
@ c03rad0r
2025-03-14 17:04:03
### [Building a TollGate module](https://github.com/OpenTollGate/tollgate-module-relay-go/actions/runs/13858291486) (nostr client)
The following mermaid graph visualises what happens when we make changes to a module.
* Build binary
- [x] verifies that the code can be compiled for all the targets that we care about in less than two minutes.
* Package module
- [x] Uses the OpenWRT SDK to generate packages quickly
- [x] Builds a newer golang version, which is required by the relay
- [x] Was using the wrong `golang-package.mk`. See [here](nostr:nevent1qvzqqqqy2upzpslz866785q0rze0favgmrxmc4yxfzl8vx7ajzqjrpklgcpa0j4fqqsyny82t609927p2nrc2ems9vykzfz55np9xj7m8reyutdkhectkhqgg3aaj).
- [ ] [Packages the module](https://github.com/OpenTollGate/tollgate-sdk/actions/runs/13858302129) for OpenWRT
- [x] Resolved sonic error
- [ ] [Separate step](nostr:nevent1qvzqqqqx25pzpslz866785q0rze0favgmrxmc4yxfzl8vx7ajzqjrpklgcpa0j4fqqsxd736fdrrey65n02lx3weqnvd38l4gywpgjet79g48wzq0498c0gaqcqdr) for relay specific stuff
- [ ] Currently hitting errors when installing the package - migration to action
- [ ] `opkg-make-index` not required for now
- [ ] package format seems wrong - perhaps `opkg-build` is required?
- [ ] [[Prebuild Golang]] to save about 10 minutes per run. Issue [here](nostr:nevent1qvzqqqqx25pzpslz866785q0rze0favgmrxmc4yxfzl8vx7ajzqjrpklgcpa0j4fqqs8pkwk80p7xwwaqsq8g0028x2ynt2r7q9shwg3czgw57lqg9c40yqnxt7af)
* Generate image
- [ ] Installs the package from the previous step in an OpenWRT image
graph TD
Trigger[Push/PR to main] --> build-binary
build-binary -->|Matrix: Targets| Build
Build --> UploadBlossom
UploadBlossom --> PublishNIP94[Publish NIP-94 announcement]
PublishNIP94 --> Verify
Verify --> UploadArtifact
build-binary --> build-package
build-package -->|Matrix: 3 Models| BuildPackage
BuildPackage --> UploadBlossomPackage
UploadBlossomPackage --> PublishNIP94Package[Publish NIP-94 announcement]
PublishNIP94Package --> VerifyPackage
VerifyPackage --> UploadArtifactPackage
build-package --> build-firmware
build-firmware -->|Matrix: 3 Models| BuildFirmware
BuildFirmware --> UploadBlossomFirmware
UploadBlossomFirmware --> PublishNIP94Firmware[Publish NIP-94 announcement]
PublishNIP94Firmware --> VerifyFirmware
VerifyFirmware --> UploadArtifactFirmware
%% Define classes for styling
classDef bitcoinOrange fill:#f7931a,stroke:#e68a00,color:white;
classDef nostrPurple fill:#8624f5,stroke:#6c13d8,color:white;
classDef nip94Color fill:#00bcd4,stroke:#0097a7,color:white;
%% Apply classes to nodes
class build-binary,build-package,build-firmware bitcoinOrange;
class UploadBlossom,UploadBlossomPackage,UploadBlossomFirmware nostrPurple;
class PublishNIP94,PublishNIP94Package,PublishNIP94Firmware nip94Color;
### Making a TollGate release (OpenWRT image)
The packages that were announced with NIP-94 events when building modules need to be installed in an OpenWRT image.
The `tollgate-os` image builder
- [ ] searches for the NIP-94 events that match the version numbers in the release json
- [x] downloads the respective packages from nostr
- [ ] installs the packages in an OpenWRT image
- [x] uploads the image to blossom
- [x] publishes a NIP-94 event announcing the image
#### Example release
"modules": {
"tollgate-module-crowsnest-go": {
"version": "0.1.0",
"description": "Crowsnest module for observation and monitoring"
"tollgate-module-janitor-go": {
"version": "0.1.0",
"description": "Janitor module for system maintenance and cleanup"
"tollgate-module-merchant-go": {
"version": "0.1.0",
"description": "Merchant module for payment processing"
"tollgate-module-relay-go": {
"version": "0.1.0",
"description": "Relay module for message handling and forwarding"
"tollgate-module-valve-go": {
"version": "0.1.0",
"description": "Valve module for traffic control and access management"
"tollgate-module-whoami-go": {
"version": "0.1.0",
"description": "WhoAmI module for identity and authentication services"
"nip94_event_whitelist": {
"authorized_npubs": [
"relays": [
"last_updated": "2025-03-13"
graph TD
Start[Start Image Builder] --> ReadConfig[Read Release JSON]
ReadConfig --> FetchModules[Fetch Modules via NIP-94]
FetchModules --> BuildImage[Build OpenWRT Image]
BuildImage --> UploadImage[Upload to Blossom]
UploadImage --> AnnounceRelease[Publish NIP-94 Announcement]
%% Define classes for styling
classDef input fill:#4caf50,stroke:#2e7d32,color:white;
classDef process fill:#2196f3,stroke:#0d47a1,color:white;
classDef nostr fill:#8624f5,stroke:#6c13d8,color:white;
classDef output fill:#f7931a,stroke:#e68a00,color:white;
%% Apply classes to nodes
class Start,ReadConfig input;
class BuildImage process;
class FetchModules,AnnounceRelease nostr;
class UploadImage output;
### Goals for the coming week
- [ ] Start a `TIP-01` draft
- [ ] Pre-build golang
- [ ] Get the package from the new SDK action to install
- [ ] Implement the release image build from NIP-94 events
- [ ] Figure out how to build rust modules with the SDK (merchant)