
@ DefiantDandelion
2025-01-17 04:51:05
It’s not immoral, it’s against the terms of service. And by violating the terms of service they can restrict me in anyway they wish as a penalty within the confines of their service ( their property which they have a right to exclude me from) Catch me if they can.
Our moral wetware was formed for or evolved from (take your pick) human to human interaction over the distribution of food etc within a small group of closely bonded humans in a deathly scarce world. Extrapolating “Stealing” to cover skipping ads in this case, puts the wetware outside of the context that would trigger my moral sentiments. No moral high ground here, just two assholes trying to get the better of each other.
I will see your stadium example and raise you a firework show put on by a theme park. Do you avert your eyes if you can see them from your back porch? Is closing your eyes during the ad also stealing? Was it stealing to record a television show and fast forward through the commercials?