Very simplistic https://invite.strike.me/F1ALL4
But its custodial and ok for less then a million sats
Has anyone ever thought about the fact why Satoshi choose halving to take place every 4 years?
Maybe he wanted to demonstrate what’s happening to us during the election cycle, just a random thought!
#bitcoin #satoshi #election #halving #asknostr nostr:note19snkv4g5fz00s0egzkv25cjv0zy6zgttu7rcfz69zeshwa2xuw7qm85s5j
Gold! Elon must have watched it too many times!
Nothing else to add https://image.nostr.build/ce08a62fdb56a62adf501e2bd8648fca40d96f7502a4adc644fb56ab658c1cd8.jpg
Gibt ein paar live streams on youtube suf english hindusan times zb
Bitpanda does
#saturn https://image.nostr.build/d2ff6d89ec30744b7ec4abcdc163e9d1cdf2f5eea66ab6fbf3a2764faa85cc50.jpg
Sharing music nostr:npub17ce4m6hrmnnanhhrge3zhztwphpjhrmzjhkswmf6evg4tu3yssyqtqajdu
Cooles video
nostr:npub1dsecfau7mp9fsyj8q62q9gmappytm4elpk3hpppvcglydqe2yy8qqf7f3c & nostr:npub17ce4m6hrmnnanhhrge3zhztwphpjhrmzjhkswmf6evg4tu3yssyqtqajdu
Drop down to 71?
Is bitcoin and ecash in the meantime a thing for them?
Yeah for how much longer do you reckon?
He did a good job in PR for Bitcoin…
El Salvador with it’s new line of credit by the IWF are being forced to abandon, its legal tender Bitcoin acceptance and shutdown chivo wallet.
BER check
Next stop LUT
#Christmas in #England !
Since i can connect my nostr profile, i understand since alby supports NWC connection that once such an api is there i can hookup my wallet and send users sats or is it me thinking that to easy?
i meant between Node Operators within LN plus
I have read a few articles back then from different media sites and there are all followed the same narrative, i do agree with most of the points you have posted, however I have never questioned the 6th Jan in such a way.
The narrative in Europe came down to the point he didn’t accept the loss of the election, which to be fair if it was a fake election this point would be missing on your list, right?
Look i was just trying to understand what you have posted with regard to the 6th Jan.
If you have anything to read up about it to understand the narrative? That would be cool. I personally find it a bold statement.
Bad english, man you are the first one to tell me that….
Yeah a german word being used one unable to manage his emotions, normally…
Well just by saying it you are not using a different approach than the current media…
So it was a planned tour which just went horrible wrong with the dead police officer just at the wrong time at the wrong place? Or were there any casualties after all?
But what was January 6th then, if not an insurrection?
nostr:npub17tlh448s3tfdfgymehqdkdn52as59qsrax0n9h58pk54wcmqyc2qklzsxj is there a way to sent some sats to a user direct ?
I tried one from cln first which didn’t go through and then tried lnd
Cancelled my membership back then with them, they called me up and since I am in Europe, they said that they have nothing to do with the US body of Greenpeace… also created a stir at home that decision of mine…
They Sent Error Channel 9e2fb4039d3774f2a705aa3a26c71793c6f9842da944e386e182b1bcd3d6545b: Currently Not Accepting Public, Broadcasted Channel Opens From Your Node. Please Try Again With An Unannounced Channel Or Reach Out To The Zeus Team To Apply To Be Whitelisted.
From my LND node i was able to purchase a channel which funnily was routed via my CLN Node where the payment failed. I am trying now open an outbound channel but this is failing with above message
Maybe there is a difference how CLN and LND are behaving on Start9
#troubleshoot #zeus
I am getting a bit further now but ending up at this point https://image.nostr.build/dbc9f8d76486f43b69036caa3d0a021a40f535afcb8c18f69a2f38a71fa5157c.jpg
Without the women! 🤪
I am on the latest version 0.93 haven‘t tried in this version https://image.nostr.build/ef2a4174d670e65e2df35cd8e5527bc16bd8a817020018a8cbe8eed325c28b7c.jpg
This never seems to be working for me, i am getting error lsp not available
And you use LND Rest to connect ?
It takes a few seconds to start up but then its ok i am just using tor to connect to my node from zeus
From a business point of
View its an interesting concept though https://image.nostr.build/5aa7f670f3aa2b0155c2e43d3ee23a2f6d6b66d7e991662ed865b5c682280f27.jpg
In case your node is offline so payments are still go through thats what i meant
I have also used the zeus feature on LND zeuspay.com where they hold funds for 24 hours
But the route seems to have worked can you see how many hops?
Seems to have worked
Yes i have both LND with alby and Zeus with CLN
Didnt work before but now i just generated a test invoice happy to anet you same amount back for testing if you feel like it from your blue wallet
Are you using cln or lnd ?
But do we really wanted Microsoft to join the club i mean its the uncool
Guys with glasses from the hood!!!
Or was it about the news would have pushed the price
No route from my node to yours
But how do you post this also using zeus ? Payment didnt go through
Yes i can see the invoice 😁
Tried to login with my browser extension and its loading now longer since a few minutes
Looking good
Thats a hefty price tag!
