
@ The Guardian U.S. - by layer3.news
2025-03-12 15:41:13
✍️ A 9-month-old baby sea lion named Pepper has been filmed performing acrobatic circles with an artificial kelp strip at the Point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium in Washington state.
👉 Pepper is a 9-month-old baby sea lion
👉 She was born at the Point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium in Washington state
👉 She is the first sea lion born at the aquarium in its 120-year history
👉 She performs acrobatic circles with an artificial kelp strip
👉 The kelp strip helps her learn how to interact with kelp and explore her environment
#NoelleTremonti #Pepper #PointDefianceZoo&Aquarium #Washingtonstate #Tacoma #Seattle #entertainment