
@ Jack K
2025-03-05 02:26:30
Bitcoin: THE quantum-classical computer already has 180M qubits with zero decoherence
in its 16 years of existence. It appears Microsoft’s last announcement was another dud. I’m oh so shocked. Bitcoin is still the only working quantum
computer for the last 16 years. Surely physics has nothing to say about consensus.
Why can’t bitcoiners see the inherent flaw of centralization in quantum computing? Bitcoin is the language to understand Quantum Mechanics, it’s not the other way around. How do you actually think “nature” maintains the conservation of energy in its transactional nature; surely not a peer to peer energy “cash” system. It’s so obvious. It’s in the literal name “Bit” (0 or 1; qualia) Coin” (stamping of value; quanta). Actually the perfect blend of qualia and quanta; measured in discrete blocks of time. Explain how a UTXO is not the perfect explanation and behavior of what we observe as a quantum bit.
Centralized Quantum Computing is all fake complexity and black box calculations for what bitcoin has already made simple and transparent. Quantum computing is about “hand wavey” as the federal reserve centrally planning the economy. Wake up. We’ve all been wrong about Bitcoin.