@ Cashu Mint Watch Bot
2025-02-15 06:12:30
Mint Status Changes
🚨 Azzamo Cashu Mint might have problems! See below.
56% of 34 mints are OK
✅ Cashu test mint - https://8333.space:3338
Last 10 swaps for Cashu test mint
✅ https://cashu.boats -> https://8333.space:3338 at 2025-02-15 04:42:34
✅ https://8333.space:3338 -> https://mint.data.haus at 2025-02-15 04:02:22
✅ https://8333.space:3338 -> http://lbutlh5lfggq5r7xpiwhrajdl7sxpupgagazxl65w4c5cg72wtofasad.onion:3338 at 2025-02-15 01:27:19
✅ https://mint.nodenebula.com -> https://8333.space:3338 at 2025-02-15 00:30:59
✅ https://8333.space:3338 -> https://mint.coinos.io at 2025-02-14 20:01:01
✅ https://8333.space:3338 -> https://mint.azzamo.net at 2025-02-14 18:32:31
✅ https://8333.space:3338 -> https://mint.lnw.cash at 2025-02-14 17:53:35
✅ https://8333.space:3338 -> https://mint.westernbtc.com at 2025-02-14 17:22:47
✅ https://8333.space:3338 -> https://mint.lnwallet.app at 2025-02-14 14:26:52
✅ https://mint.nodenebula.com -> https://8333.space:3338 at 2025-02-14 13:53:28
✅ Minibits mint - https://mint.minibits.cash/Bitcoin
Last 10 swaps for Minibits mint
✅ https://stablenut.umint.cash -> https://mint.minibits.cash/Bitcoin at 2025-02-15 04:14:21
❌ https://mint.mountainlake.io -> https://mint.minibits.cash/Bitcoin at 2025-02-15 00:58:50 Mint Error: proofs are pending. (Code: 11000)
✅ https://mint.minibits.cash/Bitcoin -> https://mint.data.haus at 2025-02-15 00:46:27
✅ https://mint.minibits.cash/Bitcoin -> https://mint.lnwallet.app at 2025-02-14 20:13:23
✅ https://mint.lnw.cash -> https://mint.minibits.cash/Bitcoin at 2025-02-14 19:49:54
✅ https://mint.mountainlake.io -> https://mint.minibits.cash/Bitcoin at 2025-02-14 19:18:23
✅ https://mint.minibits.cash/Bitcoin -> https://mint.pailakapo.com at 2025-02-14 15:58:21
✅ https://mint.data.haus -> https://mint.minibits.cash/Bitcoin at 2025-02-14 11:27:46
✅ https://mint.utxo.one -> https://mint.minibits.cash/Bitcoin at 2025-02-14 10:08:43
✅ https://8333.space:3338 -> https://mint.minibits.cash/Bitcoin at 2025-02-14 09:53:41
✅ Stablenut.Umint.Cash - https://stablenut.umint.cash
Last 10 swaps for Stablenut.Umint.Cash
✅ https://stablenut.umint.cash -> https://mint.minibits.cash/Bitcoin at 2025-02-15 04:14:21
✅ https://mint.westernbtc.com -> https://stablenut.umint.cash at 2025-02-15 03:47:42
❌ https://mint.103100.xyz -> https://stablenut.umint.cash at 2025-02-14 23:39:43 Mint Error: None (Code: 9999)
✅ https://mint.lnw.cash -> https://stablenut.umint.cash at 2025-02-14 23:18:41
✅ https://mint.lnvoltz.com -> https://stablenut.umint.cash at 2025-02-14 20:34:27
✅ https://stablenut.umint.cash -> https://mint.azzamo.net at 2025-02-14 16:58:30
✅ https://mint.nimo.cash -> https://stablenut.umint.cash at 2025-02-14 15:52:17
✅ https://mint.azzamo.net -> https://stablenut.umint.cash at 2025-02-14 13:17:38
✅ https://stablenut.umint.cash -> https://mint2.nutmix.cash at 2025-02-14 13:09:10
✅ https://Antifiat.cash -> https://stablenut.umint.cash at 2025-02-14 10:20:00
✅ antifiat mint - https://antifiat.cash
Last 10 swaps for antifiat mint
❌ https://mint.azzamo.net -> https://antifiat.cash at 2025-02-15 06:11:32 Mint Error: Lightning payment failed: no_route. (Code: 20000)
✅ https://antifiat.cash -> https://cashu.21m.lol at 2025-02-15 05:01:47
✅ https://antifiat.cash -> https://mint.lnw.cash at 2025-02-14 12:56:12
✅ https://antifiat.cash -> https://mint2.nutmix.cash at 2025-02-14 10:25:27
