I have a patch bay for my emotions.
My friend Christian has a cleft nostril.
Humans don't really like one another.There is just very wide range of tolerence.
Humans treat those close to them (family / understanding friends) with less respect than those more distant for two reasons:
1. It is understood that the former will get over it regardless.
2. Humans are in general too concerned about what the latter think of them.
Amusingly, one of the things I missed terribly this morning about my ex-home in logroño was washing the dishes there.
A person can only ever love another on his own terms. Or her own terms. Or its own terms. A cat, however, a person can love unconditionally.
Would ot bewise to purchase all 20+ fuzz pedals from Basic Audio?
To be eliminated. It's the proper way.
Some people buy new toys or electronic gadgets or table games or troqueles to fill the emptiness and stagnation that endless routine creates. Others move to the other side of the Earth and begin new and sometimes completely alien routines.
I fell asleep last night listening to Köhntahrkösz Part 1.
Sweet Entropy plays along the undercurrents of these weeks.
Someone is shooting a film at Hroch's farm. I can't wait to see it.
Jeníček cannot recall the names of the hospody, cafés nor of the restaurants that we attended throughout epochs and epochs.
Numbers 13 & 14 - two long, meandering improvs in two days. Life is very unlike a caterwauling bovine. https://faircamp.thurk.org/lilting-ululations/ #ambient #DroneMusic #AmbientGuitar #synth
Soon, the SYNTRX II will experience sonic goopiness through the Make Noise QPAS.
How long can one play arpeggios over a Db7 chord before one becomes an amoeboid automation?
Lapsang Souchong with hazlenut "milk". A scrumptious start to the hazy morning.
The formerly twtxt feed is now taken wholly from Nostr - specifically my relay at nostr.thurk.org. I've yet to implement search. I must decide if I want to use a cached version or just fetch the feed anew each time. For a keyword search, this appears to be the only way. For timestamp ranges, filters as described in NIP01 could be used. If I tagged each post in some custom way, Nostr tags could also be used. It's something to ponder.
Can I fetch and parse this nostr feed from my Elixir "app"? I suspect so, but testing is a good thing.
One arrives at conclusions upon awakening only to have them dissolve from consciousness minutes or even seconds later.
What kind of lemur do you think I am, anyway?
in the next life, i shall associate with only 'well adjusted' humans.
Walking through the streets of Logroño listening to Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun.
I believe I am slipping. The other day, I ordered two cans of shaving cream. I had a choice of what TYPE, but unlike in formative years, I chose two of the same TYPE instead of one of each. Yes - slipping.
People don't want to read or watch things that describe and therefore make them 'sad' about the human condition. They want to read or watch things that make them laugh about nothing in particular and therefore feel comfortable remaining in the human condition.
It occurs to me that many people do not choose the music they like themselves, or not wholly themselves. They let popular culture choose for them. I choose the music I listen to because it appeals to me deeply in an intellectual, visceral or atavistic manner.
It's possible and most likely common to despise humanity as a whole but hold in high esteem 'being human'.
The bookends to The Fen like gardens of solace and what goes inbetween the journey from one to the other.
And isn't music just what some bloke or another thought sounded good at one point then handed off to another and another and the most popular survived como survival of the fittist? I think it has something to do with it. We are the stray branches, the weed spouts that have ansia for something tangible but are cut from the 'trunk'.
What about the other side of the monster? Yes, in a Grendel sense, but on a less violent scale. The father who abandons the pregnant teen because he knows his life would be destroyed afterwards. Etc.
Humans generalize normality to their own bubbles and then question others' perception of normality. Thus begins conflict.
I had a strange, involved dream about Andrew. I don't recall the details, but it seemed to be a hybrid of time spent with him, mine and James's current project and the novel I'm reading.
Relationships are too fragie. People are too egoistic and stubborn to compromise. I cannot do it nor can she. The end is in sight once again
Christian ends up a desperate balding man with a panchita wife who orders him around like a toy kitten
The problem with Scandinavian teenagers is the death they haven't experienced yet.
