
@ kepford
2025-02-11 17:09:02
Have you ever tried to explain the political factions in the US to a curious young person? If you haven't you might not realize how little sense they make. This is only becoming more evident with the radical changes the current admin are making.
I have to say I'm enjoy being a spectator of it all. When I was a kid the dems were called liberals and they called themselves liberals. The republicans didn't always call themselves conservatives but over the years that has become more of the case.
These days with a new admin that is hardly conservative, the left is losing their mind because of the new admin's strategy for reforming the executive branch. When I listen to them they sound a lot like conservatives. Talking about how long this thing or that thing has been in place. How these kids are being given power. Its all rather funny and hypocritical to me.
Conservatives typically don't like change but they seem to like the new approach in Washington. I would argue what is going on is NOT conservative. Its actually pretty radical. I have long thought that the conservative movement was a joke. What are they conserving? They seem to never get the core problems and how deep the rot goes. They seem to be stuck in some nostalgic dream of a time that never existed. A perpetual 20 years ago time that never existed. When education was great and morals were more to their liking.
Michael Malice said it best I think, "Conservatives are progressives going the speed limit".
The dems typically call themselves progressive now which is also a bad descriptor. They seem to be bigger moralists than their opponents. Rather than progressing towards a bright future, blazing a new trail they seem to want to try to old meritless ideas of old men like Marx. Their answers to every problem are centralizing power and giving more of your freedoms away. This is hardly a progressive or new idea. Its an old idea. One of a strong state that controls more of your life. Its hardly liberal either.
I don't have new terms that work and even if I did good luck changing them :)
Just one man's observation.
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/882858