
@ 3bf0c63f:aefa459d
2025-03-05 10:32:19
I defer to this post I wrote in 2015 about CouchDB: nostr:naddr1qqyrswrpvdsnsc3nqyghwumn8ghj7enfv96x5ctx9e3k7mgzyqalp33lewf5vdq847t6te0wvnags0gs0mu72kz8938tn24wlfze6qcyqqq823car67ph
But I don't think CouchDB is good for anything anymore since they got rid of the concept of couchapps instead of fixing it, then turned it into a boring and slow MongoDB copy.

@ 330fb143:7ee42dac
2025-03-01 10:27:54
you should still see that in the alby account I think

@ 3bf0c63f:aefa459d
2025-02-25 02:10:47
Have you used https://github.com/haorendashu/nowser?

@ dbe0605a:f8fd5b2c
2025-02-23 20:25:40
Nostr Wallet Connect track on bitcoin++. 9 new NWC projects!
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/895125

@ 3bf0c63f:aefa459d
2025-02-23 14:37:54
How do I test?

@ 1f79058c:eb86e1cb
2025-02-23 06:46:18
As soon as I discover one that doesn't do data (incl. not anymore), the scissors come out. Can save your future self a lot of time.

@ 1f79058c:eb86e1cb
2025-02-21 13:23:02
"thriving" 🤡

@ 1f79058c:eb86e1cb
2025-02-21 07:49:35
I streamed sats to something in real-time once, and absolutely hated the experience. Minutes listened are just never equal to value derived.

@ 3bf0c63f:aefa459d
2025-02-18 13:32:13
Status quo bias affects everybody, but some more than others.

@ 3bf0c63f:aefa459d
2025-02-16 13:59:21
Wouldn't it be great if nostr:npub1dergggklka99wwrs92yz8wdjs952h2ux2ha2ed598ngwu9w7a6fsh9xzpc's and nostr:npub1l2vyh47mk2p0qlsku7hg0vn29faehy9hy34ygaclpn66ukqp3afqutajft's new podcast could be referenced directly inside Nostr? That way I wouldn't have to just allude to its existence and could make clear what I'm talking about instead of hoping the reader of this tweet will search for some vague name in a centralized canonical index of all podcasts.

@ 3bf0c63f:aefa459d
2025-02-15 01:56:08

@ dbe0605a:f8fd5b2c
2025-02-15 00:53:24
The legendary nostr:nprofile1qqsgngh9u7wczjqk9tnjmlktk3etxsaf2lavnld7j7vd3x0nmq738qs7l7pmy making his first ever Bitcoin transaction to buy a smoothie in nostr:nprofile1qqs254dy0xkkjdxsl4u08k7cs52u689q67s3pqfwwyfcp4va7avcjdga00aev

@ 3bf0c63f:aefa459d
2025-02-14 23:10:20
Did you try the wss://algo.utxo.one/ feed? It kinda sucks to me but apparently that's because I don't like or zap anyone, other people have said it is great.

@ 330fb143:7ee42dac
2025-02-14 16:05:31
it’s designed to be extendible

@ 330fb143:7ee42dac
2025-02-13 11:52:46
look what fits...

@ 330fb143:7ee42dac
2025-02-13 08:46:27

@ dbe0605a:f8fd5b2c
2025-02-12 20:35:30
Berlín, the Bitcoin Marvel Hidden in the Mountains
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/884084

@ 1f79058c:eb86e1cb
2025-02-12 08:02:12
When strfry 1.0 on https://relay.damus.io ? Would love to be able to negentropy-sync again...

@ 3bf0c63f:aefa459d
2025-02-11 20:03:11
The beautiful solution would be to add AUTH support and then accept these events after the client automatically authenticates.
I'm not sure how you would do that, I think instead of forwarding the websocket messages to strfry you could just call "strfry import" and it would accept anything.

@ dbe0605a:f8fd5b2c
2025-02-11 07:52:29
Alby Go 1.9 — push notifications for payments, paying 0-amount invoices support
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/882428

@ 1f79058c:eb86e1cb
2025-02-10 08:58:31

@ 330fb143:7ee42dac
2025-02-08 09:11:58
you can probably find a lot of details in the LDK docs: https://lightningdevkit.org/introduction/architecture/

@ 1f79058c:eb86e1cb
2025-02-07 10:28:16
My posts from the fedi side are still not showing up again on the Nostr relay, though...

@ 1f79058c:eb86e1cb
2025-02-05 09:12:43

@ 330fb143:7ee42dac
2025-02-04 17:21:16
yes, that’s NWC and why we push NWC.
but it’s already possible.

