very helpful overview, thanks!
dont sweat, watch the video.
they dont have much except trying to get people to connect to their malicious nodes.
Japanese are wonderful but they are very insular.
It's hard to get invitations as a foreigner unless you know somebody.
But to your point,
they have a very subtle and refined sense in everything they put their attention towards.
This is how regulatory capture works.
browse global from time to time. shows you that nostr is bigger than whatever echo chamber you're in
Bem observado. O povo americano só aceitará uma presidente aos moldes da Margareth Thatcher. Uma mulher forte e com os valores da liberdade que tanto se preza em boas civilizações.
Uma incógnita. Agora isso deixa claro que se uma massa crítica mobilizar para não aceitar ataques do estado contra os cidadãos pode paralisar as investidas.
Não poderia esperar menos de Murray Rothbard. Sucinto e direto ao ponto.
Em 1998, um professor universitário chamado Fernando Haddad, que anos depois se tornaria o pior prefeito da história de São Paulo e hoje concorre com grandes chances ao título de pior ministro da Fazenda de todos os tempos, publicou um livrinho intitulado “Em Defesa do Socialismo”, em comemoração aos 150 anos do “Manifesto Comunista”.
Haddad tinha por objetivo reescrever e atualizar a obra de Marx e Engels conforme as ideias dos autores da Escola de Frankfurt, ou seja, por meio da dialética negativa, a “crítica radical de tudo que existe”.
Quando Haddad escreveu seu livrinho, o economista austríaco Ludwig von Mises já provara, 78 anos antes, que o socialismo econômico simplesmente não existe, pelo simples fato de que um governo central é incapaz de calcular todos os preços da economia de um país.
Nice. How do you keep track?
O véio sabia o que tava falando
Tobikkiri no Saikyō tai Saikyō! ("The Incredible Mightiest vs. Mightiest") is the ending theme of the movie Dragon Ball Z: Cooler's Revenge
next you'll be running a Monero node 👍
Enquanto houver maximalistas de bitcoin haverá idiotas... 🤭
Depende. Difamar, injuriar e caluniar uma pessoa, principalmente por meio da internet, pode ser considerado um dano moral. O problema é que o estado tem monopólio da justiça para investigar e julgar esses tipos de casos
O PIX por si só já é uma coleira digital. Esse decreto escroto que fizeram foi só um "plus" pra apertar ainda mais a coleira no pescoço do gado
Tribunal de Rondônia garante salários acima de R$ 400 mil a juízes https://revistaoeste.com/politica/tribunal-de-rondonia-garante-salarios-acima-de-r-400-mil-a-juizes/
Prestem muito atenção que ele agradece a imprensa pelo apoio. Quando você ouvir e ler uma notícia na imprensa lembre que eles são amigos do poder. Abra o olho.
cant blame you. yhat whole era was nuts
Yes, you can issue a command in the client and it will audit the supply for you.
What does Monero have in common with a leafy plant? lol.
It actually works well as a store of value because it has a lower inflation rate than every fiat currency on earth and even a lower inflation rate than gold. The little inflation that it does have is only to continue to incentivize miners to keep the transaction fees down and to replace lost coins from private key loss or destruction, etc. Since it is actually used in day-to-day transactions as well, that makes it a lot less volatile than other crypto. And so your store of value doesn't fluctuate by a crap ton quickly.
Well, I had no way of knowing that, using a voice changer and not indicating so, in your bio, leaves a lack of information, LOL.
Theres a state 😃? I only see dozens of too-big-to-fail, arrogant, human-ran mafias with quasi-monopolies on violence all around my sleeping place 😂
loli had almost exactly the same experience.
i love chess but haven't played in over 20 yrs.
nice app though right?
Regular nsecs is good, quantum resistant nsecs would be great. For now we can all be happy having regular nsecs.
