What exactly is the Primal caching service? Is it a relay with extra bells and whistles?
The same happened to me 👀 nostr:nprofile1qqstxwlea9ah3u6kjjszu6a7lrnhqkfh8eptp2z6v0e9558tlkkl2rgpz4mhxue69uhhyetvv9ujuerpd46hxtnfduhsz9mhwden5te0wfjkccte9ec8y6tdv9kzumn9wshszxnhwden5te0wfjkccte9ekkjmnfvf5hguewvdshx6p07xr4s5
test comment after refactor
test comment 2
test comment 1
You're disappointed? I'm disappointed in me for not having a dress like that in my wardrobe(and not having the shape to wear it so well).
This looks a lot like the 'Queen' version of a Roger Taylor.
nostr:npub1femd0mrawr0jmtjr2jwa2nm90haxrpglzdt6tt0djrsav39e53asf74aer mine need more training
doh. a lightning channel just forced closed on me... booo.
This looks like the other John Williams, the composer.
8. Today is definitely 8.
Ah, Genesis, No Son of Mine, one of so many great tracks they released around that time.
This reminds me of a guy who wanted to be a painter...
We don't have the storage pools to be a problem after it...
Bullshit, usual bullshit, no need to send them you just fell for it & dragged the rest of us in...
But go ahead and reset the board. 🤣
Don't take me wrong, I do understand the perpetual war concept. It was nicely explained in 1984. I'm seriously asking what do you propose to do now instead of it? You have imperialism par excellence coming from the east. Do you just give up? Do you offer appeasement? Since it worked so good with Crimea, Georgia, etc.
On individual level, if you have a rabid bear running in your neighborhood and attacking your neighbors, what would you do?
Nám dost pomohly dvě mimina za covidu. Ta prvorodičovská panika, jak obstarat ten malej živej bochník a do toho najednou všechny ty politický mrdky, u druhýho už jsme měli jasno, že toto teda ne.
Mám problém se s tím vnitřně srovnat, ale jo, zní to jako rozumná strategie.
An empires solution to keep ruling out the people
Funny how war never benefits the people, let alone the good American people paying for the party with their hard work and even less those who are chosen by the emperor to wage war against their brothers and sisters to serve the rules, rather than to celebrate life.
As say nigger fuck you
The solution is always war, the more weapons and blood spilled the better, especially if it benefits U.S. interests.
Long live the dollar and the Covid!
Keep calm and stack sats.
Tinyhouse se silným autem, práce na dálku, homeschooling,... My už jsme nějaký ten pátek v módu "jak promptně nasrat a vypadnout."
Ale není to komfortní ani levný.
So what do you propose? Isolationism? How well did that work? Sacrifice Europe, so you can later send those poor young people to die on the battlefield? Paying someone else (🇺🇦) to fight is IMHO the best and cheapest option the "free world" has now.
Přijde mi děsivé, jak se pomalu přestáváme ptát "jestli válka bude," ale začínáme se ptát "kdy bude."
Here is a link to this masterpiece https://youtu.be/3-dvi1f_2vA
I was using it in pill form and subjectively it did nothing. I would say waste of money... Maybe not ginkgo but the pills I was using were for sure. #answernostr
#grownostr #meme
I've decided to take a break from my mental health to focus on my social media.
Who needs browsers? You have curl.
A dobré ráno. https://image.nostr.build/98ed4d47964c9005c0bc3fceb33b624531fce1437e8fce2e9c5febbbd5b1cf4b.jpg
#GM #bearstr #coffeestr #coffee #coffeechain
For me it's an indicator that I'm about to get a migraine and I make sure the sumatriptan is to hand.
Wow, you already got so much of terrible advice. I guess people are telling you what would work for them and not necessarily for you. So let me provide you with some bad advice.
Accept reality. Relationships do sometimes end. It is sad, but it is true.
Don't beg unless there is something to forgive. If you just grown apart there is nothing to do about it. Treat her with love, let her know how you feel and close this chapter. Refrain from calling her names, blaming her and similar stuff. Apologies if you already did. Remember that ideally you want to stay friends.
Year is already long time, but still allow yourself to grief. There is nothing bad on feeling sad, melanchic or depressed. Don't hide from it, process your feelings.
Once you start feeling better, put yourself out there and start looking for for someone new.
Simple use this character ` 3× one line above and one line under your code.
Hello Nostr World!
They would be with just a little help from Photoshop!
nostr:npub1fv9jfas30vtsspt0qf3zwgu5vwrmugvkac77n8a32cejpsq5cxdsqsj9ta it is more about the fact that the website states IE11 despite that no longer being available. Why have they not updated the site? It is just weird.
I run Bitdefender and have done for many years and I'm pretty sure I no longer have any flavour of IE installed. Any links from within the app open in the default browser without any issues for me.
Very nice
For running you want to use LM Studio. Open-source, Super easy, Supports all the main models...
