
@ Keith Mukai
2025-03-10 19:18:56
MRI showed a large brain tumor. A main mass and an aggressive spread all down the meninges surrounding the right side of her brain.
She's on steroids now to try to reduce the pressure. If it happens to be the right kind of tumor (lymphoma), the steroids might actually help fight it. Won't know if it's making any difference until 2-3 days go by.
Have to wait until tonight when the anesthesia wears off to see how well her symptoms are being managed. Will a lucid Kuma come back?
There are some thin hopes for some treatment options but it all depends on where we're at in the next few days. We'll explore what makes sense, but based on what the neurologist said, I'm not pinning my hopes on successful treatment.
As things stand now: I just hope we get a few good days or weeks with her in okay enough shape. Make the most of the last of our time with her.
That has to be enough of a gift, if we're lucky enough to get it.