
@ TheBitcoinBattery
2025-03-08 23:44:56
A long time ago I realized that the "American Dream" of working 40 hours a week, for 45 years, at a job you hate, making other people rich, while you spend very little time with your family or doing things you enjoy – all while you could die at any moment – was more like a nightmare. It felt like slavery, and I was staring down with dread at the years of dismay that awaited me.
I don't want to be rich, I just want my time. I want my life to be as rich as I can possibly make it given the few years I have alive, however many that ends up being. I want to read many books. Taste many cuisines. Interact with many people. Visit many countries. Enjoy many stories in all there forms, and share them with others. I want to be so much more than a cog in a machine that is designed to destroy happiness, kill people, and make shit.
Without Bitcoin, I don't know that I would have ever found a way to live my life as I wanted. FIAT is slavery, it really is. Bitcoin is money yes, but Bitcoin's true value is that it gives us the ability to live our lives the way we choose. Bitcoin frees us all.
Thank you, Satoshi. 🫂