
@ Rakan | راكان
2025-03-10 18:13:41
What makes bitcoin unique is that it is by far the most boring money ever created. The volatility in price is only because it is measured against the most unstable type of money ever created. 1 btc = 1 btc
Bitcoin is nothing but global ledger that updates every 10 mintues for 16 years running with zero downtime and zero discrepancies. This is what makes it perfect and makes it return money to its natural function which in todays financialspeak serves as the ideal risk off and risk on asset at the same time.
When broken to the fundementals, even gold is more speculative and uncertain than bitcoin.
As for fiat, its greatest utility is crating this gap where someone has to jump between risk on and risk off to barely match the devaluation rate. This is unnatural and pretty much insane and only serves the money creators based on whims. It occupies the attention and energy of most people to simply focus on what a central banker will say rather than doing something productive.
So whenever someone wonders why isnt there any productivity miracles that will help the fiat machine chug along, i think people who are supposed to do it are busy dismantling Fedspeak.