
@ Javier
2025-02-11 11:33:38
We correct because we care.\
And when others correct us, it’s a reminder: We’re cared for.
“No calm ocean makes a skilled sailor,” they say. Yet we often prize safety more than the process that actually makes us skillful—able to navigate life’s oceans securely. We want the result: expertise, confidence, calm at the helm. But we’re often reluctant to embrace the very process that shapes us.
Trials and life’s tests aren’t pleasant, but maybe we should see them through our Father’s eyes. How else can we possibly grow? If not by trials, then how? Any parent knows we don’t just learn by hearing; we are stubborn beings who truly learn after experiencing.
It’s in those small, fear-fueled moments—realizing you could have fallen off a cliff, been hit by a car, or lost your career over a careless comment—that your senses awaken to very real consequences. Hopefully, that flash of adrenaline is enough to teach a lesson. But often, more often than we’d like to admit, it isn’t.
God’s parenting style is fascinating; He’s patient beyond measure. He can handle our insecurities and weaknesses for a very long time. Even when our earthly parents may have given up on us, He won't. Either we walk away from His lessons, or we keep facing the same challenges meant to shape us—making us whole, maturing us in our faith—until we finally learn and pass the test.
Paraphrasing the message of James chapter 1: “Count it all joy, pure joy, when you face trials. If you don’t understand why you’re going through what you’re going through, ask God for wisdom—He will give it to you.”
During your high, victorious moments, remember: you’ll be tested again. Take heart—because the end goal is a more resilient and confident version of you, anchored in God rather than in yourself.
During your low moments—when everything feels painfully hard—remember that you have a Father’s hand guiding you, never leaving you alone.
You’ve got this…in God.\
Until the next one,\
Legacy website article and email subscription [here](https://www.javierfeliu.com/blog/no-calm-ocean-why-safe-waters-never-grow-us/).\
Photo by [Torsten Dederichs](https://unsplash.com/@tdederichs?ref=javierfeliu.com) / [Unsplash](https://unsplash.com/?utm_source=ghost&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=api-credit)