
2025-03-09 04:17:14
Good post; strong agree.
There's a high degree of convergence between Bitcoin's radical economic potential, and its radical emancipatory political potential, which both overlap with the discourse surrounding politics of gender.
One of the keys to getting people to understand "Bitcoin not crypto" is the realisation of its fundamental, inherent, immutable properties which protect its users from the debasement and depredation of the fiat regime, and given that women have been forced into a role of micromanaging their households' finances in order to maintain an acceptable quality of life for their families, they will inevitably be made aware of the power of Bitcoin to help them achieve their lifestyle goals through their social circles.
The "culture" or "marketing" angle to this problem, ie. the stereotype of the average woman in crypto being a "girlboss influencer" type, largely solves itself, in my mind, because the pressure of economic forces will increasingly force women to be aware of the predatory nature of the whole range of social media based grifts that "crypto" is just another manifestation of. Also, when you consider the political orientation of crypto being this incel-adjacent, Ur-fascistic, juvenile, anarcho-capitalism, which is inherently just as transparently predatory as every other pyramid scheme, you get how repulsive the whole thing looks to any self-respecting woman. That problem solves itself once people understand "Bitcoin not crypto" and the economic benefits that this understand entails.
The philosophical nature of Bitcoin as a feminine, passive, sustainable, natural force that quietly absorbs the economic damage of the world and nurtures communities who all thrive under its protection can't be denied. The fact that its development and users overwhelmingly skew male, often with arch-reactionary political views, doesn't change this fact, because all of the discourse around politics and economics that emerged online from what would commonly be described as the Bitcoin Community, while a vital source of energy and activity, ultimately has to be seen as a theoretical framework for what will emerge as the real world Bitcoin communities in meat space, and the practical logic that informs their leadership and direction.
Strong men recognise this and aren't threatened by the inevitable, and anyone who advocates the move to making Bitcoin a practical aspect of ones life in whatever way, is part of the inevitability. I'm a bit of a hypocrite in this way, hiding behind my nym and not contributing much at all, but I owe my very survival to Bitcoin and I very much hope to one day be a much bigger part of the inevitability.