Great episode. Give nostr:npub1v6z4srj4ktch4f3ee9ze2zp7ml4n9rshttmntpamfed0nvpev5fszzuq49 a follow. They sound like a real cypherpunk.
openstate says use monero at 53:19
Alerta: diferente da afirmação do Taxad ministro do Lula os comerciantes podem sim cobrar preços diferentes em cada modalidade de recebimento. Por isso vários comerciantes cobram a mais no cartão ou qualquer outra transferência bancária. Lei aprovado pelo congresso nacional em 2017. Os comerciantes são obrigados a aceitar dinheiro vivo de qualquer pessoa independentemente se querem vender ou não para aquele cliente mediante a um produto a pronta entrega.
we will have to have quantum resistant nsecs
Monero on Monerujo is yours
Tem link para um PDF pois na imagem as letras e as imagens estão borrados.
Don't build your digital life on something that can disappear at a moments notice. Become rugpull resistant or perish.
would have to be fully open source hardware and software and to be totally disconnected unless I used an external device to connect it while I was wanting it and could disconnect it at will such as Bluetooth for example. Also, something tells me that something like this should be nothing but a dumb pipe and have the computing outsourced to an external device such as your smartphone simply due to the fact of hardware upgrades. Somebody farther down in the comments mentioned not wanting the equivalent of an iPhone 1 in their brain and have to switch it out all the time and so a dumb pipe would fix that because the computing hardware would be external.
Será? Para senador ele ganhava pois em Minas Gerais ele é muito forte. Agora no Brasil todo vejo que o jogo é mais acirrado.
Nikolas só não ganha para senado em 2026 pela idade. Salvo engano precisa ter uma idade mínima para se candidatar ao senado.
it doesnt really defeat the selfhosted reasons
although having it at home is ideal.
Instagram é um reduto de pessoas fúteis e egocêntricas
Vídeo muito bem produzido e didático. São vídeos assim que a população compreende. Não me espanta tamanha repercussão.
I actually did this at one point while I was still using a pool. However, now I have my own P2pool set up so I could do it through that instead.
Epic coloutful moves 🙂
Nice! Thank you 🙂
Ultimate Privacy Guide:
Mastering Email Security & Anonymity
Learn how to protect your identity, avoid data leaks and stay private with these essential email strategies 👇🏻
Avoid using personal email for sensitive matters. For such data, switch to secure messengers such as nostr:npub1exv22uulqnmlluszc4yk92jhs2e5ajcs6mu3t00a6avzjcalj9csm7d828 , Session or Eement (Matrix).
Use aliases to create disposable, forwardable addresses that mask your real one
Self-host your email e.g. with Mail-in-a-Box
Use Tuta https://image.nostr.build/9c5c372727307cdd33cbb24e5381252a6922c30fdc2242b65bca2a08c7daebe0.jpg if you have no other option (avoid ProtonMail; they've been compromised, see [1])
Avoid Big Tech like Gmail, Outlook or Yahoo
Maintain separate email addresses for different activities (work, social media, financial etc.)
If possible, encrypt sensitive emails with PGP
Avoid Webmail to reduce exposure. Use K-9 Mail or Thunderbird.
Don’t tie your email address to personal identifiers
Consider Monero to pay for email services if possible
Use services like https://haveibeenpwned.com/ to see if your email address has been compromised
[1] https://x.com/schmidt1024/status/1824451619590693239
because there is nothing better. i would like slomething more like tusky. primal still seems janky.
grow up.
a "superior" tool depends on what the *purpose of that tool is. Bitcoin and Monero arent trying to accomplish the same thing.
you're just another flag-waving maxi retard.
GM, Lydia ☀️
,GM 🌄
I saw in the lens a female silhouette that forms the edge of a cliff 😌
oolong with mango 🥭
GM🙂 #teachain
Yeah, I have starlink and the CGNAT is a problem... 😕
mines on a VPS to avoid all this
and are you connecting from your LAN or from outside?
Monero makes *different* tradeoffs than Bitcoin.
