
@ dⒶvydonteatbugs⛰️
2024-11-03 22:23:07
# When Last We Left Our Heros
The party made friends with a cyclops named Alekos (who can only count to six). They asked him many questions about the numbers of things to which he answered "probably about six, maybe." They met Hox Longfeather, and his main crew. Hox is open to allying with them against Zal Esarus, but needs them to prove themselves (less to him and more to his underlings).
# Hatching A Plan
Hox wants to fly. To that end he's going to ask the party to retrieve a Wyvern's egg(s) from a nearby clutch. He's also sending Quesh and Krebz to collect more eggs. That way he gets a powerful tool (skyborne goblin light cavalry) and the party can prove themselves worthy.
Once they find the entrance of the [Wyvern](https://5e.tools/bestiary.html#wyvern_fleemortals)'s lair, if they wait an hour or so, they'll see one of the parents leave which will give them a better chance, otherwise there will be both in the lair, which would be a bad encounter.
As they get back, the party will find the camp attacked by [bounty hunters](https://5e.tools/book.html#fleemortals,1,humans,0), if they help the goblins, it will ingratiate themselves even more to the goblins.
Assuming their success, there will be a feast and ritual where one of them (their "chief") will become Hox's brother/sister and a goblin under their customs.