ht7a267n0q3qe28wua8q20q0sd you might find this useful for the #gamestr group
@ 266815e0:6cd408a5
2025-01-16 22:29:48
Great tool 💯
@ 97c70a44:ad98e322
2025-01-16 21:54:06
moderations.nip29.com is the only project I'm aware of currently.
@ 0adf6747:7f3e5033
2025-01-16 21:41:28
Eventuell auch für Spaces cool, die wir unterstützen könnten beim Anlegen: snicklink, fairtalk etc....
@ 0adf6747:7f3e5033
2025-01-16 21:40:09
nostr:nprofile1qqs2e08vgadp5nu5sxfeanaars73z86mtfr55wdwqwdmcus0m5c9hmqppemhxue69uhkummn9ekx7mp0qyg8wumn8ghj7mn0wd68ytnddakj7qg4waehxw309aex2mrp0yhxgctdw4eju6t09u2ykl7w wir sollten uns mal NIP-29 ansehen und Moderatoren für unseren Space einstellen oder Gruppen. Endlich weg von Telegram und hin zu Gruppen Chat auf Nostr +Moderation/Rollen
@ 0adf6747:7f3e5033
2025-01-16 20:54:21
are there any tools/ui to manage all the NIP-29 events? Or is this still in the early stages and has to be built by yourself?
@ 0adf6747:7f3e5033
2025-01-16 20:49:09
The link in the README.md on Github coracle-social/flotilla to xx.md.
I thought that there would be no more from there for the time being. 🖖
@ 97c70a44:ad98e322
2025-01-16 20:28:01
Here are the relevant nips:
Where are you seeing links to draft nips? I should fix that.
@ 06bc9ab7:427c48f5
2025-01-15 17:29:41
Nextcloud is awesome
@ 190fb4fb:e1aedd43
2025-01-12 11:22:41
My newpipe with Mullvad works fine.
CaylxOS android
@ abd277d9:7d32b92f
2025-01-12 11:09:33
WTF, lol
@ 0adf6747:7f3e5033
2025-01-12 10:41:43
@ 0adf6747:7f3e5033
2025-01-12 10:40:03
self-hosted Blossom NIP-96
@ 0575bf03:62a2b879
2025-01-12 10:35:37
i also watch on freetube
@ 0adf6747:7f3e5033
2025-01-12 10:34:08
Ja hab es nun angemacht und es scheint gut zu funktionieren. Danke :catJAM:
@ 0adf6747:7f3e5033
2025-01-12 10:32:55
With SecureCore and NetShield on, ProtonVPN with FreeTube and Invidious is working right now... :monkaS:
@ 496643ec:ba65eac6
2025-01-12 00:32:31
Stealth Protokoll ausprobiert? Damit komme ich mit Proton noch häufig durch, also ohne Anmeldung. Am bestem in Kombi mit Brave. Ist allerdings nur eine Frage der Zeit.
@ 800e0fe3:d8468b0b
2025-01-12 00:28:36
Goodbye to YouTube
Goodbye to Reddit
Goodbye to Discord
Soon the only thing left still accessible on the internet is the same 10 people that post on Nostr.
@ 800e0fe3:d8468b0b
2025-01-12 00:11:20
As of when?
@ 800e0fe3:d8468b0b
2025-01-12 00:09:54
Google-provided VPN is an oxymoron. They are the main reason you need a VPN.
@ 3ba9b8cf:73ee1623
2025-01-11 18:52:54
I use Tubular relatively successfully with Protonvpn.
Occasionally you have to reconnect to some weird country to make it work
@ f838b6a0:13becc17
2025-01-11 16:59:06
@ abd277d9:7d32b92f
2025-01-11 16:44:48
What is the video platform on Nostrnet?
@ 3bcc5632:9003d8b8
2025-01-11 15:32:29
If I was to guess why, I would say their vpn isn't providing the privacy they claim.
@ cb03cacc:56020612
2025-01-11 15:26:45
Ironically it seems to work with Google Pixel build-in VPN by Google One 🤷
@ 3bcc5632:9003d8b8
2025-01-11 14:54:11
Newpipe doesn't work with my vpns either.
@ 0b81291c:49e04024
2025-01-11 14:43:23
My VPN’s work and so doesn’t Brave browser for blocking ads, but now YouTube starts enforcing mandatory sign in for me
@ f527cf97:65e232ee
2025-01-11 14:41:02
That's true, we have to try harder.
@ 6ad3e2a3:c90b7740
2025-01-11 14:34:21
I respect this -- try to have the VPN on whenever possible and despise Youtube/Google.
But freedom tech is about the inability of the state to stop you, irrespective of whether you have a poor social credit score from watching the “wrong” videos.
Yeah, I watched that one about the Bill Gates depopulation agenda, and yeah I watched that other one about how 9/11 was an inside job. What are you gonna do about it, bitches?
