
@ Ava ॐ
2025-03-09 22:06:19
Russian blues are definitely not hairless. She is a Sphynx. There are a few breeds of hairless cats:
- Peterbald
- Donskoy (Don Sphynx)
- Bambino
- Elf Cat
- Ukrainian Levkoy
...and though not completely hairless, but more patchy, sometimes people inclue the Lykoi AKA "werewolf cat."
Moxie's dad is Russian and her mom is Australian. I got her when I was living down under.
Fun fact: because the airlines in Australia could not figure out a standardized method for allowing pets to fly in the cabin (as many airlines do), her plane ticket actually cost more than mine coming back to the States, since I had to hire a pet transport agency to handle her and she had to travel on the plane in climate-controlled cargo.