
@ Marc
2024-11-18 01:24:42
# Self Hosting Zap.cooking
My Umbrel died again. I didn't back it up. I kept meaning to make an image, but I never did it. Most of the stuff on there is not a big deal, but [Mealie](https://docs.mealie.io/) was my favorite because it allowed me to create cookbooks, plan meals, and automated my grocery lists. I thought about running it again, but for whatever reason, my family doesn't like using it. They prefer using analog recipe books.
My wife has printed recipes she found on the Internet for at least 15 years. We have a few notebooks full of Internet recipes printed on dead trees. You might think this is like printing an email and sending it to someone over snail mail instead of hitting the forward button, but no--This is very useful. Who wants to have their tablet in the kitchen getting tomato sauce and extra virgin olive oil dripped all over the gorilla glass? It's better to have a recipe printed on paper wrapped in a plastic sheet protector.
My wife is right. I don't want my electronic devices mucked up with mulberry, but I also love the idea of having a digital cookbook. So I decided to use what I had instead of spending sats on another server. I tired running Mealie ion my PopOS!, but ran into trouble. I could spend a few hours troubleshooting it, but then thought, "Why not try zap.cooking?"

So now I'm hosting my own instance of [zap.cooking](https://github.com/zapcooking/):
You can also see it on the zap.cooking site here:
I started putting some of these recipes on zap.cooking and intend to use it to make a minimalist cookbook with a digital version that has no ads. I modified the recipes in my wife's collection, but zap.cooking has a different monetization than most recipe websites. It has no ads, but people can send zaps to the people who post recipes. Zaps are a way of sending value for value over the lightning network. You can think of them like tips or micropayments using a layer of the bitcoin network built for small payments called the [lightning network](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lightning_Network).
## What Is Zap.cooking?
Zap.cooking is a [nostr](https://nostr.com/) client. This nostr client is built for recipe sharing. I like to think of it as a global cookbook being built by people all over the world. It's what I hoped the Internet would be in the 1990's, but we won't talk techno-nerd politics on this blog post. In a world where social media is paid bookoo bucks for getting people to fight about politics online, it's nice to see social media experience available for sharing recipes. Everybody eats. Red or blue and no matter who, we all need food.
That's why I like the idea of sharing recipes on zap.cooking. You can talk to people about something everyone has in common. No need to disown someone for sharing a tamale recipe, at least I hope not. So far, I've only put a handful of recipes on the site, but I have the recipes everyone from everyone who has placed a recipe on zap.cooking. It's like the Library of Alexandria for recipes. The more people that add recipes, the more recipes are available on zap.cooking and zapcooking.marc26z.com. This is because the recipes are transmitted by relay and I did not change any of the relays in my own instance. I just use the default ones. I could add my own relay if I wanted to and I probably will, but it isn't necessary. All the recipes on the site transmit to my own instance anyway.
I decided to try this instead of run Mealie again because this is decentralized and recipes are not secrets to me. They are just lists of ingredients. A sprinkle of paprika here, a pinch of salt there and viola! --A worldwide cookbook right at your fingertips and it only took writing a few lines of code.

### How I Deployed Zap.cooking
I downloaded it from [Github](https://github.com/zapcooking/) using `git clone https://github.com/zapcooking/frontend.git` in the command line of a computer with [PopOS!](https://pop.system76.com/) installed.
Then I searched for a tutorial on how to host a svelte program because zap.cooking is mostly written in svelte. I don't really know what svelte is by the way. I haven't ever really worked with it before, but [this blog](https://hrishikeshpathak.com/blog/svelte-gh-pages/) had a great tutorial. I just modified it a little bit.
After I cloned zap.cooking, I used the command `cd ~/frontend` to slide into the folder.
Then I copy pasta'd this:
`npm install
npm run dev`

As you can see, zap.cooking is now running on my PopOs! version of Linux on http://localhost:5173/. To broadcast it to the Internet, I use a Cloudflare tunnel. This is some really cool cryptography not crypto stuff, but if you are unsure how to do it, Network Chuck has [a great tutorial on YouTube here](https://youtu.be/ey4u7OUAF3c?si=HFR_UmJ2RjCEY90i).
Try zap.cooking yourself, You can just use https://zap.cooking/ You don't need to try my instance, but if you add a recipe on zap.cooking, I will be able to find it on the little website I run on my mini desktop computer. Thanks for reading.