
@ Miriam Snoyman
2025-03-04 07:56:57
I was thinking about government entitlement programs this morning (and the joy of slashing them), and something clicked. I know someone in the tech industry who hasn’t been able to keep a steady job over the last 5+ years. He contracts to places which include government-contracted industry but somehow never makes it past the first round of pink slips whenever there are layoffs. He complains regularly that he spends all day on job boards but can never land anything. He also has a nasty attitude toward recruiters, and he loves bragging about how he lambasted the most recent recruiter who sent him a standard head-hunting email. He also loves showing off the old gaming systems he collects and refurbishes (with what money, I don’t know).
I’ve never been able to square all of this. Clearly he’s sending signals to companies that he’s not a good hiring option. But if he really needed a job, he could go work at a grocery store or other entry level job. He’s in his 40s - healthy and able.
So what’s going on with him and why does he get under my skin so much?
It’s because he’s entitled. He’s an entitled cunt. He believes that he DESERVES a stable job behind a desk doing what he likes and getting paid for it. And I think that interviewers he talks to pick up on that attitude and refuse to hire him. And rather than learn a lesson from his experiences, he lashes out at others.
For various reasons I can’t say this to his face, so I’ll say it into the ether: stop whining, you entitled man-child. Get a fucking job or don’t, but grow up already.