
@ TheLegendaryMan
2025-03-09 00:44:38
So I have an issue as an omnivore. I believe that meat is delicious. It is a part of our well balanced diet. Humanely raising animals to be harvested has become a part of our daily lives. It is natural as part of the circle of life.
Where my morality comes into direct conflict is that people will slaughter baby animals before they have reached full maturity. Citing that the meat is more tender and delicious. However when you think about it for a moment. That is truly fucked up on so many levels.
Animals whether raised as livestock for food, or out in nature deserves the opportunity to grow up to full maturity, live their lives naturally, reproduce, and raise their young before they die to become our food.
Only then after they have completed their purpose in life should they be humanely harvested for meat. I know what it is like to raise livestock. If you bitch about not having meat that was so tender and juicy. That you could never give that up that flavor. I highly suggest you learn how to properly tenderize your meat, or get an instantpot. Trust me you do not have to sacrifice tenderness, or flavor if you do a little research and make the extra effort to cook a decent meal.
Homesteaders and farmers. Do the right thing. Stop slaughtering baby animals. Let them grow up and live a rich full life first. I don't care if this is an unpopular opinion, but I feel it is the right ethical course of action. It needed to be said, because I have never heard it said anywhere before.
This is my policy. It is morally righteous as decent human beings. This is my chosen course of action with all of my future livestock. I hope you will join me in this wise decision too.