@ 19279658:92b3da05
2024-12-25 19:15:52
As the holiday season is here, many of us find joy in gifting toys, gadgets, and other presents to our loved ones, especially children. These gifts often bring smiles and excitement in the moment, creating cherished memories. But alongside the tradition of giving tangible gifts, there’s an opportunity to introduce something more enduring: the gift of sats.
A few thousand sats gifted to children each Christmas may not seem like much today, but their value could grow significantly over time. More than just a financial gesture, it’s a way of introducing them to the concept of sound money and Bitcoin’s potential to store and preserve value. In the future, when they look back at these small yearly contributions, they might come to appreciate not just the sats themselves, but the thoughtfulness behind the gesture.
For instance, I recently started a Bitcoin fund for my two-year-old cousin. I’ve saved 150,000 sats for him in cold storage, a gift he’s completely unaware of. My plan is to hold it safely until he turns 18 and gift it to him as a meaningful contribution to his future. I’ve also done the same for my daughter, but with an added twist—she gets monthly DCA (dollar-cost averaging) contributions into her own cold storage wallet using Bitkey. It’s a simple yet powerful way to ensure her future savings grow steadily over time.
This doesn’t mean you have to forgo traditional gifts. Children should still enjoy the magic of toys, games, and the excitement of unwrapping presents. But alongside those gifts, even a small yearly contribution of, say, 21,000 sats, can build up significantly over time. The key is consistency and ensuring proper UTXO management to keep things organized as these small contributions accumulate.
By starting small and making it a yearly tradition, you can turn the act of gifting sats into a lasting legacy. It’s a simple, thoughtful way to pass on something valuable that they’ll likely come to appreciate as they grow older and begin to understand the world of money and finance.
So, this Christmas (Today), consider adding a few thousand sats to your list of gifts for the ones you love. It’s a small step that could make a big impact in the years to come. Let’s keep up the spirit of giving, not just for today but for their futures.
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/824140