In Black mirror, Selma Hayek replaces God as the creature to 'debase' in a ranking of classes. Mere grunt who watches 'tv personalities', tv personalities themselves, and God
One chooses what one is sentimental and retrospective about. One chooses what one is regressive about, as well. I'm certain many exist who spurn digital photography and thus adhere to the 'puro' methods of analogue photography.
Spanish people live in states of extremes. I assume this is from the extreme Catholic culture they experience as youngsters, whether they practise the religion or not. After childhood, they retain a state of adolescence until one day, decades later, they are simply suddenly old. #spain #sociology #SpanishCulture
My observations tell me that most people ask leading questions, whether they do it consciously or not. Most people already expect a certain answer or at least a certain form of answer when they ask a question. My goal is to stay ever-open to exploratory conversation. Neurolinguistic programming is for assholes.
After shaving with my 'safety' razor, I adore the miniscule stings from the myriad tiny cuts when I rinse my face afterwards.
Why is 'Real to Real Cacophony' one of my most preferred albums? Because I choose for it to be. #BareMusic #taste
My opinion about the benzodiazepine epidemic in España is that 'La Gente Del Mar Mediterráneo' generally think that appearance is ultimately the most important aspect of living. This creates exponential exterior pressure to conform to perceived norms. Thus the excess of anxiety. I'm not personally affected, really, but it is apparent all around me. I laugh and laugh, but with a furrow on my brow.
I'm trying to learn a little J every day - open my mind to a programming language way.
Free association of words to name people they immediately remind me of.
The act of simply writing a task down, and especially in ink (or pencil for you anachronistic types) increases the possibility of completing it (that day). The concept fascinates me.
I'm amused that humans with Obessive Compulsive Disorder usually cannot stand each other simply because they are obsessive-compulsive about different things.
A thorough search of my antiquated external hard drive revealed the voice messages from Hela I used for the Botanical Gardens piece. It will be elaborated and improved on for the so-called 'Electronic' album. #music #hela
As an old friend who is now consigned to the wastelands of southern Arizona used to say: 'ANOTHER ONE!'
Now I obliterate the old file with something explicately thurked. Let's try it.
I seem to be testing the gemini 'twtxter', for lack of a better name currently.
I've been awake for half an hour and I already feel the pressure around my eyes. I shall just have to deal with it and begin a semblance of a routine today - and get some creativity DONE.
Blearily I attempt to concentrate on concentrating on Gibbet. I have no success. I shall listen to Christian's newest synthesizer noodlings instead. More later, I hope.
The bass and vox are now integrated into Union, though the latter needs a few retakes. Now to wake the universe with a cold shower.
English Breakfast resides in the pale green cup, waiting to be sipped or gulped or otherwise imbibed. Now to get back to work on Estrellas Oscuras and then Pony Ride. Fuck um.
I have fixed the search engine for the http version of martenblog, as it was previously based on a now defunct MongoDB apparatus. #programming #martenblog
I added percussion to the most 'ambient' part of A Parchment, grubbying up the 'ambience'. From the first, I'm paying quite a bit of attention to placement and movement in stereo space of each part. Fuck um. #JogMyAmnesia #music
A Parchment is somewhat developed now. Should I leave it for my session with Matthew or come up with an ending sequence - an ambience reflecting the initial part? It's for Sweet Entropy to decide. #music #JogMyAmnesia
I'm meticulously entering notes into the SQ-64 for the second UZ part of Billard Tournament. #music #NineSidedDie
The ever changing piece of music related to the ever changing name (currently A Cubic Light Year of Sod) is slowly being pieced together. What I call the 'Magma part' is written, or at least mostly written. It sounds nothing like Magma. #music #NineSidedDie
I eschewed much of the modulation I keyed in to Supercollider yesterday for some simple randomization of the filter cutoff & wave shape given a triangle wave on Mullah. I found a good fog hornish sound emitted by fiddling with the dry/wet control of the hall reverb. So the intro of A Cubic Lightyear of Meat is slowly fleshed out. I'm not anywhere close to satisfied with it, however. #music #NineSidedDie #ACubicLightyearOfMeat
I'm pausing from writing in Supercollider the synth arps for the introduction of A Cubic Lightyear of Meat. Writing in this way is tedious. I need constant breaks. I need a quick CV sequencer for SBUP when I retrieve it.
