
@ Jor
2024-11-28 22:09:31
We are in the midst (or middle for the non-fancy folks out there) of the BIGGEST transition in human history.
The crazy part?
Most people have no idea.
I mean, they have probably heard this at their latest webex or conference that they were paid to attend.
But they don't truly understand the magnitude of this shift.
The world will look completely different in a decade or two from now.
And I believe, for the much better.
Think about how much has changed in the last 20 years.
What did it look like?
From my experience, cell phones were few and far between.
I remember my grandpa, who was an auctioneer, had a phone in his truck.
It looked like a normal home phone but used a HUGE antenna on top of the truck to pick up signal.
I don't even know what it was called but it was pretty bad ass at the time.
Then phones became mobile.
T9. The snake game. Ten cents per text.
Wow that was a fun trip down memory lane.
Back to the point.
How will the world look in 20 years from now?
It's almost impossible for someone like me to predict that.
There will be many things that nobody saw coming.
But we can break it down to the skills, traits, and trends based on both people and businesses.
And if my calculations are correct, they will be intertwined by then.
The people who will make a dent: self-belief, good communicators, strong personal networks, low time preference, highly skilled, multiple sources of income, holding hard assets, and crazy.
The people who will suffer: lazy, stubborn, slow, fat, single source of income, high time preference, holding paper assets, and crazy.
Moral of the story? Everyone is crazy.
Let's talk about businesses.
I believe in 20 years, everyone will be their own business.
Or at least, the 80/20 rule will shift.
Traditional system, about 20% have their own business while 80% are employees.
That will flip.
So what type of businesses will succeed?
Decentralized, agile, high quality products, focus on health, open source, and traditional values.
They will hire the best person for the job.
And the businesses that will fail?
Centralized, rigid, low quality products, monopolies, government funded, closed source, and a woke mentality.
I used my assistant Claude to help confirm some of these theories.
He did a great job of organizing some of these and also ended with an appropriate summary.
Success will come to those who can rapidly learn, unlearn, and relearn.
While maintaining a dynamic and growth oriented mindset.
Notice he didn't say anything about diversity, equality, and inclusion.
We are back baby.
We are fuckin back!
PROJECT POTENTIAL - You can now find the expanded audio versions of these on the new podcast - Project Potential! I will be sharing the video versions here for the LITF members but you can also find it for free on Spotify and of course Fountain!
Here is the link to Episode 002 on Fountain: https://fountain.fm/episode/AHGwJ66NcgYZ7V2YFvAu
Have a great day everyone! Happy Thanksgiving to all our American brothers and sisters.