
2024-06-12 14:49:57
What's up stackers! Today I'd like to announce [CHADBot](https://cascdr.vercel.app/?tab=chadbot) - an AI assistant that can monitor YouTube feeds and give you alerts, summary rundowns, and even blog post content directly to your Nostr DMs!

## The What and Why Behind CHADBot
The last couple sprints I have been focused on the content creators demographic. As a member of @PlebLab, I have the privilege of access to numerous content creators like @ThrillerX_ that do bitcoin podcasts, and @bitcoinplebdev who does educational content among others. That access has helped me keep a tight feedback loop and discover new ways to create value.
A couple weeks ago I introduced the CASCDR [YouTube Agent](https://cascdr.vercel.app/?tab=yt-agent) - a tool that can take a youtube link and automatically summarize the content (full write up [here]( https://stacker.news/items/418051)). This tool can be a game changer for productivity for people like Car that are creating multiple podcasts/livestreams per week. There's a serious strain for bandwidth & time the tool can fill the gap in a simple and straightforward way.
CHADBot takes that utility to a new level: it can monitor any YouTube Channel of your choice and send you DMs directly to your inbox. This takes one more step out of the workflow and makes it even easier to stay on top of the content production hustle.
The current [demo](https://cascdr.vercel.app/?tab=chadbot) is live and free for a limited time so check it out! I plan to expand the tool in the near future and allow subscriptions to RSS feeds and to enable other delivery media such as email soon.
## Serendipity & Other Use Cases: TLDR -> TLDW
When I first set out to make this tool, I was focused on creators. But the feedback I got as it got out there is: it's a great tool for consumers as well. We all know about TLDR but how about Too Long Didn't Watch?
CHADBot helps you curate your information diet and be intentional in the face of the Age of the [Digital Deluge](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yQOARC5yRyE).
How many times have you started watching a video to realize it's repeating things you already know or don't care about? Time and focus wasted.
How about the opposite case? You see some content that doesn't seem appealing on the surface but you get into it and realize you're learning from a hidden gem. CHADBot can help you efficiently scan an hour+ long video and find the diamond in the rough.
I was amused by the fact that even on a very early run @ThrillerX_ [reposted a podcast](https://primal.net/e/note10kt7gp6em3cux7m2tmrgn4tmtksqdyyatc2x3754480rpgq55s2s2h7nfp) he discovered thanks to CHADBot:

## Reason Behind the Name
Ok. Yea. I wanted to find a way to incorporate the name Chad into this project. Sue me. CHAD stands for the CASCDR Hub for Acquisition of Data. And as I mentioned previously, CHAD doesn't stop here. He keeps going until he hoovers up all the useful data and gives it to you on a silver platter.

## Limitations
I am forcing myself to ship weekly so there are some limitations to what the YouTube Agent & consequently CHADBot can do:
- Videos over 90 minutes do not run reliably -> I have a fix I will put out in the coming weeks
- Live videos do not work -> due to the mechanics of services used under the hood I am unable to extract transcriptions for live videos. I have planned a workaround for that.
- CHADBot does not currently allow for custom prompts -> future releases will allow you to tweak that to get the style and outcome you're looking for in your personalized newsletter!
I will keep building and improving. Low time preference!
If you made it this far thank you for reading! Drop any feedback in the comments or hit us up on [nostr](https://primal.net/p/npub14pfjj6jf8y702pdjar2q36ve5r4t2gu2lp4yma00j49jkgy7d90swg7mwj).