
@ Arjen
2024-12-14 13:58:25
What is it about travel that makes us so addicted to it? Chasing the high of the next view, the next location. Is travel always the same as travel? I think certainly not. Is travel valuable? Then what about it provides the value. Because it's different when someone from the same country goes to that attraction, vs when you come from the other side of earth to see it. What do you gain?
Up until now travel for me has been stillness with nature, and even within the more social trips like SEC-03 I appreciate the ability to be alone and stare at the waves for hours on end. As I'm doing while typing this. Travel changes over time, as it changes you. It's not about seeing more rockfaces anymore, it's about seeing the details in just one of them. The subtle hints to a far and violent past that formed these layers of rock, now exposed for us to be seen and appreciated.
If only we did that more and not just running to so many of these places without appreciating them. Destroying the exact thing we want to see in the process. I really hope mass tourism will come to an end along with the 'social' media that created it. I ended up at a beautiful beach the other day, it came with a freaking waterfall and I saw at least a dozen people only taking basically a photoshoot of themselves or their (girl)friends for 15-30 minutes straight. It doesn't really annoy me but it just makes me wonder, do they actually notice their surroundings and are they actually enjoying the places they go to? I just hope their minds work different from mine and that they actually are enjoying themselves by doing that. As far as mass-tourism goes I wouldn't mind if we replace it with mass-wandering, to places not on the top 10's, not filled with chic hotels and resorts. Just the places that welcome you but won't live to serve you, that is what travel is to me.
I've been taking less pictures over time, the ones I take are mostly because I appreciate the composition, especially after watching the same view for over an hour, and suddenly spotting a new detail that I hadn't noticed before. Anyway, I don't even know where I'm going with this, I just felt the need to write down these thoughts...