✅ https://antifiat.cash -> https://cashu.boats at 2025-02-14 06:58:38
✅ https://mint.agorist.space -> https://antifiat.cash at 2025-02-13 17:38:44
❌ https://mint.lnw.cash -> https://antifiat.cash at 2025-02-13 17:13:43 Mint Error: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0) (Code: 0)
✅ https://mint2.nutmix.cash -> https://antifiat.cash at 2025-02-13 15:35:11
✅ https://mint.lnwallet.app -> https://antifiat.cash at 2025-02-13 14:49:49
✅ https://cashu.21m.lol -> https://antifiat.cash at 2025-02-13 11:08:21
❓ Nostrich.cc mint - https://mint.nostrich.cc
Last 10 swaps for Nostrich.cc mint
✅ 21Mint - https://21mint.me
Last 10 swaps for 21Mint
✅ https://21mint.me -> https://mint.lnvoltz.com at 2025-02-15 05:59:18
✅ http://lbutlh5lfggq5r7xpiwhrajdl7sxpupgagazxl65w4c5cg72wtofasad.onion:3338 -> https://21mint.me at 2025-02-15 02:22:04
✅ https://21mint.me -> https://mint.lnw.cash at 2025-02-14 23:05:41
✅ https://cashu.21m.lol -> https://21mint.me at 2025-02-14 22:14:47
✅ https://21mint.me -> https://mint.lnw.cash at 2025-02-14 22:08:12
❌ https://mint.nodenebula.com -> https://21mint.me at 2025-02-14 21:18:04 Server error '524 ' for url 'https://mint.nodenebula.com/v1/melt/bolt11'
✅ https://mint.lnvoltz.com -> https://21mint.me at 2025-02-14 19:06:14
✅ https://mint.coinos.io -> https://21mint.me at 2025-02-14 18:40:09
✅ https://mint.westernbtc.com -> https://21mint.me at 2025-02-14 17:41:56
✅ https://21mint.me -> https://cashu.boats at 2025-02-14 17:31:20
❌ macadamia Mint - https://mint.macadamia.cash
Last 10 swaps for macadamia Mint
✅ https://mint.macadamia.cash -> https://mint.nimo.cash at 2025-02-14 16:30:42
❌ https://mint.utxo.one -> https://mint.macadamia.cash at 2025-02-12 22:43:39 Mint Error: Lightning payment unsuccessful. no_route (Code: 20000)
❌ https://mint.lnwallet.app -> https://mint.macadamia.cash at 2025-02-12 19:26:51 Mint Error: Lightning payment failed: no_route. (Code: 20000)
❌ https://mint.utxo.one -> https://mint.macadamia.cash at 2025-02-12 17:08:14 Mint Error: Lightning payment unsuccessful. no_route (Code: 20000)
✅ https://mint.macadamia.cash -> https://mint.data.haus at 2025-02-12 15:25:25
✅ https://mint.macadamia.cash -> https://mint.pailakapo.com at 2025-02-10 21:41:31
✅ https://mint.macadamia.cash -> https://mint.lnvoltz.com at 2025-02-10 20:48:25
❌ https://8333.space:3338 -> https://mint.macadamia.cash at 2025-02-10 20:26:00 Mint Error: Lightning payment failed: Unable to find a route for payment.. (Code: 20000)
✅ https://mint.macadamia.cash -> https://mint.westernbtc.com at 2025-02-10 14:30:02
✅ https://mint.macadamia.cash -> https://mint.westernbtc.com at 2025-02-10 12:11:00
✅ Voltz Mint - https://mint.lnvoltz.com
Last 10 swaps for Voltz Mint
✅ https://21mint.me -> https://mint.lnvoltz.com at 2025-02-15 05:59:18
✅ https://cashu.boats -> https://mint.lnvoltz.com at 2025-02-15 04:51:07
✅ https://mint.lnvoltz.com -> https://mint.data.haus at 2025-02-15 03:10:17
✅ https://mint.data.haus -> https://mint.lnvoltz.com at 2025-02-15 02:36:04
❌ https://mint.mountainlake.io -> https://mint.lnvoltz.com at 2025-02-14 20:40:02 Mint Error: proofs are pending. (Code: 11000)
✅ https://mint.lnvoltz.com -> https://stablenut.umint.cash at 2025-02-14 20:34:27
✅ https://mint.lnvoltz.com -> https://mint.nodenebula.com at 2025-02-14 20:23:34
✅ https://mint.lnvoltz.com -> https://mint.azzamo.net at 2025-02-14 19:33:21
