
@ TheWildHustle
2024-11-24 16:48:15
## A Personal Journey
I recently created a blog using npub.pro to consolidate my Nostr and Stacker News longform posts in one place. It's been a fun experiment, with surprising results.

Primal now displays my SN and Nostr posts through a selection on my profile screen, and users are able to highlight, zap, and comment on the highlights of my articles.

I need to write more, the blog will be something of an open diary, detailing my personal experience with Nostr and bitcoin.
## Why Nostr Outshines Substack and Medium
Nostr in my opinion has already surpassed the legacy blogging platforms. Functionalities like zapping, highlighting, and commenting, are fun and cool, but when added to Nostr's interconnectivity something magical appears. I had no idea my cross posted SN longform posts would be found in npub.pro, and I didn't know npub.pro had added longform support. Primal 2.0 was pretty much the nail in the coffin, the most popular Nostr client just added a reads section, supporting longform content. Nostr freaks like to talk about sovereignty and decentralization and owning your online identity, but the main attraction will probably be zaps, interconnectivity, and a more optimal UX.
Npub.pro, Cypher.space, Blogspot.io, Highlighter, Stacker News, Primal 2.0 and Yakihonne, are just the beginnings, but offer an amazing glimpse at what the future has in store. Keep in mind that these sites are sharing an average of around 10k daily active users, we'll see an explosion of content and a diversity of content because these platforms offer incentives and functionalities that you don't see elsewhere, as bitcoin becomes less taboo, and as the early adopter phase of these products comes to a close, we'll probably see v4v censorship resistance and digital ownership immensely supporting the underdog, the same underdog that just came over for the ease of use and hype.
So with that being said, highlight away. Let me know what you guys think about blogging on Nostr and if you think these are just the ramblings of a madman, or bland and obvious observations.
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/781159