@ t testz
2025-01-26 11:39:51
This is a normal piece of text.z
**This is a bold piece of text via button press.z**
**this is also bold, but via double-starsz**
*this is an italic via button press*
*this also but via one-star*
<u>look, it's an underline!</u>
`oh, a piece of code has appeared. Nice. Button press tho. seems like it's purple / missed styling it, will change that.`
`another code but via text`
code block, kinda buggy (really buggy actually x3)
\`\`\`this is another, but via text which is disabled for now as it's cause issues\`\`\`
This is a top number thing<sup>222</sup>
a bottom number thing<sub>5ss65435ghrt</sub>
* bullets!
* another!
* a third!
1. Number!
1. another!
1. a third!
* [x] check
* [x] box
> this is a quote
# heading 1
## heading 2
### heading 3 via text
#### heading 4 via text
##### heading 5 via text
###### heading 6 via text
[this is a link via text (button has an annoyance bug)](degmods.com "title?")
![](https://degmods.com/assets/DEGM Thumb-k5t1FcLW.png)
video below