@ 330fb143:7ee42dac
2025-02-04 16:52:41
you could just connect coinos or similar to your alby account. if you don’t want to self-host.

@ 3bf0c63f:aefa459d
2025-02-03 22:11:21
Do you really think the Primal people want to know your information? I'm not recommending Primal, but it's ridiculous to blame the messenger like that. This happens all the time and bitcoiners, of all people, should know that the government is nasty and evil and forces that kind of stuff upon companies.

@ 330fb143:7ee42dac
2025-02-03 14:02:00
you choose your node backend in the “advanced” section during the setup.
the default is that it uses the embedded node.
the password is to encrypt your seed and sensitive data.
thanks for the feedback.

@ 1f79058c:eb86e1cb
2025-02-02 03:36:28
It guarantees that the number of new artworks they can publish stays zero, i.e. absolute scarcity.

@ 330fb143:7ee42dac
2025-01-31 22:50:14

@ 330fb143:7ee42dac
2025-01-31 09:31:44
it's just people who have no patience and endurance...
(though I also expected we're much faster a few years ago...)

@ 330fb143:7ee42dac
2025-01-30 08:32:02
it’s not about our work. not at all.

@ 330fb143:7ee42dac
2025-01-29 22:23:24
nice exaggeration… fishing for zaps?

@ 330fb143:7ee42dac
2025-01-29 22:20:20
do you need help? what alby issues do you have?

@ 1f79058c:eb86e1cb
2025-01-29 15:28:27

@ 330fb143:7ee42dac
2025-01-29 13:05:49
Happy Happy Birthday!!! and all the best for the next trip!

@ 1f79058c:eb86e1cb
2025-01-28 23:25:02
(Posts from https://kosmos.social/@raucao to Nostr, not the other way around.)

@ 1f79058c:eb86e1cb
2025-01-28 23:23:31
nostr:npub1q3sle0kvfsehgsuexttt3ugjd8xdklxfwwkh559wxckmzddywnws6cd26p Looks like mostr.pub has been missing my posts again in recent days. Not sure how to debug or help from my side, other than playing uptime monitor...

@ 330fb143:7ee42dac
2025-01-28 17:33:44
would just require every nostr client to handle it with an internal or external wallet and require every wallet to implement cashu.
which is btw. kinda why I still think every user should be able to be a mint. 🤔

@ 330fb143:7ee42dac
2025-01-28 16:57:04
we need less components in a zap not necessarily more.
onboarding new users is one issue, having reliable zaps another one. That's not only about reliably sending/receiving. but also about publishing zap events.
for that a nip-60 wallet does not solve anything.
maybe making the zap == cashu token transmitted through nostr, claimable by the recipient would solve something. (but that would then also require everyone to support cashu)
(btw. would be nice if mints always return preimages )

@ 1f79058c:eb86e1cb
2025-01-27 13:41:42
"Imagine one app that..."

@ 330fb143:7ee42dac
2025-01-26 21:41:48
that’s what NWC is for.
what do you miss?

@ 330fb143:7ee42dac
2025-01-26 21:32:54
in the setup wizzard:
advanced setup - import wallet.
check the guides there are also step by step instructions

@ 330fb143:7ee42dac
2025-01-25 15:24:01
without the preimage there is no proof that the invoice was paid.
in what way should it be handled?
maybe minibits can return that?

@ 330fb143:7ee42dac
2025-01-25 08:47:20
what can be killed now? what issue did you have?
there is no longer that one Alby.

@ 330fb143:7ee42dac
2025-01-25 08:46:24
for example:
what do you miss?

@ 330fb143:7ee42dac
2025-01-25 08:45:30
did you check the alby lighting-tools.
there you have easy JS code for it. see github

@ 3bf0c63f:aefa459d
2025-01-25 02:15:50
Sorry but your meme is not a Nostr client.

@ 1f79058c:eb86e1cb
2025-01-24 22:03:45
Who of you left this sticker on a a directional antenna on Carenero?

@ 330fb143:7ee42dac
2025-01-24 14:27:16
sorry, couldn't catch that in my notifications here 😉 🙈

@ 330fb143:7ee42dac
2025-01-24 10:39:32
you can run alby hub without an account. the node runs just as fine.
check it out.

@ 1f79058c:eb86e1cb
2025-01-23 19:24:31
nostr:npub145lf2q6sgqtkhjzzeza29ss6gz7qq4j6vslaa0dwanvgf58ey3us069hce https://image.nostr.build/39f94054df90aa6e48cb7b8bbbfbae6bbb704cfd1a3766e2cfc34997fa5d102b.png

@ 330fb143:7ee42dac
2025-01-22 07:47:15
I bet those people criticize that and any memecoin.
I don’t know anybody of the community here who doesn’t.

