@ Cryptoladyboomer
2025-02-15 01:07:53
About to watch episode 2. Thank you for my continued education. 🙏🏻
I feel I’m learning some really valuable lessons. Esp in regards to ₿. I bought ₿ and alts last cycle, held my ₿ and made money/lost money with alts. Continued to stack and self custody ₿. Bought a reasonable stack of Alts again with the expectation that during the bull I’d cycle profits into ₿. Learnt the hard way at this point I would have been better off to use that money to buy ₿.😩 Hoping to get out from under- fortunately bought well so not too far underwater.
Could have saved a lot of time, angst etc to just DCA ₿ only.
Lesson learnt.
Need to learn more about UTXO etc. Going forward.