@ Anthony Accioly
2025-01-24 12:37:01
Thanks for tagging me.
In my opinion (and this is just that – my opinion), as a short-term solution, this seems more like a client-side functionality than a relay-side one. The Blossom specification already exposes a mirror endpoint (https://github.com/hzrd149/blossom/blob/master/buds/04.md) which fits the use-case well. By the way, nostr:npub180cvv07tjdrrgpa0j7j7tmnyl2yr6yr7l8j4s3evf6u64th6gkwsyjh6w6., we haven’t implemented this on Khatru yet, it certainly sounds useful.
I think it’s much easier for clients to have an optional setting to mirror the image to one or more Blossom servers than for a personal relay like Haven to implement custom logic to parse kind 6, kind 16, and quoted kind 1 events to extract and reupload other people's media (https://github.com/nostr-protocol/nips/blob/master/18.md). There aren’t many Nostr personal relay + Blossom media server combos or even "Blossom aware" relays out there, so relay-side logic would, in my view, be a wonky tightly coupled solution to the problem and it screams "wrong layer".
l would also guess that , even if we did this, many users, myself included, wouldn’t want other people’s media re-uploaded to their personal Blossom servers willy-nilly. Personally, I wouldn’t want to pay for the extra storage or bandwidth, nor deal with the potential legal ramifications of automatically redownloading and hosting every pet picture, meme, event promotion banner, or artsy post from notes I reshared on my personal relay. For me, hosting such content would need to be a case-by-case decision, i.e., it smells like client-side toggle functionality.
Since hzrd149 has already been tagged below, I won’t tag him again, but there’s been some discussion about the best way to sync media at the Blossom level. That approach might make more sense in the long run.