
@ LeviWritesBooks
2025-03-09 02:19:58
Buying back your time is a high intelligence move.
But buying back your time takes money/currency strictly speaking.
Another excellent option is "creating" back your time. How does this work?
One option my wife and I use is writing and publishing books. This is an act of creativity and intelligence.
Each new high quality book we create and publish and sell on Amazon and Nostr buys us back our time, because then our book products are working for us, giving us "time autonomy." Time autonomy being the system that separates a person from the need to trade time for money.
What I'm describing is mainly a personal shift in values. Do I value time more than money, or like many people, do I value money more than time?
If you or I decides to consistently value time over money, or even more powerfully, meaning over money, then WHY I seek money changes, and I can start creating and selling books or products or houses or whatever works for ones personality type, and that gives a person more time autonomy until such point that the income from creating and selling surpasses one's expenses, enabling though not obligating that person to stop trading their time for money.
Then time/meaning autonomy has been achieved.
Therefore, if you can, absolutely buy back your time. But if that isn't really a financial option right now, you may want to consider creating back your time in a way that works for you, personally. My wife nostr:nprofile1qqs88rmcwwkzcm9hwq0rz5rpdt7gysmekyetgea6t2zzn4vkftcmzdspz4mhxue69uhhyetvv9ujuerpd46hxtnfduhsdyx09m and I are both creating back our time and buying back our time. And both are working for us.