
@ mleku
2025-03-05 17:49:00
this is a bit like the debate about why bother enabling JWT bearer tokens (for dumb old epaper readers and postman btw) versus just use nip-98 (which doesn't have an extra expiry field)
i'm not sure what you mean by "stateless" relays, unless you mean they are dumb stores and the "master" pushes and pulls data from them, ie, it would subscribe to all new events from the slave relays, and then push them to the others
the tools to do this are not created but thety are also quite trivial, and can be built as separate pieces, you can have a replicator server that just subs on all the relays and pushes to the master, and the satellites can just forward queries when they come in and push the newly added updated events that came in from other satellites over the subscriptions that clients opened up for matching events
i think it would be better if you made them all simply replicators so each of the load balance relays simply pushes new events to the centre master and the master broadcasts them to all the others, instead of the master pulling them with subscriptions
subscriptions are cool and all, but broadcast is coolerer
it's all teh same to me though, point being that a relay IS a database server already