
@ Design_r
2025-03-14 09:18:34
# A bitcoin savings wallet for the entire family.

> **Secure**
Powered by BDK
> **Modern**
Combining powerful tables with modern visualizations for the mempool and money flow diagrams. Fully featured out of the box
> **Sync & Chat**
Backup and synchronization of labels. Collaborate with other signers in a multi-party-multisig
> **Easy to Use**
Step-by-Step instructions for a secure SingleSig or MultiSig setup with PDF backup sheets
> **Compatible**
Full support for Coldcard, Coldcard Q, Bitbox02, Blockstream Jade, Trezor Safe, Foundation Passport, Keystone, Ledger, Specter DIY. Supporting all major hardware wallets using QR, USB, or SD-card.
> **Multi-Language**
🇺🇸 English, 🇨🇳 Chinese - 简体中文, 🇪🇸 Spanish - español de España, 🇯🇵 Japanese - 日本語, 🇷🇺 Russian - русский, 🇵🇹 Portuguese - português europeu, 🇮🇳 Hindi - हिन्दी, Arabic - العربية, 🇮🇹 Italian - italiano, 🇫🇷 French - Français, 🇩🇪 German - Deutsch, 🇲🇲 Burmese - မြန်မာ, 🇰🇷 Korean - 한국어
> **Open Source**
We ❤ open source: Bitcoin Safe is GPL3
# How can you help?
- Download and install **Bitcoin Safe** in your PC from https://bitcoin-safe.org/en/download/
- Optionally, verify the signature
- Try out its functionalities
- Take notes or screenshots of what can be improved
- Create a issue for each bug, improvement or suggestion from https://github.com/andreasgriffin/bitcoin-safe/issues/new
# Curret Logo

# Current Website

# Social Presence
- https://primal.net/p/npub1q67f4d7qdja237us384ryeekxsz88lz5kaawrcynwe4hqsnufr6s27up0e
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/912845