
@ Jordan S
2025-03-14 07:50:57
Progressivism cannot exist under a Bitcoin Standard because Progressivism is about expropriation to address inequities, they expect all people to be at a similar level of social, and economic development, they cannot fathom that one may be particularly more talented, brighter, or athletic than another human.
They see no difference between The White, or The Black, nor The Man, or The Woman, they think, that if all being equal that in a void that each person would have similar capabilities, knowledge, and desires, when this is completely opposed to human nature.
Man by nature is physically strong, woman by nature is nurturing. The White endures harsh winters, and therefore must utilize their resource more effectively, whereas The Black has notable access to warm weather, and an abundance of resources.
This is simply how things are, and that reality is inconceivable to The Progressive, The Progressive cannot fathom reality as it is, they much like The Corporatist, all see humans as interchangeable cogs, one which is equal to one another, one who should enslave themselves to their ideals.