2024-10-15 19:49:22
this is in response to Shinobis recent piece occupy bitcoin found here
Occupy bitcoin is a thing every single one of us tries to do. There isn't a single one individual that doesn’t see bitcoin for what it is and have it not occupy all of them to varying degrees. There’s an innate fascination with coming upon previously unknown knowledge and become overtly obsessed with it and exploring all of the facets in which the new knowledge can be applied. When one does so, it normally can lead to finding previously unknown areas that you come to find with the more that you learn you find out just how much you truly don’t understand.
Now with this being the foundation of what all of humans are doing. None of us, not ONE, know everything. Its a fallacious argument to claim to do. In the journey for the discovery that is truth one can happen to fall upon the political rabbit hole that can be called or dubbed Libertarianism/Anarchism/ AnCap/AnCom etc. I use these labels very lightly as they are just words at the end of the day words mean different things to different people. I cant know what these words mean to you dear reader but I can only know what they mean to me, and my journey specifically. What we as humans do is to come to an agreement upon to what does these words mean to the both of us when we are communicating them to each other. I do my best to not fall into being pigeon holed into believing or having to defend that when I say one of the aforementioned words that I should have to commit to whatever it is your preconceived understanding of what that is. We must remember that these words are collectivized terms, they are strictly USEFUL fictions that we humans use in order to better conceptualize the ideas to better understand. That to take any attribute pulled from any one of the above and blanket paint “some” or “most” individuals that claim to align with above ideologies/alignments/political beliefs that these individuals represent that is an absurd claim. One cannot claim that individuals acting in mean/harsh ways when facing others who don’t agree with them is the wrong way to act.
We are humans we disagree, were free to act as we please to anyone we wish to do so. We’re NEVER free to ignore the consequences of those actions. One could characterize the vehement disdain for the acceptance all ideas, and letting others have their own opinions, is how we as individuals got here in the first place. It was the ideas of society being more important than the whole that had legitimized the aggression sanctified by the state as an omnipotent entity free from doing no wrong in lieu of the greater good. Individuals can do as such with their minds as they please but your actions of freedom stop at the point of my nose begins. The individuals that understand freedom and its core philosophy understand this. Treating one side as an evil and the other side as some glorified good is a cop out of intellectual dishonesty.
In the realm of bitcoin there can be disagreements and even out right hostility towards any number of ideas/opinions. This is the nature of freedom itself. As I’ve seen it and as I have championed it myself do with freedom what you will, but whatever you do if I think its stupid I’m going to tell you its stupid. Social pressures have been with human civilizations for thousands of years to think that the idea of attacks to your ideas not being a thing because we should accept all ideas and be kind to differing opinions is a farce at best and some unicorn fart huffing at worst. It was the individuals that were unwavering IN SPITE of the social attacks, the public slandering, the outright social ostracization, the being called dumb and stupid that paved the way for the best and most historical moments in history Ideas don’t care about these passing affronts. If your viewpoint/idea needs soft corners to gain traction then maybe you should reassess your idea in the first place. The battleground that is the societal/accepted norm isn't one that’s for the faint of heart. Everyone has limited time and resources available to them if they are choosing not to hear you then its probably time to seek out others to speak to. In the realm of freedom everyone CAN choose any ideas they wish to follow and interact with others that agree, where that stops is you can NO LONGER force everyone else to participate in your own shared delusions with the others you associate with. The freedom to EXCLUDE is one of the core tenets of freedom principles. We DO NOT have to be accepting of everyone if we do not wish to do so, the belief that everyone should ALWAYS accept everyone and everything is a communistic one. No one individual has the time and resources to accept every person and accept or contemplate every single idea presented to him. What freedom DOES allow for is for YOU to find the individuals that ARE accepting of your views/beliefs and do with that what you wish.
By trying to call out one group of individuals as being too “tribal” in what they view as the best course of action for themselves while SIMULTANEOUSLY praising another group for their favored tenets of “acceptance” is a laughable and down right sad view that “everyone should be more like the accepting crowd”. It is only through the choices we make that we get to where we are going on this journey. Those choices are inherently going to REQUIRE dissociation, omission, & exclusion.
The ideologies/beliefs mentioned at the beginning of this article are only a starting point to the journey. They are in no way shape or from a claim to be a complete set of knowledge's that allow everyone to be able to navigate this earth. Are some things flawed? Probably. Do some things work for some and not others? Absolutely. But the major core belief at all of them is the belief that violence is never permitted, in all its facets to the individual liberty of the person. Its the only morally justifiable way to navigate life. This is in and of itself the most open and accepting philosophy of all life choices.
Individuals can do with their lives as they please, nobody is stopping you from doing that, but you because someone said some mean things to me about what I believe. Its about time some individuals get that we must remain steadfast in our mission. We don’t get there by being nice to everyone. We only get there by allowing everyone to do what they wish and not expecting others to bend to our will because you hurt my feelings.
The ultimate arbiter for what you should pick and choose is you the individual, don’t let others decide that for you. Don’t be a passenger in your own life, take that wheel and choose for yourself where you are headed. But if you're going to let someone who was mean to you stop you from using probably the greatest tool that a human has ever invented, then maybe there isn't hope for humanity after all. The one thing that I know for sure is that there is one thing that that can hinder you or augment you, that thing is choice. Embrace it.