@ Unfiltered Faith
2024-12-17 22:12:48
Welcome, friend. I hope this place becomes a space to pause, breathe, and reflect in the midst of the chaos of life and faith. If you’re here, there’s a good chance you’ve felt the weight of doubt in your belief, the kind that sits heavy on your heart, whispers in your mind, and makes you wonder if you’d truly be accepted if people knew your questions, especially when everything around you insists that belief without doubt is the only acceptable way to be. I get it. I’ve been there too.
I’ve faced a lot of pressure: the pressure to get everything right, the shame that follows any hint of sin, and the isolation that comes with feeling like I’m not quite enough for God’s love—whether it was because of the mistakes I’ve made or the doubts that linger in my heart. It’s tough to be part of a faith tradition that values certainty above all else when you’re in the middle of a spiritual crisis or a season of question. For many of us, the church can sometimes feel like a place where doubt isn’t welcomed, where questions are viewed as weaknesses, or worse, a ticket to hell. But here’s what I’ve learned in the decade I stepped away from my church and my beliefs: **doubt doesn’t mean we’re failing at faith. It means we’re seeking something deeper.**
### Understanding the Pressure to Be Certain
For many of us who were raised in conservative Christian settings, there’s often an unspoken (and sometimes spoken) expectation: doubt is not okay. The message we receive is that to be a "good Christian" means you must have unwavering faith, an unshakable belief that everything in the Bible is true, and absolute certainty in your relationship with God. You’re supposed to have all the answers, be sure of your salvation, and confidently declare your faith in the face of any challenge.
But what happens when you don't have all the answers? When you question parts of scripture or the ways the church has interpreted it? When you wonder how a loving God can allow suffering, or how science and faith can co-exist? When you wonder if you're truly loved by God, or if your struggles disqualify you from His grace?
There’s a lot of weight in these questions, and for a long time, I felt alone in them. After all, isn’t doubt something that should be avoided? Shouldn’t we be strong enough to push through and just believe? The church certainly didn't seem to be the place to clear this all up in my mind!
### The Reality of Doubt: You’re Not Alone
The truth is, doubt is a natural part of the human experience. A study published in the Journal of Psychology and Theology found that 70% of individuals experience some level of doubt at various points in their spiritual journey. **Doubt doesn’t make you a bad Christian or a failure at faith—it makes you human.**
The Bible is filled with examples of doubt. One of the most famous stories comes from Thomas, often referred to as "Doubting Thomas." After Jesus’ resurrection, when the other disciples saw Him alive and well, Thomas couldn’t believe it until he saw Jesus for himself and touched His wounds. When he finally encountered the risen Christ, Jesus didn’t rebuke him for doubting—He met him in the doubt. Jesus said, “Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe” (John 20:27, NIV). But Jesus doesn’t shame Thomas. No. He invites him to experience the truth, to see it for himself, and to believe in his own time and way.
**Doubt is not a sin. It’s part of the journey of faith. Just like Thomas, we can bring our doubts to Jesus, and He will meet us in that place.**
### Acknowledging Doubt: A Step Toward Deeper Faith
Sometimes we think that the right way to navigate doubt is to push it down, pretend it doesn’t exist, or cover it up with surface-level answers. We’re told that questioning our faith is a sign of weakness or a lack of commitment. But what if the opposite is true? *What if acknowledging our doubt could be the very thing that leads us to a deeper, more authentic faith?*
In the book of Psalms, many of the writers express their doubts and frustrations with God. Take Psalm 73, for example. The psalmist, Asaph, begins by questioning the fairness of life: “Surely God is good to Israel, to those who are pure in heart. But as for me, my feet had almost slipped; I had nearly lost my foothold. For I envied the arrogant when I saw the prosperity of the wicked” (Psalm 73:1-3, NIV). Asaph openly doubts God’s goodness, and he questions why it seems like those who do wrong are thriving. But instead of running from his questions, he brings them before God, and by the end of the psalm, he expresses renewed trust in God's faithfulness (Psalm 73:23-26). Through this process of doubting and questioning, Asaph’s faith is refined, and he ultimately comes to a deeper understanding of God's justice and presence.
When we acknowledge the doubt, we don’t weaken our faith; we make space for it to grow. True faith isn’t the absence of doubt—it’s the trust to keep going even when we don’t have all the answers.
**What the Bible Says About Doubt**
James 1:6-8 is one of the passages that many people turn to when discussing doubt in the context of faith. It says:
> "But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. That person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. Such a person is double-minded and unstable in all they do" (James 1:6-8, NIV).
In these verses, James is addressing the process of asking God for wisdom. The context is not about the kind of doubt that questions God’s existence or love, but about a specific type of doubt: a lack of commitment or double-mindedness when it comes to asking for something from God. James is highlighting the importance of trust and consistency in prayer and faith.