Angels dust
And now apply this to russia when they are going to win… i guess its not the fact that they win but writing their narrative why and how will then be how it’s recorded
Das frage ich mich auch wo diese Energie hingeflossen ist
You need a bitcoin core but could run it as a neutrino / pruned bitcoin core
Yes was just pushing my luck
No risk no fun
And now #ath
Nobody seems to notice
100k yeah finally awesome
#bitcoin #zapathon
Imagine the briefing room, you gotta say something about ₿ what i am
supposed to say ? Don’t know just make it sound smart
Yes they are working on that since some time re ckearnet lets see if xmas comes early
I reckon nostr:npub126ntw5mnermmj0znhjhgdk8lh2af72sm8qfzq48umdlnhaj9kuns3le9ll is close or next to it
That takes the whole fun away 🙄
I have tried posting some of my brothers sound but no one has picked it up actually 😢
2000 sats on cryptocurrency
Have you voted? Whats the verdict?
He is not going to be a happy camper about it.
nostr:npub17ce4m6hrmnnanhhrge3zhztwphpjhrmzjhkswmf6evg4tu3yssyqtqajdu #live at #Stubnitz
#music #beats
Wer redet den von verkaufen? Was soll man denn damit kaufen?
What a dick he man seriously this association hurts big time……
Is it a raw toast or at least toasted?
Nobody really knew
Poor aussie buggars left behind i do like them they are a good bunch what a shame
Never go full retard #tropicthunder
Nope its done now, going to ZERO
Blasted 100k #bitcoin
2 currencies go in….
#Master #Blaster #Madmax
Maybe try to warm it up a little so it comes loose with a heater gun
Yeah agreed, at the end another design change to ensure you are not maintaining things rather through them away and get a new one.
I wouldn’t call it stupid in that way but I know what you mean.
Very inspiring talk especially about the relationship part, it was a good confirmation that I should trust my instincts and not show weakness.
That said its also a thin line between that and being superficial so I got told…. Where do you post your upcoming trips like Argentina you mentioned in the session?
10 years are pretty solid
That’s pretty cool! And one for the wishlist please, can you make a snake plissken bot with all news about martial law ? Could be our early warning radar bot. https://image.nostr.build/09d7bdfaa7a0cee841d563d04855288bb1ff04536147ef75c44da55928fc49ba.jpg
Ist das dann nicht die jeweilige policy des Arbeitgebers und nicht Leck /Limitation der iCloud selber?
Das empfinde ich dann schon als ein Unterschied, meiner Meinung nach.
Im artikel steht aber auch, das die Angestellten keine private iCloud verwenden dürfen, was janimpliziert das Apple darauf keinen Zugriff hat
Yeah even made it to the Europe news today that as a human you start at a certain age to care more about the family than anything else.
Just unlucky he is a president!
Why is there no #tropicthunder tag yet?
Awesome #movie next to apocalypse now :-) https://image.nostr.build/43d82fef6782450b45acae457a40a6d7606543391dddee867faf8ad242e767de.jpg nostr:note1lyp5fnen30qcmxg0qu758anyyt0rtmcgftrrq5jqcu7rtx0arzssxf92na
I had to look up dace and thats what i found
I guess you mean face since dace in that context’s i am having a bit of trouble :-) however a dace is a small fish that can be one of many species so maybe you meant dace ?
Anyhow haven’t read his book yet.
Was just listening to a podcast from the bitpanda founder sitting in his allianz arena bitpanda lounge: saying at the end it’s what you make out of it, everyday…
And he also said: unpopular opinion, since crypto came into play there has not been so many people starting to understand money and how it works. Truth to that.
We may see ourselves as the saviour buy saying ₿ only but I also don’t want to be in a cult either nor religion
The search for ultimate freedom which counts till our last breath! We shouldn’t get distracted by that even by ₿
#carloscastaneda #bitcoin #personalgrowth
So yes the other side of the coin may holds the picture of ourselves as a mirror.
Never say never, getting ready ?
Thats like the same question what’s outside the universe!
Thanks, but this is just a software which means I wouldn’t need any additional hardware? Gotta connect the antenna somehow
Which dev board provider you are using? The idea is to integrate it into my network and therefore since i am already using rasperry for docker and pi hole and other stuff i thought to
Combine it
With an existing raspberry pi 4 is it possible to connect a #meshtastic #lora unit and set it up as an additional node ?
Tried to look it up but no success, only managed to find a reference regarding raspi antenna unit
Saturn visible from my present location!
#cycling #gravel
#pow https://image.nostr.build/e29316c5ac9b4483366c975bdd831f15f8e041191a68fcfe42b56e209bb980f2.jpg
I did not say you have murdered, but in the name of religion it has been conducted.. we are all on our journey on this planet in someways
There is a good shaman saying: all paths lead to nowhere hence choose the path with heart ❤️
We do agree on that! I guess seeking for freedom comes in various ways
For some #bitcoin it is
For others a world without #religion its what they seek for others the true good whatever does the trick :-)
Well that would be nice but what about the women burned 300 years ago defined as witches… Lest we forget
Yeah thats the whole point you either with or against it, in the name of religion to many people have been murdered!
Blackberry ? Nokia ? Palm PDA?
Good trick to trigger response from
iPhone users so they can expose themselves and then being exploited.
But after the latest discussion on graphene and google pixel what is the best dont trust verify device out there now?
There is no savor, only we ourselves can save us, everything else is just shifting the responsibility for ones own actions
Fair enough but this now got me thinking, since brazil has now a left government and they announced that a few days later, correct i would have rather expected Argentina following suit so thats an interesting observation since this is not associated with being either left or right.
After all Trump is a simple men with simple solutions.