"better" is a subjective statement.
sorry to post a nuanced take under your ragebait.
we can hope I suppose.
uh oh
got suspended from Twitter for saying Zuckerberg should be executed for his role in the scamdemic alongside Fauci, Trump, Biden Harris and all the employees at the CDC. Fuck Elon, and fuck twitter. I meant what I said.
yeah ok
tell me how they're going to be secured against hostile adversaries
and how I'm going to use them privately.
this trait isnt unique to any particular group.
all humans notice, remember and repeat information that agrees with what they already think.
and they miss, outright ignore and are hostile to things that are new and challenging to their views.
but i certainly agree the conspiracy stuff is bullshit.
confirmed it works in Coracle
I kinda forget now.
maybe it was water in the case
or sawdust in the charger port
i dropped it a few times
it not that it was cheaply made.
but it wasnt as robust as my Pixels either.
but it was very cool.
if they weren't closed source and expensive I would've gotten another one.
nostr:nprofile1qqsf03c2gsmx5ef4c9zmxvlew04gdh7u94afnknp33qvv3c94kvwxgspr3mhxue69uhksmmyd33x7epwvdhhyctrd3jjuar0dak8xtcppemhxue69uhkummn9ekx7mp0qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnyv9kh2uewd9hj7208x3z its not parsing out the closing parenthesis so all the links are broken
you access a secret partition on your USB stick and start a hidden operating system that lives inside it.
Yeah I had one of the early LP2s.
I really liked it
but it wasn't built for country life.
I looked this morning and Polymarket says 2:1 hes free in the 1st 100 days.
I don't see it
but happy if I'm wrong.
I have a bet that it wont happen.
how is it possible to really have trust in anyone?
if you dont trust the one who places the trust in the first place?
Grateful 🙏 https://i.nostr.build/q9OYS4398nIkoTcC.jpg
Those of you who use #Primal, what are the top 3 reasons why?
I know what I'll do tomorrow. Until then, GN, nostrians 😴
This is good advice to start out with.
After you get used to trusting yourself,
you can reasonably decide to place trust in another.
you could do the Lightphone thing if you like that form factor and dont want a lot of different functionality
Much wow
I recently got a Pixel 4a. I used to take for hiking trips so I wouldn't feel bad about losing it. Now it's my main device. It's so great ergonomically and cover all my need. Hope compact smartphones will come back!
I figured it was because Ive been on good behavior 😉
10 per
beef bars from
pay in BTC or XMR
dont blame Robosats
LN is the PITA
but not for my secret VM, although you should be able to install anything.
i mostly use Debian for that.
probably just stock Debian is easiest.
I had a problem booting my fav arch-based distro
I could write something...
I thought you had given up on anything that wasnt totally drool-proof 🤣
I use endeavorOS
i dont know who needs to hear this
you can create a Veracrypt volume on some removable media (USB or flash card) and put it *inside a dummy volume.
ie, its clear there's Veracrypt in the media but there are TWO passwords to access it.
one for the dummy volume
one for the real one
so if forced to reveal your PW you can plausibly reveal the dummy one.
while keeping the REAL secret safe.
but it gets better
you can then install a VM from an .iso INSIDE the secret volume and boot it with KVM.
you are then running a customizable computing environment that lives completely inside a secret encrypted volume you can put in your pocket 😎
Assigns someone else's identity and lures people into some telegram channel for an obvious scam
I'll check it. Thanks 👍🏻
Reply girls are a thing of the past, but Saylor #spam still holds on. I've reported it several times, but it stubbornly flashes in the comments and in the feed nostr:npub12vkcxr0luzwp8e673v29eqjhrr7p9vqq8asav85swaepclllj09sylpugg And the number of its subscribers is growing. Stay careful, nostrians #plebchain
Michael, stop pls
its still not going to happen of course
Between #XMRBazaar and #MoneroMarket there are now 3,500 goods/services available for #Monero.
It looks really great! It will be chat app or something wider?
I use keepassxc for my laptop and keepassdx on lineageos. I have been using it that way since 2019 and find that it works well. Since my phone is my primary computing device, that is where the main database lives. And then, about twice a year, I back it up onto two separate flash drives. I also have a copy on my laptop, but that one only gets updated if I specifically need something newer that I don't have already. I will do another backup if I make a very large change to it, such as adding a new crypto wallet or something so that I make sure not to lose that. But otherwise I found that it works quite well.
Wow. Now I also see some of what you described 🤩
It is indeed