@ mleku
2025-03-10 16:31:16
regarding heaven and hell, a point that i'm seeing is this
heaven just means away from this planet, the metaphysical is not what i'm talking about, it literally means above the firmament, which is the atmosphere of our planet
hell, that's something else... the many occurrances of this word being translated to the english "Hell" were greek "Tartarus" which was a literal volcano, which you traveled to via boat with the ferryman, Charon, and the association with Pluto and Hades, both being dogs, hints at the idea that there was a literal prison, on an island, that you took a boat to, and this place had volcanoes and lots of dogs
this is basically the canary islands, and in general the atlantic islands, which ironically were also known by the greeks as the Blessed Isles, i'm not really sure, i think that the modern canary islands are the place where tartarus was found, and the volcano on Tenerife was what they mean, and "tenerife" also indicates that it was a prison
i think there is other references to similar concepts and related also, like in Enoch there is one part where he describes seeing this place that was like, i forget exactly, 2, or 4 silos carved into the ground, where the souls of the dead awaiting Judgement were housed, and it describes seeing, i think it was Abel, "making suit" against his brother, and the angel who showed him this said that his case would be heard at a later time
i don't think that these things were not in some sense physical, literal things, as i mentioned, heaven as in space, hell as in a specific prison where souls were "contained" and a separate place where several categories of souls were contained, the righteous, and the damned
reading what Enoch says it feels like he was talking about physical places, and technologies far beyond, like the house of the Lord it describes a building made out of crystals and lights illuminating the place as though it was fire, but obviously Enoch would have described our tungsten and LED and fluorescent lights as "fires" of some sort, maybe even "warm" and "cold" fires (cold fire just seems like evil to me, idk about you, and UV light aside from A is basically dangerous in great amounts).
i think that it probably gives a further means to examine what is being discussed in old texts and legends when you consider that maybe this was literally descriptions from a more low tech understanding to a more high tech thing, like, for example, though it's possible that Poseidon and Atlas and the rest had firearms that used plasma technology, the aztecs thought that the muskets of the conquistadors were like those of the "gods" that had left them behind long before, who also had these kinds of weapons, and also, the stuff about the elongated skulls, while i'm talking about the south/central american cultures and the "gods"
yeah, you will really find a lot of value in reading Apocalypse of Yajnavalkya, the combination of things that they synthesise into the thesis definitely puts a different light that brings a lot of the "new age" stuff down to a more scientific, concrete understanding, and i think that is probably what most of it was
and that's also why i think, yeah, in some respects, these religions we have now are all like cargo cults, of the mangled understanding of higher technologies, missing the critical models needed in order to implement them, and on the other side, where we have modern examples of cargo cults, not only did the "gods" not actually entirely go away, but their "magic" became even more powerful, than the puny stuff one airforce pilot had with him when he crashed, and spawned a whole religion in those places - imagine what happens when it's a whole, pretty much human (and according to Enoch, biologically human) society with far higher technology, that can make those vases out of solid granite that are machined more precisely than we can even measure with modern devices!!! and tools that could carve out cores from granitic stone so efficiently that the core contains a continuous spiral groove
(i forget what that one was, maybe you know of it, let me look at my youtube history)
yeah, this stuff... unbelievably fine craftsmanship, the remnants of what egyptian scrolls describe as being from a society of "gods"
so, although the hermetic/gnostic metaphysics are probably very important as well, i just want to point to the actual physical and part of the reason why i like to point to that is that it literally says in many old stories about the return that is promised, that will come from "heaven" in "chariots of fire" and similar expressions that "all eyes will see" and then a great hearing of the case of every human, living and dead since then (could be reincarnation necks that down to not quite so many) and a preliminary evacuation and then a period of trouble and a second evacuation after a great battle between the ones from "heaven" and the demons who were loosed from the "hell" ie tartarus, the earthbound prison
which also raises stuff about things that are said in, notably, the Book of Mormon, which alludes to similar things
i'm not gonna bank on there being backup, but i'm praying for it, put it that way, and there is many things that suggest that the "space brothers" are up there and not just up there but are very busy right now gathering intelligence for the upcoming operation