
@ mleku
2025-03-09 13:46:27
i read The Apocalypse of Yajnavalkya and they cover atlantis more so than mu but mu features, the region around modern indonesia, and Apocalypse doesn't incorporate the pole shifts but they explain so much, and the cause - the galactic current sheet... these are all now artifacts of scientific knowledge that is becoming more and more clear over the last 40 years or so (i remember reading about early work on this, related to Velikhovsky and related stuff) but seeing it visualised and explained by the Space Weather Man (Ben Davidson) i am now pretty much hooked on watching his daily 3 minute thing
anyway, i'll sit and listen to this interview later, probably in pieces, maybe in the background as i play silly games that don't take much brain away
i will just ask one thing though, about the coming disaster cycle, probable pole flip (really, a 90 degree phase shift) - in Enoch and several places in the Bible it talks about a return and a harvest and everyone is familiar with the expression Judgement Day - what's your TL;DR on this, because i am pretty much convinced that it explicitly says in Enoch that the coming disaster - which dates as after the old testament, the next "big" one, only every second disaster is big, the in between is your Sodom and Gomorrah and Babel incident, which is known now as the Tianchi Event due to evidence of the magnetic shift being embedded in stone around that volcano in china
They are coming, aren't they? soon, also... last year's auroras were a sign