
@ Vitor Pamplona
2025-03-03 18:05:19
I think open-ended specs have let to the worst UX and most terrible use of Nostr. Kind1 is a good example. We never really defined it. And it took 2 years to create a kind just for replies so that we stop using Kind 1 in everything with lots of variations on what clients support and what users expectation should be.
To me interoperability is defined at the user level. Not only at the technical level. If I switch "video playing Nostr clients", I should not expect things to work and be interoperable. But if I switch a Shorts client by another Shorts client, then all Short videos better be there. The need for interoperability includes the semantical meaning associated with the type of content, not only it's functional underlinings.
Many data structures that are the same are not supposed to be interoperable at all. And I think we confuse that a lot on the NIP repo (myself included)