
@ The All-Animal Channel
2025-03-05 02:42:55
Balloo is definitely my sweetest raccoon friend. They’re all non aggressive, and trust me to varying degrees, but she trusts me the most of all of them. She even likes to be petted, doesn’t mind if I give her chest scratches, or rub her paws gently. Her mother brought her around as soon as she was able to venture out, and she’s been an amazing part of my life ever since. I absolutely cherish every moment with her.
Now, I know some people might get the wrong idea about me, but let me tell you folks, I’m not some animal guru who’s never been bitten, oh I’ve been bitten by lots of different animals. It’s not often, and it’s always my fault, but it happens, and you have to accept it as part of the game, and if you can’t, you should just stick to watching videos of other people doing it. Balloo has never bitten anyone, and I certainly don’t foresee it happening anytime soon. Me personally, I don’t mind, it’s not really that bad, and normally they’re not trying to hurt you. Usually when an animal bites it because they’re scared and felt threatened, or in most of my cases, it’s over excited and hungry animals that don’t realize they’re taking the food too hard, especially babies and new comers that are unfamiliar with “taking it nice”. But they learn, they’re not trying to hurt me. I live a rough and tumble lifestyle, an occasional bite from an animal is the least of my injuries. 😂
Song credits: Fade into you, by Mazzy Star
#ballootheraccoon #raccoons