I have the gear that I shall take to Spain. What is left is only sufficient for practise, so no more recording until Europe! #music
Olšanské Hřbitovy is in the state I'll leave it until settling into music making again in Spain. Much is still work in progress, but I'm satisfied with the skeleton. #music #ResidentBeatPoet #NineSidedDie
I begun the arduous task of writing and recording 'tentative' parts to the second section of Olšanské Hřbitovy. The piece is becoming very involved. #music #ResidentBeatPoet
Hoy es un día de vagancía. Thus, I have practised and I DID re-record the verse sections of I'm the One Flying, but otherwise, I feel as if I've been pressed into lassitude's eternal mud-pit. #music #lethargy
I'm managed to expand Olšanské Hřbitovy to perhaps twice its length, though the latter half is badly underdeveloped. I continue to listen and take notes. #music #ResidentBeatPoet
I've relearned and redone a bit of Olšanské Hřbitovy. I shall concentrate on the as of yet unwritten second half during the next few days (or WEEK, vole). I'm thinking to send a scratchier version to Kris earlier in the composition process to see what ideas he may come up with. #music #ResidentBeatPoet
Deleriously lethargic day. My brain smites me. I cannot smite back! Two improves seeped out somewhere, and one is actually listenable. Fuck um. #music #improvisation #lethargy
Miniature #4 'Precluded Poet' finished, a modal experiment with different pentatonics over minor and lydian chords. Renata bookends it. #music #BronzePomegranate
For Full Spectrum Records, possibly my future nemesis, I've created a non-normalised version of #PaganPark. It sounds surprisingly good. I'll send it off possibly later today. #music
Monobiopsychosis is finished. The mix is muddy, but that is ok for now. Overall, the guitar parts accentuate the lugubrious atmosphere. #music #BronzePomegranate
The matra-bass I've LAID OUT is excellent. I'm not sure of my absolute groove capacity, but fuck um. #music #BronzePomegranate
I'm slowly making my way through 'Monobiopsychosis', the third in the 'miniatures' series. My lethargy has been peaking the last few days. I have little desire to do ANYTHING. It's lamentable. #music #lethargy #BronzePomegranate
I did another mix of Fehut Felu. I also redid the bass line during the 'transition'. Depending on what Chris does with his vocal part, I'm not sure much more can be done with this. It's WACKY. #music #PaganPark
Podél Směrů is now on Bandcamp and Funkwhale for all the universe to absorb. #music #PodélSměrů
Miniature #2 'Ptáci' is done. Oddly muted, it is! It seems like I didn't eq the highs correctly. That's fine. Time to move on. I'll remaster all of them at the end. #music #BronzePomegranate
Today was the first intense practise (guitar) I've had since Covid struck me down Sobota. Amusingly, I worked on CAGED hovno and their relation to actual scales, though interspersed were speed studies and I need to get the muscles of my extremeties back in shape. #music #guitar
A bit more of 'ptáci' emerge from the niggulum this evening. The end is a meandering fiiiis that is feed back upon itself and recursively modulated (Baklengs) until HIDEOUS. Space sounds cascade over its burbling form. #music #BronzePomegranate
I began the second miniature 'Ptáci'. It has overlapping descending guitar lines that will harmonize somewhat and I hope also clash. I haven't planned them too elaborately. #music #BronzePomegranate
The final mastering tweak to Feudal Fetish (and Podél Směrů, overall) was to sidechain compress the main track to the KO separately, as well as automate the EQ on the KO to get rid of the high swishing during the recurring 'drum'. Now just to listen through it all one more time! #music #PodélSměrů
Perhaps I should wait to hear the whole album on my new closed back headphones, contrasting them to the Bayerdynamics (open back). Knowing Sweetwater, however, it may take seven millennia for them to arrive. Bastards. #music #audio #monitoring #PodélSměrů
Yesterday evening, I sent an email to Zenapolae to ask were they interested in publishing Podél Směrů. I included links to John Newman's Severed Head Still Speaks and Wondering if the Bellows Will Blow. I'll write up the credits to the album in a bit (perhaps after this toot) and, as Chris finished the cover, get everything ready for release. #music #PodélSměrů
