
@ Faye
2025-03-12 01:55:24
Fucking wonderful.
Made the effort to get to bed early today because burned out.
Fucking full blown insomnia/mental health collapse event.
They’ve completely changed our team dynamic. Our tech lead is giving me the “I’m going to gaslight you rather than admitting that the new senior guy’s PR being 60% noise changes and 10% inaccurate comments is concerning” bullshit.
The US has basically elected a chunk of my childhood trauma. Never mind the concrete effects that’s having on real people now. I still have to deal with Twitler cultists in my family telling me “that’s just your opinion, Elon is going to save us all!”.
I’m probably suffering from EINSUFFICIENTGAY again, but having to admit to myself that I crave thigh socks and cock while at the same time that undermines the power persona I feel be need to wear in order to deal with…. Everyone.