@ mleku
2025-03-09 16:53:39
i just want to say nostr:npub1z4y76jl8r5d8p63defzedngv2nrp46jgt3hyuk5v533htrycm49q66zpx6 that it is pleasing to meet someone else who has gone into this and understands so much and i feel humbled because honestly i know bugger all compared to you about it, i just understand the physics of it
i can talk about other stuff that is entirely from - wherever it comes from - regarding the mechanisms of physics relating to gravity, impulse and the driver of motion of all matter, that i call the "spacetime expansion hypothesis" which i have been incubating since about 1999, which is a model of matter that posits that space itself is constantly increasing in ... what is the word... "precision" or that between each "atom" of space, i call them space-particles, at some ratio,which creates the speed of light, these "particles" divide and then matter itself is some kind of process whereby this expansion is countered, imperfectly, of course, which creates the constant instability of matter, and is the source of the force of gravity
gravity, specifically acts exactly like a surface tension equalization acting on a gas, except the gas is a material that we currently don't have devices to detect, it is like as the matter is the nucleus of the cell, the "neutral electron cloud" as i call it, is far larger and it is the interaction of the clouds of two bodies of matter that causes the motion that we witness as gravitation
what this means is that there is an endless, basicially infinite source of energy, and i'm sure you get it that none of this is inconsistent with the E=Mc^2 formula - specifically that the energy contained within matter, is ilterally its tendency to oppose this constant expansion force
there is huge amounts of other things related to this that i bumped into here and there, relating to observations of epic sized electromagnetic and especially electrostatic phenomena occurring in massive scales at the fringes of galaxies and the spaces between galaxies, where it - for want of a better word, looks like matter is appearing out of nowhere
and this, leads me to my most recent hypothesis, that in the core of celestial bodies, such as our earth, there is a threshold level of force, where in order to enable this massive body of matter to remain cohesive, the core materials, the mostly iron, and some nickel and ... i forget the other mineral, cobalt? yes, is in a supercritical state, and i don't know if you know about the physics of supercritical matter but it's something like plasma, but under extreme pressure
we use supercritical carbon dioxide now as an extraction solvent for many especially organic chemistry processes, like, i believe that it is commonly used for removing cocaine from coca, and caffeine from coffee, by taking CO2 and pressurising it beyond a certain point and when it goes supercritical, its solvency properties change and the solubles in the material are essentially leeched out into the pseudo-fluid of the gas at superrcitical state, with an efficiency far beyond what you can do in normal conditions, and the rapid pressurisation, which normally causes a sharp rise in temperature, is countered when it hits supercritical state
so, just piecing that together, if the core of our planet, which has a permament magnetic field core, is in a supercritical state, where it is too high pressure to vaporize, but too high temperature to be liquid, it starts to behave differently
what i suspect is that it is much like the superconductive state that is famous for giving us these quantum computing "qbits" but also magnetic levitation, which is due to the ferromagnetic material having obscenely elevated levels of magnetic permeability that causes it to be able to behave differently
which leads me to Expanding Earth stuff, idk if you ever saw anything about this, but a geologist from west australia built a computer simulation that showed what would happen if you deleted the parts of the earth's crust that appear to have been formed at that time, and he shows a quite rapid shrinking of the total surface of the earth, and the youngest parts of it?
yes, the oceans
his model seems to imply that at one point not long ago, about 200 million years, the earth had no oceans, and that it was cut along the current coast lines by rivers, and that in the process of time between, these thinner, weaker parts of the crust were stretched wider and eventually filled with more water and gave us the current continental pattern
so, yeah, suffice it to say that this guy's model strongly disagreed with the whole continental drift theory and actually that over the last 200mln years the earth has doubled in volume, which means a 8x increase of mass
which leads me to the hypothesis that the supercritical state of our planet's ferromagnetic core, in its supercritical state, has a further property, also implied by Einstein - that once this ferromagnetic material in supercritical state exceeds a specific amount of pressure due to gravity, that time effectively stops
there has been several studies done that show that matter is forming constantly in space, throughout the universe, everywhere at all moments, that blips into existence, and lacks the coherence required and blips back out
if time slows down enough, due to gravity, and the blip effectively has millions of years to stabilize, it can stabilise, and thus this supercritical dense magnetic core is not just creating a magnetic field, it is a creche of new matter, that forms everywhere, and in the inter-galactic spaces, but at a far greater rate, and this thus causes the gradual increasing of the mass of celestial objects, that is a baseline phenomena that gives you your jupiter, saturn and nepturne type planets and thos eeventually catch fire due to the amount of matter they are forming inside them, to light up and become stars