✅ https://mint.lnvoltz.com -> https://21mint.me at 2025-02-14 19:06:14
✅ https://mint.azzamo.net -> https://mint.lnvoltz.com at 2025-02-14 12:25:29
✅ "Agorist Cashu Mint" - https://mint.agorist.space
Last 10 swaps for "Agorist Cashu Mint"
✅ https://mint.lnwasanee.com -> https://mint.agorist.space at 2025-02-15 01:19:30
✅ https://mint.agorist.space -> https://cashu.boats at 2025-02-15 00:00:52
✅ https://mint.agorist.space -> https://cashu.21m.lol at 2025-02-14 11:59:06
✅ https://mint.lnwasanee.com -> https://mint.agorist.space at 2025-02-14 11:41:58
✅ https://mint.agorist.space -> https://21mint.me at 2025-02-14 06:38:41
✅ https://mint.agorist.space -> http://lbutlh5lfggq5r7xpiwhrajdl7sxpupgagazxl65w4c5cg72wtofasad.onion:3338 at 2025-02-14 04:23:27
✅ https://mint.agorist.space -> https://mint.westernbtc.com at 2025-02-14 03:47:54
✅ https://mint.azzamo.net -> https://mint.agorist.space at 2025-02-14 02:46:02
✅ https://mint.agorist.space -> https://cashu.21m.lol at 2025-02-14 02:39:30
✅ https://mint.lnwallet.app -> https://mint.agorist.space at 2025-02-14 00:56:36
✅ "Coinos" - https://mint.coinos.io
Last 10 swaps for "Coinos"
✅ https://mint2.nutmix.cash -> https://mint.coinos.io at 2025-02-15 04:24:15
❌ https://mint.bitcointxoko.com -> https://mint.coinos.io at 2025-02-15 00:12:15 Mint Error: Lightning payment failed: HTTP status: . (Code: 20000)
✅ https://mint.coinos.io -> https://mint.nimo.cash at 2025-02-14 22:40:53
✅ https://8333.space:3338 -> https://mint.coinos.io at 2025-02-14 20:01:01
✅ https://mint.coinos.io -> https://21mint.me at 2025-02-14 18:40:09
✅ https://cashu.boats -> https://mint.coinos.io at 2025-02-14 16:10:38
✅ https://mint.utxo.one -> https://mint.coinos.io at 2025-02-14 09:46:07
✅ https://mint.lnwallet.app -> https://mint.coinos.io at 2025-02-14 09:32:01
✅ https://mint.lnw.cash -> https://mint.coinos.io at 2025-02-14 09:13:34
❌ https://Antifiat.cash -> https://mint.coinos.io at 2025-02-14 04:06:07 Mint Error: Lightning payment failed: no_route. (Code: 20000)
❌ 0xchat mint - https://mint.0xchat.com
Last 10 swaps for 0xchat mint
❌ lnwAsanee Mint - https://mint.lnwasanee.com
Last 10 swaps for lnwAsanee Mint
❌ https://mint.lnwasanee.com -> http://lbutlh5lfggq5r7xpiwhrajdl7sxpupgagazxl65w4c5cg72wtofasad.onion:3338 at 2025-02-15 05:25:41 Mint Error: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0) (Code: 0)
✅ https://mint.lnwasanee.com -> https://mint.agorist.space at 2025-02-15 01:19:30
✅ https://mint.lnwasanee.com -> https://mint.lnw.cash at 2025-02-15 01:11:46
✅ https://mint.nimo.cash -> https://mint.lnwasanee.com at 2025-02-14 22:54:55
❌ https://mint.utxo.one -> https://mint.lnwasanee.com at 2025-02-14 14:01:47 Mint Error: Lightning payment unsuccessful. no_route (Code: 20000)
✅ https://mint.lnwasanee.com -> https://mint.agorist.space at 2025-02-14 11:41:58
✅ https://mint.lnwasanee.com -> https://mint.lnwallet.app at 2025-02-14 03:14:11
✅ https://mint.lnwasanee.com -> https://mint.lnw.cash at 2025-02-13 20:51:22
✅ https://mint.lnwasanee.com -> https://mint.lnvoltz.com at 2025-02-13 19:20:27
✅ https://mint.lnwasanee.com -> https://mint.westernbtc.com at 2025-02-13 12:33:56
❌ moksha-mint - https://mint.103100.xyz
Last 10 swaps for moksha-mint
❌ https://mint.103100.xyz -> https://stablenut.umint.cash at 2025-02-14 23:39:43 Mint Error: None (Code: 9999)
❌ https://mint.103100.xyz -> https://mint.minibits.cash/Bitcoin at 2025-02-13 08:45:59 Mint Error: None (Code: 9999)