In simple terms immigration is good. Murdered, torture, rape, pain, destruction and despair to the other hand are not good.
Good morning #Nostr. https://image.nostr.build/40c234c0bcef89efd9f86fa4ae45a35077d2ff217f18851c8b79d79be397ad79.jpg
I would think so 😉
Both are surprisingly good, right?
No jo, je tu jeden velký rynek, kde každou chvíli vidíš známou tvář... Jestli se mi to nezdá, tak v tomhle studiu Václav jako mistr zvuku udělal několik dnes už slavných podcastů.
Svět je malej😁 A Wasyl teď sdílel nahrávací studio tuším s Josefem Tětkem, nevím, zda pořád.
No to je náhodička, já mu kdysi doma zapojoval ethernet.
Kyseláči chystaj furt něco. To víš, že jsem kdysi Wasylovi nazpívala vokály?😁
Pánek, Samek, Hnátek... Zase něco chystají.
#Ukraine #StandWithUkraine
Nakonec to dopadlo úplně jinak... Skoro do půlnoci jsem řešil pracovní věci a pak už jsem neměl chuť ani na pivo z lednice, natož někam chodit.
Its a process for building individualised "auto moderators" based on individual npubs' reporting history and interactions history.
Still a work in progress - it works, but its not user friendly yet and none of the mainstream Nostr clients support it yet either.
One step at a time, we'll get there!
Can you tell me more about Minitru? What is it and how it works? I found the TOR hosted repo, but I'm not able to access it.
Better. Thank you.
Moooorning Velvet ! How are you? 💓
Art captures this absolute maximum.
Photography, even more so.
Indeed! 🔥🔥🚀🧑🏼🚀
So will the price of BTC itself.
+179.00 (0.28%)today
Artist wear their hearts ❤️ on their sleeves and everywhere else on their person.
Be kind to artists. They can immortalize your memory on creative ways.
~ V 💙
I can always find me my current thoughts, concerns, and dreams in my own art.
This one is called "Should I Go?"
Prophetic, on my part I believe considering my recent tech drama.
Thank you for listening. It's a real concern.
I was lost
And I'm still lost
But I feel so much better
You can travel the world
But you can't run away
From the person you are in your heart
You can be who you want to be
Make us believe in you
Keep all your light in the dark
If you're searching for truth
You must look in the mirror
And make sense of what you can't see
Just be
Just be
They say learning to love yourself
Is the first step
That you take what you want to be real
But flying on planes to exotic locations
Won't teach you how you really feel
Face up to the fact
That you are who you are
And nothing can change that belief
Just be
Just be
Cause now I know
It's not so far
To where I go
The hardest part
It's inside me
I need
To just be
To just be
Just be
Read the replies. I changed my mind with new information.
I do that from time to time. Lol
Thanks for sharing your story 🙏
Eh. With the help I'm getting, ice changed my mind.
I'll still show them. Lol
Gn liar 💋 :)
I wish I had one!
I'd rather ne FULLIN or FEELIN. Or FILLING...
Maybe I should sleep 😵 GN
I want for HALFIN to be voted to respect that man forever.
Halfin a time.
I refuse to call it the Halving any more.
Mr. Halfin is as responsible for us knowing about Bitcoin as Satoshi himself was. He OPENED our minds.
It should be called the Halfin to respect his legacy. Run with Halfin and advocate for it to be called that. Please.
Say something. Make it happen.
what a lucky boy~!! ^_^
(happy halving 🐱)
No. Halfin.
It deserves to be called that. Please advocate for it, the man is responsible for our freedom right up there with Satoshi.
So beautiful. My synisthesia makes me taste savory gravy with a bit of bitter like sour cream or Greek yogurt looking at that color.
It's close to mazarine blue but not quite.
I call myself Velvet Blue because most blues taste th best to me.
My hubby is a Bitcoiner and pretty sweet.
21 bloques Velvet 🫡😲😲😲🫣
That should be a miner cut in half, and not a Bitcoin.🤭
Ok this can’t be a coincidence
War. War never changes.
Bitcoin can change it.
me too
life's better with something sweet 🍓🍰
Yay! A wild Margot appears!
life's lemons, and me.
Nemáš zač. Užij si to.
Glad you decided to hang around on nostr for a little longer! lol
Why is it that no matter how much you have on the knife it's never enough to properly butter a slice of toast?
So it’s a “her” white knight in cunting alien life theme, where can’t come? But a mom?
How is that not a womb or other life supporting functions annihilator or inhibitor?
Are you stupid somehow, mom?
Don’t worry about having a stoplight on the wrong turn getting your head blown off when invaders come to town, mom.
👾 https://image.nostr.build/1c50ea892cc778eda079167757ca301a20593686464f9ccb1d6c092cbe7b98cd.jpg
GN ✌🏻
Are you in Australia?