
@ mleku
2025-03-13 09:37:08
yeah, the thing is the protestants are much easier to sway to debasing the culture and the society, and the money, for that matter... catholics are not fundamentalists but they are extremely certain about things that cannot be allowed to change
recent popes have been trying to unsettle all of that and i don't think any catholics are happy about it
on the other hand, in the uper levels of the clergy there is lots of issues with sexual abuse, but the laiety are not like this at all, and that's the main thing that interests me with spending my time around these people
at the church here mostly grandmas, and some grandmas with their young daughters, and then the men are moslly old farmers, actually i probably was one of the youngest in the congregation (the deacon was young), as were a couple of others up the front section)
and yeah, they have that separate section, during the proceedings there was too separate women who made a speech of some sort