I did a ditty called Palaeontology which may be the beginning of a semi-daily funkwhale agenda. In contrast to the drones of last month, these will be miniatures. #music #BronzePomegranate
I'm the one Flying is 'finished', meaning I cobbled together all the guitar parts. If there is general approval by Renata, I'll do a definitive version. #music #renata
I redid the chord melody of vlci AGAIN, plus increased the width of the stereo image on several of the tracks. #music #PodélSměrů
I'm reworking the second melody recursive strategy on John Newman's Severed Head Still Speaks. I make an initial master yesterday of the whole album and am moderately happy with it. A few tweaks are in order. #music #PodélSměrů
I integrated Kris's bass into Vlci and redid the arpeggio guitar part. Also, some questionable comping occurs in the midsection. #music #Podél Směrů
This time the white noise is on purpose! #drone #music
Drone 9 was plagued with the aforementioned and dreaded HISS, or high NOISE FLOOR. Where it is coming from exactly, I still don't know, but I suspect the compressor and Wampler. Putting the Tumnus before the compressor may have been a bad idea. I shall MODIFY it. In any case, I EQed much of it out to the point that it's really only noticeable during the beginning, very quiet part. #drone #music
Wondering if the Bellows Will Blow seems at a finished state. I added a few sparse guitar tinkles here and there - nothing distracting - and swells and chords to accompany the flow. The real issue was getting rid of CLICKS and POPS. I couldn't eq them all out without fucking up part of the overall high end, but I futzed with it for quite a while. #music #Podél Směrů
Chris's four part harmony is now integrated into John's Severed Head Still Speaks. It's brilliant. #music #PodélSměrů
Oops. I just ordered a Mu-Tron Biphase II. #music #pedals
Initially, I feel the eighth drone (Hup Jaum Hoziz) is uninspired. Do I have an excuse? Nah - fuck um. It's certainly different than what came before, although many Flavigula elements remain, which is the way it should be. The ever-present Argon8 noise backdrop can be an irritant. #drone #music
I've finished the drafts of all guitar parts in I'm the One Flying except for the choruses. I'll get to those later. It sounds pretty spectacular. If #Renata gives approval, I'll rerecord everything so that the guitar is more 'uniform' throughout. #music
Christian's vox are within the Vlcí construct now. Nothing more can be done. His idea of gradually increasing reverb at the end was a good one. #PodélSměrů #music
I remixed Chris's vox on Pagan Park - Seminole, Texas (Dusk). I also added what I'd termed as a 'splash' immediately before it. I LIKE it. During the meandering second half (which I am immensely satisfied with), his footsteps also meander. I like the placement somewhat, but I'll have to relisten a number of times to know if their disappearance during the midst of the meandrance is apt or not... #music #PaganPark
The seventh drone (Hup Jaum Sequmiz) was a noisy affair, consisting of the Kastle Drum creating arbitrary bursts of static and 'beats' into the Infinity Looper 2. I haven't listened to it yet, though I did post it on Funkwhale (after checking for HISSSSSS, of course). Perhaps it'll be tonight's lullaby. #music #drone
Integrating Kris's TWO bass parts into John Newman's Severed Head Still Speaks was entertaining. The frequency ranges are going to make me have to redo at least the first organ part. I'll redo both, actually, with a bit more tweaking of the RESONANCE and possibly also use the Quasar. #PodélSměrů #music
Hup Jaum Sisiz - the sixth drone - is finished. I couldn't implement some of Jayrope's suggestions, such as feeding some of my 'units' back upon themselves, as I don't have the proper cables here. The Raster and Polymoon can be tuned to self-oscillation, however, and the drone benefitted from such settings. As I listen, there is a persistent white noise throughout! The looper must have captured Herr Polymoon too often when it was near its self-oscillating state. So it goes. #drone #music
The ambient intro to I'm the One Flying reminds me of the introduction to Lucky Leif and the Longships. #music #RobertCalvert #renata