
@ Joe Ruelle
2025-03-14 11:33:12
**This guide uses cashu.me and the 0xchat app**
First go to cashu.me. Make sure you've added a mint. I suggest mint.0xchat.com (note for newbies like I recently was, it's the number zero and not the letter O). Make sure you have some balance. Then hit SEND and choose ECASH.

Next type in a small amount to send. As always with bleeding-edge stuff accept the token can go poof. Only after you've typed in a number will you see the LOCK button appear next to the SEND button.

Hitting LOCK will reveal the "Receiver public key" field as below. This works for public keys generated within cashu.me (go to cashu.me settings) as well as for Nostr public keys.

Next copy your own public key (or that belonging to whoever you want to test this with) and head over to https://nostrcheck.me/converter/ and paste it in there. This will convert it to hex format, which is needed in this case.

After that go back to cashu.me and paste the hex format key in that field. It'll be in this red color "Invalid public key" state, don't worry.

Add 02 (number zero, number two) in front of the hex key. That'll make it valid. It's just the scheme. You'll see the locked icon appear next to the SEND button.

Then hit SEND and, voila, you now have a Cashu token that only the person in control of the nsec of whatever public key you used just then can redeem. Post it publicly to taunt others. (FYI the P2PK abbreviation there means pay-to-public-key.) Hit COPY to grab the token string.

Last up, open 0xchat. Assuming you're doing this yourself, make sure you're logged in with the nsec of the public key you used to create the test token. Also make sure the token string resides in the clipboard of the device you're using 0xchat on.

Then go to th "Me" tab in 0xchat to open the Cashu wallet. Set it up if you haven't already. Hit "Receive" and then "Redeem Ecash". As long as the token is in your clipboard and you did it all the steps right it should be redeem straight to your Cashu wallet. Well hopefully.
That's it. This guide will self-descrut if it goes out of date or was wrong somehow.