@ 330fb143:7ee42dac
2025-01-19 09:46:16
do you use some VPN or something that might block something?

@ 330fb143:7ee42dac
2025-01-19 00:18:08
can you check and review that number in your albyhub?
I think some version of the extension had an issue with formatting millisats correctly in the notification.

@ 1f79058c:eb86e1cb
2025-01-18 15:19:22

@ 330fb143:7ee42dac
2025-01-18 10:50:34
normally that should not be needed.
but keep an eye on it and report if you see that again. thanks

@ 330fb143:7ee42dac
2025-01-17 12:05:16

@ 330fb143:7ee42dac
2025-01-17 09:52:16
öhm... you know zaps a re lightning payments and all relevant ecash implementations have lightning under the hood.
your KYC regulations don't magically go away just because you call something cash.
and the setup is just outsourced to a mint (and some abstractions are added)
please correct me if I am wrong...

@ 330fb143:7ee42dac
2025-01-17 09:48:22
and adding the ecash mint in the zap flow is just UI? ok...

@ 330fb143:7ee42dac
2025-01-17 09:39:46
have you ever tried implemented any of these things?

@ 330fb143:7ee42dac
2025-01-17 09:32:50
ecash adds another layer to that zap process.now you also have mints involved.

@ 330fb143:7ee42dac
2025-01-16 21:26:38
Every bitcoin cycle had it's "hopes" that did not come true and a crash happened.
is "strategic reserve" the one of the current cycle?

@ 330fb143:7ee42dac
2025-01-16 21:02:46
clients, relays, zapper, wallets, just a lot of parts involved where things can go wrong.

@ 1f79058c:eb86e1cb
2025-01-16 20:22:03
nostr:npub1vadcfln4ugt2h9ruwsuwu5vu5am4xaka7pw6m7axy79aqyhp6u5q9knuu7 This is an interesting idea, that I tend to agree with:
"In matters of the large scale, then, not only are we cogs in the machine, we must do our best to treat others as cogs in the machine and not special, in order to be appropriately ethical and to build societies that actually work for everyone's benefit."

@ 1f79058c:eb86e1cb
2025-01-16 18:02:20
Agree. Having implemented it for our custodial wallet (with additional relay integration, so our users don't miss a zap, regardless of which relays the sender uses), I must say it was hilariously complex for not even having a guarantee that the payment happened.

@ 330fb143:7ee42dac
2025-01-16 12:04:23
this actually adds another layer of complexity to the zap process.

@ 330fb143:7ee42dac
2025-01-16 11:51:06
zaps still have too many moving parts which makes it confusing for users.
how can we optimize this?

@ 330fb143:7ee42dac
2025-01-15 21:19:17
accountless social media ftw

@ 330fb143:7ee42dac
2025-01-15 20:52:30

@ 330fb143:7ee42dac
2025-01-15 18:37:21
I need to buy groceries before the shop closes. but nostr: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 is giving me a 504 😱

@ 1f79058c:eb86e1cb
2025-01-15 17:49:19
Humans are just unknowing agents of entropy. Just because you're conscious enough to observe your actions does not automatically mean that you have free will, which would require some kind of soul outside of your brain/body and is thus a religious/spiritual idea instead of a physical one. Thus, any human actions that influence bitcoin transactions are also just the result of atoms banging against each other since the beginning of the universe. And bitcoin simply exists within the same universe, with all the same rules of physics, for all we know right now.
Don't overestimate your mind.

@ 330fb143:7ee42dac
2025-01-15 17:20:38
which browser is it?
thanks. check the website's console then and the extension console. and let me know.

@ 1f79058c:eb86e1cb
2025-01-15 17:00:29
I think I found an issue, which is that AFAICS it will send the next sats directly to the last used withdrawal address. If so, it'll send it to an address that I don't actually control, so it should let me change the address explicitly, without requiring a withdrawal at the same time.
Or maybe I understood it wrong, and it always stays in the custodial wallet until claimed?

@ 330fb143:7ee42dac
2025-01-15 16:47:09
yes, you could check what's in the console then: https://guides.getalby.com/user-guide/alby-account-and-browser-extension/alby-browser-extension/debugging
especially what it logs then when you try to do some actions.

@ 330fb143:7ee42dac
2025-01-15 16:34:06
never heard of this.
is that in any particular client?
(and you don't have any Alby prompt accidentally in the background?)

