
@ Anthony Accioly
2025-03-06 22:55:11
Unpleasant disclaimer: If a spam message reaches one of my Personal or WoT relays because an account I’m connected with follows bot accounts, I’ll unfollow it. If I see it following multiple spam bots, I’ll also block it. Even if it’s otherwise a legitimate and nice user.
There are much bigger WoT relays that take a more lenient approach toward users following spam bots. Some relay admins maintain lists of users who follow bots to avoid breaking existing WoT networks. Fair play to those doing this for the good of the larger Nostr community. Unfortunately, I don’t have the time or resources to do the same. Plus, I have a much smaller Nostr network, so my relays aren’t exactly vital Nostr infrastructure.
So, if you were unfollowed or blocked, my apologies. No hard feelings or "power tripping" on my side. It’s just the nature of how WoT works, everyone has to stay vigilant to make it work.
#nostr #apam #bots #WoT