❌ https://mint.103100.xyz -> https://mint.minibits.cash/Bitcoin at 2025-02-12 13:44:27 Mint Error: None (Code: 9999)
✅ Kinda Reckless Mint - https://cashu.boats
Last 10 swaps for Kinda Reckless Mint
✅ https://cashu.boats -> https://mint.lnvoltz.com at 2025-02-15 04:51:07
✅ https://cashu.boats -> https://8333.space:3338 at 2025-02-15 04:42:34
✅ https://mint.lnwallet.app -> https://cashu.boats at 2025-02-15 00:21:22
✅ https://mint.agorist.space -> https://cashu.boats at 2025-02-15 00:00:52
✅ https://cashu.boats -> https://mint.data.haus at 2025-02-14 23:29:57
✅ https://cashu.21m.lol -> https://cashu.boats at 2025-02-14 21:33:24
✅ https://mint.westernbtc.com -> https://cashu.boats at 2025-02-14 18:52:29
✅ https://21mint.me -> https://cashu.boats at 2025-02-14 17:31:20
✅ https://cashu.boats -> https://mint.coinos.io at 2025-02-14 16:10:38
✅ https://cashu.boats -> http://lbutlh5lfggq5r7xpiwhrajdl7sxpupgagazxl65w4c5cg72wtofasad.onion:3338 at 2025-02-14 12:42:38
❌ Cashu facility - https://mint.gwoq.com
Last 10 swaps for Cashu facility
❌ Smiley Mint - https://smilemoji.cash:3338
Last 10 swaps for Smiley Mint
❌ BBE Cashu mint - https://mint.belgianbitcoinembassy.org
Last 10 swaps for BBE Cashu mint
❌ Mountainlake M5 - https://mint.mountainlake.io
Last 10 swaps for Mountainlake M5
❌ https://mint.mountainlake.io -> https://mint.minibits.cash/Bitcoin at 2025-02-15 00:58:50 Mint Error: proofs are pending. (Code: 11000)
❌ https://mint.mountainlake.io -> https://mint2.nutmix.cash at 2025-02-14 21:01:04 Mint Error: proofs are pending. (Code: 11000)
❌ https://mint.mountainlake.io -> https://mint.lnvoltz.com at 2025-02-14 20:40:02 Mint Error: proofs are pending. (Code: 11000)
✅ https://mint.mountainlake.io -> https://mint.minibits.cash/Bitcoin at 2025-02-14 19:18:23
❌ https://mint.mountainlake.io -> https://mint.westernbtc.com at 2025-02-14 18:13:23 Mint Error: proofs are pending. (Code: 11000)
❌ https://mint.mountainlake.io -> https://mint.azzamo.net at 2025-02-14 14:56:14 Mint Error: proofs are pending. (Code: 11000)
❌ https://mint.mountainlake.io -> https://mint.lnvoltz.com at 2025-02-14 03:42:09 Mint Error: proofs are pending. (Code: 11000)
❌ https://mint.mountainlake.io -> https://mint.coinos.io at 2025-02-14 01:47:17 Mint Error: proofs are pending. (Code: 11000)
✅ https://mint.mountainlake.io -> https://mint.agorist.space at 2025-02-13 23:13:45
❌ https://mint.mountainlake.io -> https://mint.agorist.space at 2025-02-13 21:40:59 Mint Error: proofs are pending. (Code: 11000)
❌ iWarp Mint - https://mint.lnpay.cz
Last 10 swaps for iWarp Mint
✅ Blitz Cashu mint - https://mint.data.haus
Last 10 swaps for Blitz Cashu mint
✅ https://8333.space:3338 -> https://mint.data.haus at 2025-02-15 04:02:22
✅ https://mint.lnvoltz.com -> https://mint.data.haus at 2025-02-15 03:10:17
✅ https://mint.data.haus -> https://mint.lnvoltz.com at 2025-02-15 02:36:04
✅ https://mint.lnw.cash -> https://mint.data.haus at 2025-02-15 01:04:45
✅ https://mint.minibits.cash/Bitcoin -> https://mint.data.haus at 2025-02-15 00:46:27
✅ https://mint.data.haus -> https://cashu.21m.lol at 2025-02-15 00:39:21
✅ https://cashu.boats -> https://mint.data.haus at 2025-02-14 23:29:57
✅ https://mint.data.haus -> https://mint.pailakapo.com at 2025-02-14 20:54:22
✅ https://mint.data.haus -> https://mint.nodenebula.com at 2025-02-14 12:34:32
✅ https://mint.data.haus -> https://mint.minibits.cash/Bitcoin at 2025-02-14 11:27:46
