
@ Erik Uden 🍑
2025-03-06 22:17:01
The terminology of “legal” vs. “illegal” migration are made up concepts to sell you the idea of harsher treatment being justified – after all, someone doing something or being illegal deserves it, right?
The reality is that everyone and their actions can be turned illegal if a government deems to do so. The subjugation starts with the lowest social and economic class, yet swiftly works itself upwards to the majority of working class people.
We can put migrants and asylum seekers into camps, deport them to third states, or expropriate their belongings to pay for their stay? We can force them to use a specific payment card which only allows them to buy certain items in certain areas which we track and let algorithms judge them? Those same cards were discussed for homeless and people on financial aid programs already, full German citizens. Also German people's citizenship can be revoked by a new law and for political reasons. You can become an asylum seeker in your own country.
The second there is a lower social category which certain actions are justified against, the definition of that category can be loosened, and your circumstances can be changed to be turned into that. We must realize that truly, there are only two classes. Being ignorant or not wanting to see that fact doesn't change it from being true.
The poor and the immigrants are a testing ground for what some day will be done to you, if you don't show sympathy for them and fight against their oppression, there'll be no one left to show sympathy for you.