@ globalmerchant
2024-09-08 21:13:37
Seems like if you want to sell an item on SN using @AGORA makes logical sense.
Perhaps if your a manufacturer, importer, exporter, stocking distributor, wholesaler etc. you should also consider using @Import_Export or both @AGORA and see if they help each other. Being totally upfront
Import_Export is probably a better use case especially if you are running over 75% B2B.
We are note promoting the use of B2C on SN. We're 100% focused on interactions between businesses only. Our primary markets are in Asia and Southeast Asia. Europe and the UK are dying a slow death, and the last straw was the Telegram event.
So I am endorsing you to please at least on SN refer to @AGORA for basic B2C (retail).
Thank you,
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/677390