✅ Cashu mint - https://mint.nimo.cash
Last 10 swaps for Cashu mint
✅ https://mint.nimo.cash -> https://mint.lnwasanee.com at 2025-02-14 22:54:55
✅ https://mint.coinos.io -> https://mint.nimo.cash at 2025-02-14 22:40:53
✅ https://mint.nimo.cash -> https://cashu.21m.lol at 2025-02-14 21:57:48
✅ http://lbutlh5lfggq5r7xpiwhrajdl7sxpupgagazxl65w4c5cg72wtofasad.onion:3338 -> https://mint.nimo.cash at 2025-02-14 18:27:02
✅ https://mint.macadamia.cash -> https://mint.nimo.cash at 2025-02-14 16:30:42
✅ https://mint.nimo.cash -> https://stablenut.umint.cash at 2025-02-14 15:52:17
✅ https://mint.westernbtc.com -> https://mint.nimo.cash at 2025-02-14 13:32:54
✅ https://mint.nimo.cash -> https://mint.lnwallet.app at 2025-02-14 04:59:28
✅ https://mint.nimo.cash -> https://mint.azzamo.net at 2025-02-13 14:14:00
✅ https://mint.nimo.cash -> https://mint.lnw.cash at 2025-02-12 21:57:56
❌ utxo's mint - https://mint.utxo.one
Last 10 swaps for utxo's mint
❌ https://mint.utxo.one -> https://mint.lnwasanee.com at 2025-02-14 14:01:47 Mint Error: Lightning payment unsuccessful. no_route (Code: 20000)
✅ https://mint.utxo.one -> https://mint.minibits.cash/Bitcoin at 2025-02-14 10:08:43
✅ https://mint.utxo.one -> https://mint.coinos.io at 2025-02-14 09:46:07
❌ https://mint.utxo.one -> https://mint.westernbtc.com at 2025-02-13 18:28:45 Mint Error: Lightning payment unsuccessful. no_route (Code: 20000)
✅ https://mint.utxo.one -> https://mint.nodenebula.com at 2025-02-13 18:03:51
✅ https://mint2.nutmix.cash -> https://mint.utxo.one at 2025-02-13 17:05:55
✅ https://mint.azzamo.net -> https://mint.utxo.one at 2025-02-13 10:54:25
✅ https://mint.utxo.one -> https://mint.data.haus at 2025-02-13 08:12:01
✅ https://mint.utxo.one -> https://mint.coinos.io at 2025-02-13 05:51:01
❌ https://mint.utxo.one -> https://mint.lnwasanee.com at 2025-02-13 00:40:57 Mint Error: Lightning payment unsuccessful. no_route (Code: 20000)
✅ -= Liberty Mint =- - http://lbutlh5lfggq5r7xpiwhrajdl7sxpupgagazxl65w4c5cg72wtofasad.onion:3338
Last 10 swaps for -= Liberty Mint =-
✅ https://cashu.21m.lol -> http://lbutlh5lfggq5r7xpiwhrajdl7sxpupgagazxl65w4c5cg72wtofasad.onion:3338 at 2025-02-15 05:44:20
❌ https://mint.lnwasanee.com -> http://lbutlh5lfggq5r7xpiwhrajdl7sxpupgagazxl65w4c5cg72wtofasad.onion:3338 at 2025-02-15 05:25:41 Mint Error: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0) (Code: 0)
✅ https://mint2.nutmix.cash -> http://lbutlh5lfggq5r7xpiwhrajdl7sxpupgagazxl65w4c5cg72wtofasad.onion:3338 at 2025-02-15 03:37:22
✅ http://lbutlh5lfggq5r7xpiwhrajdl7sxpupgagazxl65w4c5cg72wtofasad.onion:3338 -> https://21mint.me at 2025-02-15 02:22:04
✅ http://lbutlh5lfggq5r7xpiwhrajdl7sxpupgagazxl65w4c5cg72wtofasad.onion:3338 -> https://mint.lnw.cash at 2025-02-15 01:54:22
✅ https://8333.space:3338 -> http://lbutlh5lfggq5r7xpiwhrajdl7sxpupgagazxl65w4c5cg72wtofasad.onion:3338 at 2025-02-15 01:27:19
✅ http://lbutlh5lfggq5r7xpiwhrajdl7sxpupgagazxl65w4c5cg72wtofasad.onion:3338 -> https://mint.nimo.cash at 2025-02-14 18:27:02
✅ https://cashu.boats -> http://lbutlh5lfggq5r7xpiwhrajdl7sxpupgagazxl65w4c5cg72wtofasad.onion:3338 at 2025-02-14 12:42:38
✅ https://mint.data.haus -> http://lbutlh5lfggq5r7xpiwhrajdl7sxpupgagazxl65w4c5cg72wtofasad.onion:3338 at 2025-02-14 10:53:20
✅ https://mint.agorist.space -> http://lbutlh5lfggq5r7xpiwhrajdl7sxpupgagazxl65w4c5cg72wtofasad.onion:3338 at 2025-02-14 04:23:27