Now, this is where it gets tricky. It seems as though James is saying that any form of doubt disqualifies you from receiving God's wisdom, but what he’s actually pointing out is something deeper. The doubt James describes here is not the kind of doubt where you're struggling with your faith and trying to work through your questions. It’s a doubt that stems from being double-minded or divided in your loyalty—someone who isn’t fully committed to trusting in God's goodness and His ability to provide answers.
In other words, James is addressing those who are unable to decide whether they trust God enough to act in faith, or whether they will rely on their own understanding. This isn’t about wrestling with questions of faith, but about refusing to fully trust God and expecting Him to give you what you ask for without truly believing He will. The warning here is that divided loyalty in your faith—being uncertain whether to trust God or rely on your own solutions—leads to instability in your life.
### How Does This Relate to Us Today?
If we look at this in light of our own lives, the point James is making is incredibly relevant. It’s okay to have questions, to wrestle with doubt, and to not always have complete clarity. But if your doubt leads you to question God’s ability, goodness, or willingness to act, then you're not fully trusting in Him. If you approach God in prayer with a heart that says, “I don’t think He’ll really answer this, but I’ll ask anyway,” that’s the kind of wavering that James warns against. Faith requires a kind of consistency in belief: that God is good, He is listening, and He has the power to answer—even when you don’t understand how or when.
What James seems to be saying is that doubt becomes problematic when it leads us to reject God’s goodness or power. It's not the occasional, fleeting doubt about one’s salvation or understanding of scripture that disqualifies us from receiving from God, but rather a refusal to commit fully to trusting God in our times of need.How Does This Relate to Us Today?
If we look at this in light of our own lives, the point James is making is incredibly relevant. It’s okay to have questions, to wrestle with doubt, and to not always have complete clarity. But if your doubt leads you to question God’s ability, goodness, or willingness to act, then you're not fully trusting in Him. If you approach God in prayer with a heart that says, “I don’t think He’ll really answer this, but I’ll ask anyway,” that’s the kind of wavering that James warns against. Faith requires a kind of consistency in belief: that God is good, He is listening, and He has the power to answer—even when you don’t understand how or when.
What James seems to be saying is that doubt becomes problematic when it leads us to reject God’s goodness or power. It's not the occasional, fleeting doubt about one’s salvation or understanding of scripture that disqualifies us from receiving from God, but rather a refusal to commit fully to trusting God in our times of need.
### Practical Ways to Navigate Doubt in a Faith Tradition that Values Certainty
**Acknowledge Your Doubts Without Shame** \
The first step in navigating doubt is acknowledging it. Doubt doesn’t make you a bad Christian or unworthy of God’s love. You don’t need to hide your questions. Instead of feeling guilty, recognize that doubt is part of your spiritual journey, and it’s okay to ask questions. When we’re honest about our doubts, we give God space to meet us where we are.
**Engage with Scripture Honestly** \
Sometimes, we shy away from certain parts of the Bible because they challenge us or don’t make sense. But the Bible is full of complexity, contradictions, and depth—and that’s okay. Approach Scripture with curiosity and openness. It’s not about finding all the answers right away, but about engaging with the text and allowing it to speak to you in different seasons of your life.
**Surround Yourself with a Supportive Community** \
Find people who are willing to walk with you through your doubts. If you’re struggling with questions, it can be incredibly helpful to talk with someone who has navigated similar struggles. Surround yourself with people who are willing to explore faith openly and who won’t judge you for questioning.
**Embrace the Mystery of Faith** \
Faith is never about having all the answers. There will always be aspects of God’s character and His ways that remain mysterious to us. But instead of trying to solve every mystery, learn to embrace the mystery. Faith is trusting in the unknown, and sometimes the questions themselves are a beautiful part of the journey.
**Remember That Jesus Loves You—Doubt and All** \
Above all else, remember that Jesus loves you deeply, no matter where you are in your faith journey. He isn’t looking for perfection; He’s looking for honesty. Just as He met Thomas in his doubt, He will meet you too. There is no shame in your questions—only an invitation to deeper trust and intimacy with God.
Navigating doubt in a faith tradition that values certainty is hard. But remember, you’re not alone in your struggle. Doubt isn’t a sign of weakness; it’s an invitation to deepen your faith. Just as God met Thomas and the psalmist in their doubt, He will meet you where you are. Faith isn’t about having all the answers—it’s about trusting God with our questions.
So, friend, don’t be afraid of your doubts. They don’t disqualify you from God’s love or His plans for your life. They are simply part of the beautiful, messy, and deeply human journey of faith. Take it one step at a time, and know that, like me, you are loved by God no matter where you are on your spiritual path.
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