@ 1f79058c:eb86e1cb
2025-01-14 16:13:19
I'm rich now!
https://image.nostr.build/3189590bd92bcfb04c90efa6d77af846bdf39fc8e99cf641367dd789c71d9746.png !

@ 1f79058c:eb86e1cb
2025-01-14 14:58:55
Imagine being someone at a "Social Web Foundation", writing about "algorithmic pluralism" and against "corporate-owned spaces", and the only two protocols you consider as open social technology are: one defined by a corporate consortium, and another defined by a single corporation and run exclusively by it at the moment.
The silence about Nostr is deafening.

@ 1f79058c:eb86e1cb
2025-01-14 14:25:19

@ 330fb143:7ee42dac
2025-01-11 19:36:18
I don't see any current support request actually.
can you DM me your email and I can take a look.

@ 330fb143:7ee42dac
2025-01-11 13:27:56
do you want to tell me you don’t understand me?
And I thought we speak the same language… ;)

@ 330fb143:7ee42dac
2025-01-11 13:19:09
Is nostr: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 still active here/

@ 330fb143:7ee42dac
2025-01-11 13:16:37
the LN address setting in Alby Go is confusing. You must already have one and then can just put it there. Ignore that for now.
but you can for sure connect a second Alby account to a friends&family sub account in the hub.
+ create the new friends&family sub account and copy the "Connection Secret"
+ login to the second alby account on getalbycom
+ go to "Wallet Configuration" => "Link your own Wallet"
+ then at the bottom - Link Manually "Nostr Wallet Connect"
+ there paste the connection secret
In getalbycom you also choose your lightning address etc.
In Alby Go "connect a wallet" and the same connection secret (you can scan the QR code from Alby Hub)
If you now want you can enter the ln address from getalbycom in Alby Go. This will just show it and a QR code for it on the receive screen. nothing more.

@ 330fb143:7ee42dac
2025-01-11 13:06:32
what channel do you have? do you use the recommended LSPs? and how many do you have, what's the balance in those?

@ 330fb143:7ee42dac
2025-01-11 12:15:42
why is it down for that long?

@ 330fb143:7ee42dac
2025-01-11 10:49:43
we've seen a few protonmail issues of them being down?
Can you try again? and did you use the same proton.me vs. protonmail. email?

@ 330fb143:7ee42dac
2025-01-10 20:41:55
any sleep scientists around here? who know some things about sleep psychology here?

@ 330fb143:7ee42dac
2025-01-10 19:20:07
upps 🙈

@ 330fb143:7ee42dac
2025-01-10 19:19:50
see the friends&family app in the alby hub store.

@ 330fb143:7ee42dac
2025-01-10 19:19:18
then you can self-host it. we make it easy to self host.

@ 330fb143:7ee42dac
2025-01-10 19:15:40
what issue specifically?
on alby hub quite some parameters are tweaked to try to avoid it

@ 330fb143:7ee42dac
2025-01-10 16:38:23
maybe we can start with the SpaceX rideshare: https://www.spacex.com/rideshare/

@ 330fb143:7ee42dac
2025-01-10 16:31:34
you can shitpost through space with the blockstream API: https://blockstream.com/satellite-api-documentation/ - each message costs you a few sats.

@ 330fb143:7ee42dac
2025-01-10 16:27:16
afaik they just buy rent some satellite space, but the satellites are not theirs.
there is also stuff like: https://aws.amazon.com/ground-station/
I guess having "net neutrality" in space is even harder due to less competition?

@ 330fb143:7ee42dac
2025-01-10 16:21:41
and btw. open source satellite projects have been around for a long time.
There is the Libre Space Foundation and others.

@ 330fb143:7ee42dac
2025-01-10 16:17:58
Looking forward to the time when we call for and build a decentralized Starlink!
will be cool to see open source satellites in space.

@ 330fb143:7ee42dac
2025-01-10 10:05:07
yes, that’s what it’s there for.
the mail call to action should probably be more prominently placed, but check the “New Recurring Payment” on the top right.
it can do monthly payments to any lightning address.

@ 330fb143:7ee42dac
2025-01-10 09:53:44

@ 330fb143:7ee42dac
2025-01-10 08:53:45
How do you like the the new ZapPlanner integration in Alby Hub?
Which projects should be added as template to send monthly sats?

@ 330fb143:7ee42dac
2025-01-08 19:26:57
that means you don’t use the same node and the alby hub is configured to use the internal node and not your umbrel node. so what I said was wrong in your case