✅ Nutmix Mainnet - https://mint2.nutmix.cash
Last 10 swaps for Nutmix Mainnet
✅ https://mint2.nutmix.cash -> https://mint.nodenebula.com at 2025-02-15 05:12:47
✅ https://mint2.nutmix.cash -> https://mint.lnw.cash at 2025-02-15 04:31:42
✅ https://mint2.nutmix.cash -> https://mint.coinos.io at 2025-02-15 04:24:15
✅ https://mint2.nutmix.cash -> http://lbutlh5lfggq5r7xpiwhrajdl7sxpupgagazxl65w4c5cg72wtofasad.onion:3338 at 2025-02-15 03:37:22
✅ https://mint.nodenebula.com -> https://mint2.nutmix.cash at 2025-02-15 01:41:12
❌ https://mint.mountainlake.io -> https://mint2.nutmix.cash at 2025-02-14 21:01:04 Mint Error: proofs are pending. (Code: 11000)
✅ https://mint2.nutmix.cash -> https://mint.azzamo.net at 2025-02-14 15:15:13
✅ https://stablenut.umint.cash -> https://mint2.nutmix.cash at 2025-02-14 13:09:10
✅ https://mint2.nutmix.cash -> https://Antifiat.cash at 2025-02-14 11:50:59
✅ https://antifiat.cash -> https://mint2.nutmix.cash at 2025-02-14 10:25:27
✅ lnwCash Mint - https://mint.lnw.cash
Last 10 swaps for lnwCash Mint
✅ https://mint2.nutmix.cash -> https://mint.lnw.cash at 2025-02-15 04:31:42
✅ http://lbutlh5lfggq5r7xpiwhrajdl7sxpupgagazxl65w4c5cg72wtofasad.onion:3338 -> https://mint.lnw.cash at 2025-02-15 01:54:22
✅ https://mint.lnwasanee.com -> https://mint.lnw.cash at 2025-02-15 01:11:46
✅ https://mint.lnw.cash -> https://mint.data.haus at 2025-02-15 01:04:45
✅ https://mint.lnw.cash -> https://stablenut.umint.cash at 2025-02-14 23:18:41
✅ https://21mint.me -> https://mint.lnw.cash at 2025-02-14 23:05:41
✅ https://21mint.me -> https://mint.lnw.cash at 2025-02-14 22:08:12
✅ https://mint.lnw.cash -> https://mint.minibits.cash/Bitcoin at 2025-02-14 19:49:54
✅ https://8333.space:3338 -> https://mint.lnw.cash at 2025-02-14 17:53:35
✅ https://mint.lnwallet.app -> https://mint.lnw.cash at 2025-02-14 17:11:57
❓ Core Ecash - https://corecashu.libretechsystems.xyz
Last 10 swaps for Core Ecash
✅ Nebula - https://mint.nodenebula.com
Last 10 swaps for Nebula
✅ https://mint2.nutmix.cash -> https://mint.nodenebula.com at 2025-02-15 05:12:47
✅ https://mint.nodenebula.com -> https://mint2.nutmix.cash at 2025-02-15 01:41:12
✅ https://mint.nodenebula.com -> https://8333.space:3338 at 2025-02-15 00:30:59
❌ https://mint.nodenebula.com -> https://21mint.me at 2025-02-14 21:18:04 Server error '524 ' for url 'https://mint.nodenebula.com/v1/melt/bolt11'
✅ https://mint.lnvoltz.com -> https://mint.nodenebula.com at 2025-02-14 20:23:34
✅ https://mint.nodenebula.com -> https://mint.westernbtc.com at 2025-02-14 18:04:51
✅ https://mint.nodenebula.com -> https://8333.space:3338 at 2025-02-14 13:53:28
✅ https://mint.data.haus -> https://mint.nodenebula.com at 2025-02-14 12:34:32
✅ https://mint.nodenebula.com -> https://mint.lnw.cash at 2025-02-14 10:39:24
✅ https://mint.nodenebula.com -> https://mint.minibits.cash/Bitcoin at 2025-02-14 06:16:48
✅ cashu.21m.lol - https://cashu.21m.lol
Last 10 swaps for cashu.21m.lol
✅ https://cashu.21m.lol -> http://lbutlh5lfggq5r7xpiwhrajdl7sxpupgagazxl65w4c5cg72wtofasad.onion:3338 at 2025-02-15 05:44:20
✅ https://antifiat.cash -> https://cashu.21m.lol at 2025-02-15 05:01:47
✅ https://mint.lnwallet.app -> https://cashu.21m.lol at 2025-02-15 03:00:18
✅ https://cashu.21m.lol -> https://mint.westernbtc.com at 2025-02-15 02:08:35
✅ https://mint.data.haus -> https://cashu.21m.lol at 2025-02-15 00:39:21
✅ https://cashu.21m.lol -> https://21mint.me at 2025-02-14 22:14:47