I’m the captain now.
@ 21c1a525:0c84fb3a
2025-01-11 14:28:27
Same issues with mullvad. I couldn't watch since weeks. I can't even watch on regular YouTube, without a Google account I can't log in.
@ 454bc277:e4a9561a
2025-01-11 14:27:05
I sorta rely on Google to feed me more cooky fun stuff, but I seed it with random stuff found on Nostr or from other peoples' music tastes so it stays fresh
@ 0c45d7d4:5e443e4d
2025-01-11 14:14:02
They can't be undermined, too strong of a network effect tbh.
They literally built video platforms.
I mean we can try but so far Odysee, and Rumble haven't scratched the surface.
@ f527cf97:65e232ee
2025-01-11 14:11:59
Yeah, let's not forget about Google. The biggest fiat social media of them all. nostr:nevent1qgsq4hm8gawvch9y2m7nqghydaw4ym4s4a3gf0u9f9xqm4uy0ul9qvcqyzufuewve3kjhdckclqpljr8yzehz693hlnj7eurm406xfa08kywunf8mu5
@ 0adf6747:7f3e5033
2025-01-11 13:59:17
Muss bei mobile NewPipe auch oft die Location wechseln, damit es wieder geht. Google kämpft gerade dagegen an, wie es scheint.
@ 0adf6747:7f3e5033
2025-01-11 13:56:01
Most nostr:nprofile1qqsdru78zcu6uwa6zlludjx7k87m8ft9q6e5jgsn6qe49rxzj9frwpqpz4mhxue69uhhyetvv9ujumt0wd68ytnsw43qz9thwden5te0v35hgar09ec82c30wfjkcctehznuka IPs, too.
@ cb03cacc:56020612
2025-01-11 13:55:29
What about Brave-NewPipe?
@ acbcec47:dd305bec
2025-01-11 13:54:17
IVPN still works for me.
@ 75d12141:3458d1e2
2025-01-08 17:15:58
I've seen it too many times😁
@ 0adf6747:7f3e5033
2025-01-08 00:40:12
@ de7ab932:ecb0e377
2025-01-07 11:27:34
ANDROID PHONE located Uber dude just messaged me!!!
@ 6e75f797:a8eee74e
2025-01-07 10:11:45
Eher nicht.
@ de14fe62:f229e53a
2025-01-06 07:15:59
@ 16b86765:1502af36
2025-01-05 18:22:49
Blah blah blah, useless text, nonsense, Welcome to the Hell Thread
@ 496643ec:ba65eac6
2025-01-05 16:32:09
Finally I get some notifications. Felt left out
@ 531b76e9:cb8e1bd9
2025-01-05 16:27:28
No, I haven't heard anything about the phone.
@ de7ab932:ecb0e377
2025-01-05 13:31:52
I miss my android phone nostr:npub12vdhd6ft2sfeq7jmlxcwk8penfjfqsz28n7n2ufw0tj0tjuwr0vsawdu57 did I ever arrive to you?
@ 3f770d65:7a745b24
2025-01-05 02:35:59
that's how you get nostr:npub1gcxzte5zlkncx26j68ez60fzkvtkm9e0vrwdcvsjakxf9mu9qewqlfnj5z to build shit
@ 8fb140b4:f948000c
2025-01-05 02:34:15
You can try, but there is always a risk 😂😂😂
@ 8c71091d:5a1d6fe6
2025-01-05 02:33:55
*sends 1 million sats* 👀
@ 3f770d65:7a745b24
2025-01-05 02:32:59
damn that's like over 3x. can i try that with more sats?
@ 8fb140b4:f948000c
2025-01-05 02:32:26
Returned with interest 😂😂😂
@ 3f770d65:7a745b24
2025-01-05 02:31:46
very kind of you sir. here. hold these 21 sats for me.
@ 8fb140b4:f948000c
2025-01-05 02:30:58
You can send them all to me for “safekeeping” 😂😂😂(jk)
@ 8c71091d:5a1d6fe6
2025-01-05 02:29:23
I’m just here to complain about having to move my Alby wallet sats tonight ..
@ 6e75f797:a8eee74e
2025-01-04 16:03:08
that didn't compute!
@ a87b402a:8fefbdf1
2025-01-04 02:46:51
What a despicable creature, you should be ashamed of yourself
@ 0adf6747:7f3e5033
2025-01-04 02:18:23
@ 6e468422:15deee93
2025-01-04 02:13:10
@ f81a077f:0274814d
2025-01-02 14:33:51
lol. Enthält auch ne Homage an SiW!! .... few
@ f901616f:95c58e27
2025-01-01 19:23:51
@ d60397e8:2fe3fde0
2025-01-01 19:20:19
I wish you the best for 2025