
@ mleku
2025-03-10 13:46:16
what i want is a hyperbaric, magnesium sulphate brine float tank
the binaural stuff, simple enough to use magnetic drivers that work at these low frequencies into the brine directly either side
i've done a few sessions in float tanks in Sofia a few years ago and something to help you stay oriented in one position would be helpful, while not being too distracting, probably just some kind of grips that let you stay in one spot, it also makes the whole tank a lot smaller.... and teh tank i was using it had lights in it, nuh uh no damn lights damn, they were blue also
i'd probably say that the second feature i would want is that the whole assembly is sitting on top of a magnetic levitation rig so that there is no vibrations coming in, because i could hear the distant hum of nearby traffic in this tank i was in
i found all these inputs too distracting and stopped me from getting into the theta state, though it got easier the second time
also, the fluid... epsom salt brine is... dessicaticating
idk, maybe it's just a matter of practise