✅ https://mint.nimo.cash -> https://cashu.21m.lol at 2025-02-14 21:57:48
✅ https://cashu.21m.lol -> https://cashu.boats at 2025-02-14 21:33:24
✅ https://cashu.21m.lol -> https://mint.lnw.cash at 2025-02-14 17:06:31
✅ https://mint.azzamo.net -> https://cashu.21m.lol at 2025-02-14 15:43:07
❌ Bitcoin Txoko Mint - https://mint.bitcointxoko.com
Last 10 swaps for Bitcoin Txoko Mint
❌ https://mint.bitcointxoko.com -> https://mint.coinos.io at 2025-02-15 00:12:15 Mint Error: Lightning payment failed: HTTP status: . (Code: 20000)
❌ https://mint.bitcointxoko.com -> https://Antifiat.cash at 2025-02-14 11:02:57 Mint Error: Lightning payment failed: HTTP status: . (Code: 20000)
❌ https://mint.bitcointxoko.com -> https://cashu.boats at 2025-02-13 10:17:09 Mint Error: Lightning payment failed: HTTP status: . (Code: 20000)
❌ https://mint.bitcointxoko.com -> https://mint.pailakapo.com at 2025-02-13 09:11:18 Mint Error: Lightning payment failed: HTTP status: . (Code: 20000)
❌ https://mint.bitcointxoko.com -> https://cashu.21m.lol at 2025-02-13 07:59:04 Mint Error: Lightning payment failed: HTTP status: . (Code: 20000)
❌ https://mint.bitcointxoko.com -> https://antifiat.cash at 2025-02-12 11:09:08 Server error '504 Gateway Time-out' for url 'https://mint.bitcointxoko.com/v1/melt/bolt11'
✅ https://mint.bitcointxoko.com -> https://mint.utxo.one at 2025-02-11 23:54:56
❌ https://mint.bitcointxoko.com -> https://mint.coinos.io at 2025-02-11 18:41:24 Mint Error: Lightning payment failed: HTTP status: . (Code: 20000)
❌ https://mint.bitcointxoko.com -> https://cashu.boats at 2025-02-11 18:29:45 Mint Error: Lightning payment failed: HTTP status: . (Code: 20000)
❌ https://mint.bitcointxoko.com -> https://mint2.nutmix.cash at 2025-02-11 18:02:51 Mint Error: Lightning payment failed: HTTP status: . (Code: 20000)
❌ Azzamo Cashu Mint - https://mint.azzamo.net
Last 10 swaps for Azzamo Cashu Mint
❌ https://mint.azzamo.net -> https://antifiat.cash at 2025-02-15 06:11:32 Mint Error: Lightning payment failed: no_route. (Code: 20000)
✅ https://mint.westernbtc.com -> https://mint.azzamo.net at 2025-02-15 05:38:33
✅ https://mint.lnwallet.app -> https://mint.azzamo.net at 2025-02-14 23:54:48
✅ https://mint.lnvoltz.com -> https://mint.azzamo.net at 2025-02-14 19:33:21
✅ https://8333.space:3338 -> https://mint.azzamo.net at 2025-02-14 18:32:31
✅ https://stablenut.umint.cash -> https://mint.azzamo.net at 2025-02-14 16:58:30
✅ https://mint.azzamo.net -> https://cashu.21m.lol at 2025-02-14 15:43:07
✅ https://mint2.nutmix.cash -> https://mint.azzamo.net at 2025-02-14 15:15:13
❌ https://mint.mountainlake.io -> https://mint.azzamo.net at 2025-02-14 14:56:14 Mint Error: proofs are pending. (Code: 11000)
✅ https://mint.lnwallet.app -> https://mint.azzamo.net at 2025-02-14 14:16:26
✅ Pailakapo mint - https://mint.pailakapo.com
Last 10 swaps for Pailakapo mint
✅ https://mint.data.haus -> https://mint.pailakapo.com at 2025-02-14 20:54:22
✅ https://mint.minibits.cash/Bitcoin -> https://mint.pailakapo.com at 2025-02-14 15:58:21
❌ https://Antifiat.cash -> https://mint.pailakapo.com at 2025-02-14 15:27:51 Mint Error: Lightning payment failed: no_route. (Code: 20000)
✅ https://cashu.boats -> https://mint.pailakapo.com at 2025-02-14 12:06:48
✅ https://mint.pailakapo.com -> https://8333.space:3338 at 2025-02-14 04:30:22
✅ https://mint.azzamo.net -> https://mint.pailakapo.com at 2025-02-13 14:35:27
❌ https://mint.bitcointxoko.com -> https://mint.pailakapo.com at 2025-02-13 09:11:18 Mint Error: Lightning payment failed: HTTP status: . (Code: 20000)
✅ http://lbutlh5lfggq5r7xpiwhrajdl7sxpupgagazxl65w4c5cg72wtofasad.onion:3338 -> https://mint.pailakapo.com at 2025-02-13 02:26:31
✅ https://mint.pailakapo.com -> https://Antifiat.cash at 2025-02-13 01:10:16
✅ https://mint.minibits.cash/Bitcoin -> https://mint.pailakapo.com at 2025-02-12 19:53:37
✅ WesternBTC Cashu mint - https://mint.westernbtc.com
Last 10 swaps for WesternBTC Cashu mint
✅ https://mint.westernbtc.com -> https://mint.azzamo.net at 2025-02-15 05:38:33
✅ https://mint.westernbtc.com -> https://stablenut.umint.cash at 2025-02-15 03:47:42
✅ https://cashu.21m.lol -> https://mint.westernbtc.com at 2025-02-15 02:08:35
✅ https://mint.westernbtc.com -> https://mint.lnwallet.app at 2025-02-14 22:26:06
✅ https://mint.westernbtc.com -> https://cashu.boats at 2025-02-14 18:52:29
❌ https://mint.mountainlake.io -> https://mint.westernbtc.com at 2025-02-14 18:13:23 Mint Error: proofs are pending. (Code: 11000)
✅ https://mint.nodenebula.com -> https://mint.westernbtc.com at 2025-02-14 18:04:51
✅ https://mint.westernbtc.com -> https://21mint.me at 2025-02-14 17:41:56
✅ https://8333.space:3338 -> https://mint.westernbtc.com at 2025-02-14 17:22:47
✅ https://mint.westernbtc.com -> https://mint.nimo.cash at 2025-02-14 13:32:54
✅ lnwallet Mint - https://mint.lnwallet.app
Last 10 swaps for lnwallet Mint
✅ https://mint.lnwallet.app -> https://cashu.21m.lol at 2025-02-15 03:00:18
✅ https://mint.lnwallet.app -> https://cashu.boats at 2025-02-15 00:21:22
✅ https://mint.lnwallet.app -> https://mint.azzamo.net at 2025-02-14 23:54:48
✅ https://mint.westernbtc.com -> https://mint.lnwallet.app at 2025-02-14 22:26:06
✅ https://mint.minibits.cash/Bitcoin -> https://mint.lnwallet.app at 2025-02-14 20:13:23
✅ https://mint.lnwallet.app -> https://mint.lnw.cash at 2025-02-14 17:11:57
✅ https://8333.space:3338 -> https://mint.lnwallet.app at 2025-02-14 14:26:52
✅ https://mint.lnwallet.app -> https://mint.azzamo.net at 2025-02-14 14:16:26
✅ https://mint.lnwallet.app -> https://mint.coinos.io at 2025-02-14 09:32:01
✅ https://mint.lnwallet.app -> https://stablenut.umint.cash at 2025-02-14 06:01:44
❌ antifiat mint - https://Antifiat.cash
Last 10 swaps for antifiat mint
❌ https://Antifiat.cash -> https://mint.pailakapo.com at 2025-02-14 15:27:51 Mint Error: Lightning payment failed: no_route. (Code: 20000)
✅ https://mint2.nutmix.cash -> https://Antifiat.cash at 2025-02-14 11:50:59
✅ https://mint.lnvoltz.com -> https://Antifiat.cash at 2025-02-14 11:15:37
❌ https://mint.bitcointxoko.com -> https://Antifiat.cash at 2025-02-14 11:02:57 Mint Error: Lightning payment failed: HTTP status: . (Code: 20000)
✅ https://Antifiat.cash -> https://stablenut.umint.cash at 2025-02-14 10:20:00
❌ https://Antifiat.cash -> https://mint.coinos.io at 2025-02-14 04:06:07 Mint Error: Lightning payment failed: no_route. (Code: 20000)
❌ https://Antifiat.cash -> https://mint.azzamo.net at 2025-02-14 03:30:20 Mint Error: Lightning payment failed: no_route. (Code: 20000)
✅ https://mint.coinos.io -> https://Antifiat.cash at 2025-02-13 17:50:52
✅ https://Antifiat.cash -> https://21mint.me at 2025-02-13 09:55:06
✅ https://mint.lnwallet.app -> https://Antifiat.cash at 2025-02-13 05:32:53
Help support Round Robin Cashu Audit! https://audit.8333.space/